- 2 pt for use of git hub
- are both users pushing/pulling?
- have they successfully dealt with merge conflicts?
- have they updated their repository README with names and module details?
- 2 pts for travis
- is their build passing?
- is the travis badge included and displaying correctly on their .md documents
- 2 pts for Rmarkdown
- do they include a .md file along with their .Rmd assignment file?
- do their plots all show correctly?
- is there evidence that they have attempted to clean or format their markdown?
- 6 pts for Module Code Goals
- do they show evidence of writing a custom function in R?
- do they show the 3 elements of custom simulation: initialize, simulate, and return a dataframe
- have they demonstrated an ability/understanding of named arguments?
- have they written a functional for loop?
- have they plot population levels through time?
- have the successfully plotted a phase plane?
- (optional) did they successfully build a R package with documentation for their function?