Avoid lines longer than 80 characters.
Don't use any form of minification (neither in js, html or css). All our source should be readable using the Sugar "View Source" feature.
Make your code conform to JSHint (see Tools below).
Use four spaces for indentation.
The js-beautify tool can be handy for the indentation part.
Here is a good reading about javascript code conventions http://javascript.crockford.com/code.html .
- Use two spaces for indentation. The rationale is that html tends to be very nested, and avoiding lines longer than 80 characters becomes difficult.
The js-beautify tool can be handy for indenting HTML and CSS as well.
Use JSHint http://jshint.com/ to check for errors and make the source compatible with our coding conventions.
It comes as a command line tool and as an online tool as well. The online tool is at the homepage http://jshint.com/ .
Install the jshint command:
npm -g install jshint
Use the command like so:
jshint js/main.js
Even better: add it to your editor to ease development. There are several plugins at http://jshint.com/install/ .
Use js-beautify https://github.com/einars/js-beautify to make the sources compatible with our indentation conventions.
It comes as a command line tool and as an online tool as well. The online tool is at http://jsbeautifier.org/ .
Install the js-beautify command:
npm -g install js-beautify
Then you'll have the executable. To clean javascript code:
js-beautify --replace js/main.js
Warning: the --replace option will modify your source. But you will be safe if you are versioning it (we use git for Sugar HTML).
It can do HTML and CSS as well:
js-beautify --type html --replace --indent-size 2 index.html
js-beautify --type css --replace --indent-size 2 css/activity.css
Add it to your editor to ease development. There are several plugins at http://jsbeautifier.org/ .