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Eric Helgeson edited this page Dec 21, 2020 · 34 revisions

Setup Arduino IDE

  1. Install Arduino IDE version 1.8.x -
    1. Instructions may require extra steps to allow for serial/usb access depending on your OS. Read all instructions carefully.
  2. Follow these instructions carefully as well -
    1. Note I used the Arduino SAM Boards (32-bits ARM) Cortext-M3) version 1.6.12
    2. Additional Help
    3. Some additional hints here -
  3. Install SdFat - Tools -> Manage Libraries -> SdFat by Bill Greiman version 1.1.4
  4. Make sure the correct board is selected Generic STM32F103C series - Copy the latest .ino file into a sketch and compile.
  5. Flash using your preferred method.


Using UART Serial

I used these - but any USB->TTL device should work

  1. Remove SD Card if you have one installed.
  2. Set the BOOT0 jumper to 1
  3. Connect to your UART flashing device via the debug pins, then connect to your computer.
  4. Click the reset button on the BluePill to reset and enter programming mode.
  5. In Arduino Studio click Upload
    • Note you may have to click Upload more than once, or try restarting more than once.
  6. You should see the LED flashing if you have no SD Card.
  7. Unplug UART device.
  8. Set the BOOT0 jumper to 0
  9. Insert SD Card, boot on your favorite Mac!

Making Gerber files


Version 1.0-b

STM32F103C8T6 (U1) aka BluePill board. Beware of fake/scams. Look for reviews. Amazon, ebay, etc.

Mouser Cart

Not available on Mouser:

50 PIN SCSI header

  • May substitute with 2 rows of headers from above.


Floppy/Berg Power header

  • Required if your machine does not supply power via TERM POWER. For example a Mac Plus or Mac with a Analog/PSU board that has not been recapped.