A super simple, type-safe, and blazingly fast RxJS store.
RxS (Reactive Store) is a super light-weight implementation of a store that is fully reactive through RxJS.
Using RxS, you can create a store with some initial state, react to changes to that state, select specific elements from that state, and then mutate the state or describe re-usable actions.
To install RxS, just run:
yarn add @ee-tools/rxs
npm install @ee-tools/rxs
Let's say you have an angular application and a component with some state that you want to react to.
import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { store } from '@ee-tools/rxs';
// Setup some initial state
const initialState = { name: 'Initial Name' };
selector: 'my-app',
templateUrl: './app.component.html',
export class AppComponent {
// Create a store using the initial state and an action to change the name
store = createStore(initialState, {
changeName: (state, newName: string) => {
state.name = newName;
return state;
// select the name value from the store as an observable to be used in the application
name$ = this.store.select('name');
constructor() {}
// define a method on the component to trigger an action from the store
action(): void {
this.store.dispatch('changeName', 'Ethan');
This method is called with the initial state and any associated actions to mutate the state. Similar to how redux introduces a single object for the entire state application and allows reacting on it, this returned store implements the RxJS Observable, as well as a few helper methods.
const initialState = { count: 0 };
const store$ = createStore(initialState);
// The store object returned by createStore is also an RxJS Observable,
// so you can subscribe to changes on the entire store!
store$.subscribe((state) => console.log(state))
This method on the store allows you to directly mutate the entire state. It accepts a method that gives you the current state and expects you to return a new state.
const store = createStore({count: 0});
store.mutate((state) => {
return state;
Select will allow you to pick a value from the root store object, and get an observable for all changes to that specific value.
const store = createStore({count: 0});
const count$ = store.select('count');
// ^? Observable<number>
Dispatch allows you to initiate one of the predefined actions against the store. It accepts two arguments; the first is the name of the action, and the second is the optional parameter to provide to your action.
In this example we are going to also demonstrate defining the actions to increment and decrement the count.
const initialState = {count: 0};
const store = createStore(initialState, {
increment: (state) => {
return state;
decrement: (state) => {
return state;
setCount: (state, count) => {
state.count = count;
return state;
// Now that we have all of these actions, we can call them anywhere!
store.dispatch('setCount', 100);