An app to allow users to register for an account and then request visits as a member or fulfill visits as a pal.
Install with brew
brew install elixir
or visit for other installation options
or visit for other installation options
To start the server:
- Run
mix setup
to install and setup dependencies and the Postgres database - Start Phoenix endpoint with
mix phx.server
or inside IEx withiex -S mix phx.server
Now you can visit localhost:4000
from your browser.
Run mix test
to run unit tests
- Relied on Phoenix generators to help get up and running quickly with bare bones ui
- Give users 30 minutes when they register
- Implement user balance as integer, use floor when performing calculations
- Store dates in the database as utc
- Users can edit or delete their requested visits until they have been accepted by a pal
- Do not allow users to request visits until they have verified their email address
- Add back password rules (simplified for testing)
- Convert local time to utc on form submission
- Create admin users with ability to perform admin actions. For example:
- Update the registration balance amount in order to hold sign up promotions
- Gift minutes?
- Idea: Allow members to reject an accepted visit
- set up CI to run tests and formatter for PRs
- add seed data to help with development and testing