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23 lines (22 loc) · 989 Bytes

File metadata and controls

23 lines (22 loc) · 989 Bytes


  • Bump up version number in package.json/appveyor.yml
  • Commit the version change with the following message: chore(release): [version number]
  • tag git tag [version number] maybe after listing tags with git tag
  • push changes and a tag (git push --tags)
  • [future] switch to the gh-pages branch: git checkout gh-pages
  • [future] copy content of the dist folder to the main folder
  • [future] Commit the version change with the following message: chore(release): [version number]
  • [future] push changes
  • [future] switch back to the main branch
  • modify package.json/appveyor.yml to bump up version for the next iteration
  • commit (chore(release): starting [version number]) and push
  • publish Bower and NuGet packages

bash commands:

export BUILD_VERSION={{major}}.{{minor}}
sed -i '1s/.*/version: $BUILD_VERSION\.{build}/' appveyor.yml
git tag $BUILD_VERSION.0
git add appveyor.yml && git commit -m "chore(release): $BUILD_VERSION.0"
git push 
git push --tags