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Coordinate Systems

Michel Breyer edited this page Apr 25, 2020 · 12 revisions

Robotic systems consist of many parts (links) connected with revolute, prismatic, fixed, floating, or planar joints. The configuration of each link can be represented with a set of 6 coordinates, 3 coordinate for translation and three coordinates for orientation. It is common practice to associate each link with a coordinate frame attached to a point on the body as illustrated in this figure.

Often we want to transform the position of a point between coordinate systems. Let A and B be two arbitrary coordinate systems. Let Bp be the coordinates of a point p with respect to coordinate system B. The coordinates of p with respect to the coordinate system

Transformation Matrix

MoMa Notation

Symbol Code Meaning

ROS Notation

Common Frame Names

Name Description
world Fixed world reference frame, mostly used in simulation.
task Dynamically defined reference frame for a manipulation task, e.g. corner of a table.
base Base coordinate system located at the base of the robot.
tool0 Robot tool mounting point.
TCP Center point of the tool.

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