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356 lines (329 loc) · 26.5 KB

File metadata and controls

356 lines (329 loc) · 26.5 KB


Release Date: May 2016


  • Customers model: new method saveAddress() to update/save/delete customer addresses
  • URL Helper: new method assets_url() to return full URL (including segments) of the assets directory
  • Location admin option to choose different delivery and collection hours or use same as opening hours, and option to choose future days in advance
  • Migration: added column type to working_hours table and update type column value to opening on existing rows
  • Locations can now have opening, delivery and collection hours past midnight
  • Location library methods hasFutureOrders() to check if location future order option is enabled or disabled in admin settings
  • Location library methods futureOrderDays() to get the future days in advance location option value
  • Location library methods checkOrderType() to check if delivery or collection order type is available open, and accepting orders
  • Location library methods checkOrderTime() to check if order time is within delivery or collection open and close hour
  • Improve local_module and cart_module to display and check opening, delivery and collection hours and status
  • Affix categories sidebar (module) to page
  • Migration: added column order_date to orders table to allow future orders
  • Customer now redirects back to previous page after login when previous page is either checkout or reservation page
  • Composer support, to enabled create a file vendor/autoload.php within the system folder and
  • Location library method deliveryCondition() to return an array of the current location delivery conditions to be used within controller
  • Capability to create a child theme and override any parent theme file or extension view file from within the child theme
  • TI_url_helper theme_url() function to return the site theme URL
  • Total cash payments to admin dashboard statistics and payment column to admin order list view
  • New Stripe payment method to accept credit card payments through Stripe
  • Mealtimes (breakfast, lunch, dinner, ...) to set what time of the day a menu item can be ordered by the customer
  • Migration: add column priority to Menus table and column default_value_id to Menu Option table to sort the storefront menu list and choose an option value to be selected default in storefront
  • Migration: new table mealtimes to hold start_time and end_time for mealtimes
  • Improved Cart: new extension type cart_total to allow cart totals extension and priority from within cart module
  • Event Hook: developers can add new cart total using cart_module_before_cart_totals hook point and
  • Cart library methods add_total(), remove_total() and get_total()
  • Extensions_model method getModule($module) to return specified installed module
  • Theme config item under partial_area module_html to customise each module html template displayed in storefront
  • Extension config item layout_ready to tell system an extension can be configured as layout module and displayed in storefront


  • Major UI improvements to local, cart and categories modules, local, locations and checkout pages
  • Location library: MUST call initialize() method or setLocation() to load location library
  • Improved orderTimeRange() method in Location Library to get future order dates and hours
  • Removed local_module admin edit language text feature. Language text should be changed from language file instead.
  • Location library methods getOpeningType(), openingStatus(), openingHours(), checkDeliveryTime() to getWorkingType(), workingStatus(), workingHours(), checkOrderTime()
  • Improved Checkout future order (order for later) feature with option to select date and time for later delivery or collection
  • Improved Admin Location settings whether customer must enter address to order or not
  • Improved Cart Module alerts to display top screen on mobile devices
  • Show order date instead of date added on admin & customer account order and checkout pages and display menu option on new line
  • Improved get_remote_data method
  • Pass entire module array into extension module index method instead of passing only the data array key value
  • Improved banner module with admin options to allow multiple banners on different layouts
  • Added option to enter billing address during checkout when is selected as payment method
  • Load Template library right after permalink library so the right modules can be loaded based on uri
  • Improved messages view folders and delete functionality ( you might find some archived messages showing under 'all' folder but not in 'archive', fix by moving to archive again)
  • Filter lost (blank status) orders from order list in admin by default
  • Updated CI core files to version 3.0.6, TI system files and modular HMVC files
  • Improved locations delivery area with conditions such as free delivery if total over certain amount
  • Location library method deliveryCharge() and minimumOrder() now expect cart total as parameter
  • Customer login function to login admin to any customer account without knowing the customer's password
  • Replaced _find_view() with _find_view_path() in Template Library, use _load_view() instead of _find_view()
  • Improved Template library to search for files views, css, js both in the active and parent theme if the active theme is a child theme
  • Improved TI_Loader library view() method to search current (child and parent) theme folder for view file before modules, this allows extension view files to be overridden from within a child theme folder
  • Improved Cart: moved cart validate methods from controller to new Cart_module_lib library
  • Removed admin settings option Tax Title, so tax title can be set from within Cart Module
  • Improved send message to all newsletter subscriber feature to include emails submitted via newsletter extension
  • Improved Template Library to read new config item layout_ready and customise module based on module_html value in theme_config
  • Improved Admin Layout edit page to drag and drop layout modules into partial areas, add title and position module to page


  • Issue with payment and confirm button changing incorrectly on checkout page
  • Issue with lost orders, this way a new order is not created after payment fails
  • Issue with displaying form validation error for payment methods
  • Issue where previous successfully placed order is overwritten when placing new order as guest
  • Issue where class selector passed into get_partial method is ignored
  • Issue with storefront menu list and sidebar modules widths
  • Missing category module admin fixed position settings
  • Default language from being deleted accidentally
  • Issue where core modules are not displaying on fresh install
  • Storefront multi-level categories list to have more than one level
  • Issue with clearing images and removed required validation rule to make field optional
  • Issue to allow duplicate permalink slug

v2.0.0 (stable)

Release Date: January 2016 (postponed: 15 March 2016)


  • Setup now generates a random alpha-numeric 9 length string for database table prefixes
  • Admin option to select a page for checkout and registration terms and condition.
  • Missing extension meta title item and extension permission rules to config
  • Version number to extension metadata and themes config for version control and automatic update feature
  • Featured Menus module to display selected featured menu on homepage or anywhere on the storefront
  • New admin setting option to set site date/time format
  • Location image gallery: option to add multiple images to be displayed on local storefront
  • New mail templates to send emails to admin on new customer registration and admin password reset
  • Second parameter to both subject() and message() method of Email library to parse data into mail template
  • New mail templates variables (site_logo, site_url, staff_name, staff_username, status_name, status_comment)
  • Authorize.Net (AIM) Payment gateway
  • Template Library function getActiveThemeOptions() to retrieve admin theme customizer options and get_theme_options() helper function to use within theme files
  • Google analytics tracking code and social links theme options to tastyigniter-orange theme
  • New mail templates to send emails to notify customer of order or reservation status update
  • Dynamic menu navigation from nav_menu array in theme config, so that menu items can be easily managed
  • Location Library orderTimeRange() function to retrieve location order time ranges
  • Customer Library updateCart() function to keep track of cart so customer can login to continue later
  • New admin setting option to enable or disable new customer review entry and display of existing reviews on storefront
  • Invoicing: option to generate invoice number w/ prefix automatically or manually, view invoice from admin order page
  • New admin setting option to set invoice prefix and auto or manual invoicing
  • New admin setting option to set status to mark order as processing so system can start stock reduction and coupon redemption
  • New admin setting option to display or hide stock warning messages
  • New admin setting option to allow customers to still checkout if the menu they are ordering is not in stock
  • Taxation: option to enable or disable calculating taxes based on set percentage and whether to apply on menu prices or as included with menu prices
  • New option to add latitude and longitude manually or fetch automatically in Locations
  • New mail template variable {order_payment} to display the payment method in order email sent to customer and admin
  • Custom error views: override default error views within custom theme by copying the errors folder into the themes/your-custom-theme/ folder
  • Themes: option to add and delete theme in the admin backend plus template helper new method delete_theme
  • Local Module: option to enable or disable single or multi location search mode and selected location for single mode, where orders will be sent.
  • Config helper to write configuration value like encryption key into config file
  • System Events: hooks to allow you integrate your custom modifications into various points within TastyIgniter’s execution
  • Categories: status field to enable or disable selected category in storefront
  • Location library setDeliveryArea() and getAreaId() method to update location delivery area when customer delivery address changes
  • Extension library latestMigration() method to migrate module migrations to the current version
  • Added new parameter to time_elapsed to filter the time diff returned
  • User library isStrictLocation method to check if staff's group has Strict Location enabled or disabled
  • Auto update functionality: updates core files (default controllers, languages, themes, and extensions). ** still in beta mode
  • Site.Updates permission rule to control staff permission to Update system
  • Installer Library getSysInfo() function to retrieve current system info, such as ti version, php and mysql version
  • Installer Library upgrade() function to install database migration and update core version after updating core files
  • Added TastyIgniter news feed to admin dashboard, also added Feed_parser library to read and parse the RSS feed XML
  • Added missing getStaffEmail() to retrieve currently logged staff email
  • New mail template variable {order_comment}, {reservation_comment} and {telephone} to display the order comment and customer telephone in emails


  • LICENCE from Apache to GNU GPLv3
  • Replaced file_get_contents with cURL to fix issue with google maps geocoding api request not being sent
  • Renamed loadPartial() in Template Library to loadView() to load single views without header, footer and partials
  • Renamed addToStaffGroup() in Permissions Model to assignPermissionRule() and moved into Staff groups Model
  • Checkout and registration terms and condition pages to display in modal instead of new window
  • Media Manager view and style adjustment
  • Moved getPayPalDetails() method from deprecated Payments model into PayPalExpress extension Paypal model
  • Pages: Removed page name redundancy so that only page title and heading are required when creating a new page
  • Changed updateExtension() parameters in Extensions model to (type, name, data)
  • Removed deprecated setBackButton() and getBackButton() in Template library, use setButton() and getButton() instead.
  • Hard code return and cancel URI in paypal_express module
  • Send HTML emails only, remove admin settings option to set TEXT as mail type format
  • Improved resize() in image tool model so that original image is returned when width and height is not given
  • Replaced existing mail templates into responsive HTML mail templates
  • Replaced tinymce editor with summernote editor to reduce total source size
  • Replaced fancybox with bootstrap modal to reduce total source size
  • Restructured controllers so that post data are validated and sent to model at the beginning not end to optimize page load time
  • Replaced completed_order_status admin setting input field to multiple select field
  • Improved language files
  • Re-arranged admin nav menu items and improved Template Library buildNavMenu() to show third level nav menu
  • Improved Themes from listing admin themes on admin panel, this will allow focus only on storefront theme development
  • Improved style and script tags so clearing browser cache is not required after upgrade, by appending query string to the URL
  • Security: create encryption key and add to config file during setup and upgrade
  • Update Page-level DocBlock in system files
  • Improved database migration such that initial data schema can be inserted while migration is running instead of after. This fixes issue where mail templates data is not updated
  • Improved system setup: added one additional step to system setup to confirm license agreement.
  • Postcode no longer a required field for non-UK
  • Database Maintenance: now saves database backup files into tastyigniter/migrations/backups instead of assets/downloads/ as added security
  • Moved load_db_config() method from TI_Config to TI_Loader, so that database config items are loaded earlier in the system
  • Renamed admin, main and setup language file english/english_lang.php to english/default_lang.php to allow seamless translation
  • Removed timezone and language settings from staff edit in admin panel
  • CORE: use DIR_WRITE_MODE when creating directories.
  • Improved add extension functionality: strict upload validation with feedback, renamed methods Extensions_model::upload() to Extensions_model::extractExtension() and Extensions::uploadExtension to Extensions::addExtension
  • Improved storefront theme responsiveness on all devices
  • Theme Customizer: added more options to easily customize the storefront
  • Improved Migration capability to check and install module migrations
  • Removed acceptance testing test cases to be improved and replaced with Unit testing
  • Improved currency: added left or right symbol placement, thousand & decimal sign and removed iso codes
  • Cookie helper now using php native function to delete cookie
  • Improved [local_module] strict location order and pre-order functions.
  • Replaced system setting default address entry fields with locations dropdown list so that location details can be modified from one interface
  • Disable admin from migrating database when system is in production environment
  • Improved coupons redemption capability so that coupon is marked as redeemed after order status is updated to the selected processing order statuses
  • Improved staff group strict location option and removed setLocationAccess method from User library
  • Previous guest order now linked a to a newly created customer based on the customer email


  • Bug where extra URL query is not appended after permalink slugs in URI reverse routing
  • Bug where empty value is not updated in database by using isset() instead of !empty() in models INSERT/UPDATE
  • Issue where duplicate head tags are added to <head> of Media manager
  • Bug with undefined method writeTheme() in Themes that was replaced in previous version to helper function save_theme_file()
  • Missing extensions admin language line
  • Spelling error in admin setting option complete_order_status to completed_order_status and new_order_status to default_order_status and new_reservation_status to default_reservation_status
  • Issue where payment method is not disabled when order total is below the payments minimum order total
  • Issue where payment method is not displayed in admin and storefront order view
  • Issue where duplicate order is added upon page redirect, also remove received order from user session
  • Orders model from not displaying incomplete/lost orders in customer account
  • Minor bugs fix
  • Issue where site is not translated to default language
  • Issue where view data variable collides with theme options variable in the main app.
  • Issue with permission rule not being applied when updating individual modules
  • Issue with day_elapsed() helper method where it only checks the day instead of checking day and month to determine today or yesterday
  • Issue with delivery charge not based on delivery address (#107)
  • Issue where cart rounds thousands to the nearest unit
  • Issue with special menu status
  • Issue with slide-show height in storefront
  • Issue where child category menu items is not displaying


Release Date: 16 September 2015

  • [fixed] staff name in staff updated activity log (67e3fa6)
  • [added] TI_DEBUG constant to enable / disable profiler, disabled by default (3a20c4e)
  • [fixed] display no_photo.png when resizing an image that doesnt exist (da3d3a8)
  • Minor theme fix (4c1ce6b & 01b4535)
  • [replaced] theme preview and thumb files with screenshot.png (bb3cfa4)
  • [added] Installer library to handle TI initial setup and version updates (c5a5175)
  • [replaced] INSERT SQL to REPLACE SQL in initial_schema and demo_schema (d0aa31c)


Release Date: 09 September 2015

  • Added support for acceptance testing
  • Fixed php version backward-compatibility issues of empty()
  • Changed google maps api request from http to https for location search
  • Fixed adding comment to menu item added to cart
  • Fixed issue with escaping htmlspecialchars when saving lanugaue line to database
  • Fixed issue with saving state in customer and location addresses
  • Added order restriction option to coupons. Coupon is restricted by order types
  • Improved template library, and loading theme config file
  • Improved extension update, install, uninstall, and loading extension config file.
  • Added newsletter module to collect emails for marketing purposes


Release Date: 18 May 2015


  • Session library now using 'CI' files session

  • root_url, page_url, admin_url, extension_url method to return site root url

  • Themes customization:

    • New method to template library to load theme configuration file
    • theme_config.php configuration file is now required in theme root directory to install/customize themes.
    • 'customize' key required in $theme configuration array, in other to enable/load customization.
    • Section array items ('title', 'desc', 'icon', 'fields')
    • fields array items ('id', 'type') ('type' => 'hidden|text|password|textarea|group|color|media|checkbox|radio|dropdown|upload')
    • admin_theme_helper methods moved to Customizer class
  • Menu Category hierarchy: with parent and as many child levels

  • New column 'status' added to extensions table, to indicate whether extension is installed/uninstalled and to keep extension data in database after uninstallation.

  • Cart Module: option to show or hide menu images and set sizes

  • Migrations schemas:

    • create trigger (duplicatePermalink) to avoid duplicate permalink value in permalinks table
  • Permalinks:

    • added controller attribute to improve routing
  • Activities System: New database table schema for activities

  • Added order and reservation status color

  • Admin domain base controller property _permission_rules added can be overridden by admin domain controllers to set permission rules for the controller

  • Extension:

    • New modules can be uploaded from backend
    • Modules and it files can be deleted after its been uninstalled
    • Extensions controllers now loads a mandatory config file on initialization in module_name/config/module_name.php


  • All controller methods visibility are accurately set
  • Admin, Main and Setup now separated into apps and shares same system components
    • CI_Controller now has subclass Base_Controller
    • Base_Controller has subclasses Admin_Controller and Main_Controller
    • Both main and admin domain controllers now extends Admin_Controller and Main_Controller respectively instead of CI_Controller
  • Application controllers now organized in folder, (this affects URI routing)
  • Move encryption_key config item from database to config file.
  • Move log_path config item from database to config file.
  • modules_locations config item now set from index.php instead of config file
  • Settings library now sets config items from database only if settings database table exists
  • Base controller now checks if session database table exists before using database with session
  • Add option to disable security question for customer
  • Migration schemas:
    • table indexes now added in $fields array instead of the dbforge->add_key function
  • Flash alerts and info now uses $this->alert->success/danger/error to add alert message and $this->alert->display to display
  • Renamed assets/download to assets/downloads (notice the downloads)
  • Improved informative database backup with number of rows and displayed
  • Renamed template library method regions() to setPartials()
  • Rename template library setLinkTag() to setStyleTag()
  • Default admin_theme and main_theme config items now grouped into default_themes array
  • Extensions root folder moved to root folder
  • Extensions sub-folders structure re-arranged:
    • controllers/admin and controllers/main merged into controllers/
    • languages/admin and languages/main merged into languages/
    • views/admin and views/main merged into views/
  • Extension class methods moved to Extension_model class and Extension class acts as a Facade
  • Renamed permalink to USER-friendly slug also column in permalinks table
  • Reviews can now be added on reservations and orders. column order_id changed to sale_id and new column sale_type added to differentiate order reviews from reservations reviews.
  • Status History:
    • changed status_history database table column from assigned_id to assignee_id
    • changed reservations database table column from staff_id to assignee_id
    • added assignee_id column to orders database table
  • Changed Activity library to Customer_online Library
  • Customers Online:
    • settings item activity timeout changed to customers_online_timeout
    • settings item activity archive changed to customers_online_archive_timeout
    • IP blacklist removed, to be added back in next version
  • Added referrer_url to ti_url_helper, which will return the user referral url.
  • Changed config('maintenance_page') to config('maintenance_message') and use show_error() instead of loading controller.
  • Improved banners and banners_module.... move dimension from banners and banners_module.
  • Extracted categories, menu_options associated methods into separate models from menus_model
  • Extracted banners associated methods into separate models from design_model and rename to layout_model
  • Improved user permission functionality, permission can be set as rules within controllers.
  • Removed duplicate admin domain controllers methods and models methods
  • Improved site_url and redirect() uri re-routing
  • Improved image manager styles responsiveness and remove irrelevant options
  • Fixed models delete methods to accept array of ids
  • Changed customer activity to customer_online
  • Messages:
    • renamed messages controller method edit to compose
    • added messages controller methods all, draft, sent,
    • removed message type trash
    • Schema:
      • drop location_id, staff_id_to columns in messages table
      • drop staff_id, staff_email, customer_email, customer_id columns in message_recipients table
      • rename column staff_id_from to sender_id in messages table
      • added columns key and value to message_recipients table
  • Improved user permissions
    • added permission database table and Permissions_model
    • added restrict() method to check user permission then redirect and show message to user if permission fails
    • improved hasPermission() method to check user permission and return TRUE on permitted or FALSE on restricted
  • Permissions are a simple string made up of 3 parts:
    • Domain - Typically the module name for application (e.g. Admin, Main, Module).
    • Context - The controller name (e.g. Menu, Order, Location, or Settings).
    • Action - The permitted action (View, Manage, Add, Edit, Delete, etc.).
  • Removed Setting Library, no longer used. (functionality moved to Base_Controller)
  • Removed permission context (controller and view files), no longer needed. (Permission error message displayed using alerts)
  • Add tastyigniter_helper to include log_activity() and other general helpers
  • Activities:
    • Rename Notifications_model to Activities_model
    • add notifications from inside controllers instead of models
    • rename to Activities_model->addNotification to logActivity
    • create log_activity helper function to add activities to database and to be called from controllers
    • logActivity method accepts 4 args user_id, action, context and message
      • rename notifications database table to activities
      • rename actor_id to user_id and object to context
      • drop unused columns from notifications table: suffix, object_id, subject_id
      • add columns user, message, domain, context to activities table
  • Database Migration from admin domain
    • Migrate database to latest version
    • Restore database from downloaded backup sql files and disabled uploading sql files
  • Replaced reserve controller, language, view to reservation
  • Location:
    • Added location image/logo
    • changed property reservation_interval, reservation_turn to reservation_time_interval and reservation_stay_time respectively
    • Move local search functionality from cart_module to local_module
    • removed location settings search by no needed getLatLng does not check search_by settings anymore
  • Languages:
    • ensure main domain is completely internationalized
    • internationalized admin domain
    • ensure common and duplicate lang lines are moved to english_lang.php
    • prefix all language line keys with text_ label_ column_ error_ alert_ button_
    • added new language helper functions
    • added can_delete functionality to language edit
  • Themes: move some themes_model functions to template_helper