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eVaka Architecture Documentation

This directory contains the architecture documentation for Espoo early childhood education system (eVaka).

Generate SVG images from .puml files

You can generate PNG, SVG or even AsciiArt files from PlantUML source files:

  1. using Docker (recommended, only requires Docker)
  2. using the command line tool (more customizable, requires Java etc.)

Using Docker

  1. Install Docker
  2. ./
  3. Check out the generated images in ./diagrams/svg/ directory

Using the command line tool

  1. Install Java (e.g. OpenJDK)
  2. Install Graphviz
  3. Download PlantUML jar (version 1.2023.12) from e.g. central Maven repository
  4. Generate SVG image from e.g. source.puml file by executing following command: $ java -jar plantuml.jar -tsvg source.puml -o diagrams/svg/
  5. Check out the generated image from diagrams/svg/ directory

See also: official documentation for the command line tool

eVaka database schema

eVaka database schema diagram

Vasu schema

Early childhood education plan (vasu, lapsen varhaiskasvatussuunnitelma in Finnish) documents are stored mostly in json format. This dynamic structure allows the admin user to modify vasu templates so that the sections and questions can vary from year to year and include content specific to the given city.

The most up-to-date schema can be found from the related kotlin data classes.

Example json of a new draft document with default questions was last exported 20.9.2021 (subject to change): Examples of vasu json content