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File metadata and controls

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Better Highstock, Enriched with a Bootstrap based Control

Example Usage

HTML Template Sample Usage

        on-attribute-select="onAttributeSelect(attr, security, options)"

        title="Example Chart of Stock Prices"

        on-market-index-select="onMarketIndexSelect(attr, options)"

        on-custom-benchmark-select="onCustomBenchmarkSelect(customBenchmark, options)"



   * security related behavior
  $scope.securities = [
      {id: 1, label: "T", mean: 0.08, stddev: 0.17, initPrice: 32},
      {id: 2, label: "VZ", mean: 0.05, stddev: 0.15, initPrice: 45},
      {id: 3, label: "GS", mean: 0.03, stddev: 0.23, initPrice: 184}];
  $scope.addSecurity = function (security) {
  $scope.defaultSecurityAttribute = {tag: "price", label: "Price"};
  $scope.onSecurityRemove = function (id) {
      $scope.message = "Callback Fired: Security with ID = " + id + " was Removed!";
  $scope.availableSecurityAttributes = [{tag: "return", label: "Return"}, {
      tag: "price",
      label: "Price"
  }, {tag: "volume", label: "Volume"}];
  $scope.onAttributeSelect = function (attr, security, options) {
      return {
          name: security.label + " " + attr.label,
          data: simulate(domain(options), attr, security)

   * market index simulated behavior
  $scope.marketIndexTypeahead = function (userInput) {
      const d = $q.defer();
      $timeout(function () {
          d.resolve([{tag: "snp_500", label: "S&P 500"}, {tag: "fin_cds", label: "Financial CDS"}]);
      }, 100);
      return d.promise;
  $scope.onMarketIndexSelect = function (attr, options) {
      return {
          name: attr.label,
          data: simulate(domain(options), attr, {mean: 0.07, stddev: 0.13, initPrice: 100}, true)

   * custom benchmark simulated behavior
  $scope.customBenchmarkOptions = {
      sectors: ['Sector A', 'Sector B'],
      wal: [1,3,5,7,10,30],
      analytics: [{tag: "price", label: "Price"}, {tag: "volume", label: "Volume"}, {tag: "return", label: "Return"}]
  $scope.onCustomBenchmarkSelect = function (customBenchmark, options) {
      return {
          name: [customBenchmark.sector, customBenchmark.wal, customBenchmark.rating, customBenchmark.analytic.tag].join(" "),
          data: simulate(domain(options), customBenchmark.analytic, {mean: 0.07, stddev: 0.13, initPrice: 100}, true)

  $scope.apiHandle = {};

  $scope.closeAlert = function () {


Option Type Expression Must Accept Argument Expression Must Produce Description
securities array of string initial list of securities to query time series for
startDate string initial start date for which to query time series data
endDate string initial end date for which to query time series data
availableSecurityAttributes array of object ~ {tag, label} a list of available security attributes that the user can choose from
defaultSecurityAttribute object ~ {tag, label} the default attribute to plot for newly added securities
onAttributeSelect expression attr: ~ object {tag, label}, security: object, options: object Highcharts.Series or promise that resolves to Highcharts.Series callback for when the user adds an attribute for a security expects a Highchart.Series object in return
onSecurityRemove expression id - string void callback for when user remove a security entirely from the Chart
title string this is the chart title
marketIndexTypeahead expression userInput: string promise an expression that returns a promise, resolves to an array of market index metadata objects. for example { label: xxx, tag: xxx }
onMarketIndexSelect expression attr: object ~ {tag, label}, options: object Highcharts.Series or promise that resolves to Highcharts.Series an expression that must return a promise that resolves to a Highchart.Series object or returns a Highchart.Series object directly
customBenchmarkOptions array of object an object that contains a array typed property for each of the dimension that a custom benchmark can be constructed on i.e. [sector, wal, rating, analytic] ex: {sectors: ['Sector A', 'Sector B', ...}, wal: [1,3,5,7], ... }]
onCustomBenchmarkSelect expression customBenchmark: object, options: object Highcharts.Series or promise that resolves to Highcharts.Series an expression that must return a promise that resolves to a Highchart.Series object or returns a Highchart.Series object and must accept an argument 'customBenchmark', 'options'
highstockOptions object options object for the underlying Highstock object
apiHandle object the API through which this directive exposes behavior to external (parent) components this component's behavior can be accessed via scope.apiHandle.api
show-cdx-index boolean To show comparison option or not


API Method Accept Argument Description
api.addSecurity(security) security: object add a security
api.removeSecurity(id) id: string remove a security by ID
api.changeDateRange(start, end) start: string, end: string change the x axis range of the chart given string representations of start and end