Here you will find a checklist how to start the application:
Goal: Send and receive a WebSocket message e.g. RequestSettings
In this week the websocket communication with the system should be established. It should be
Goal: Create an E-Rezept bundle with PZN and Free text medication in XML
The main business object is the E-Rezept. Technical it is a FHIR bundle that typically contains 7 resources.
- Composition
- Medication
- MedicationRequest
- Patient
- Practitioner
- Organization
- Coverage
The official data model is part of the following document:
This document is the basis for the examples shown here:
The E-Rezept is based on FHIR.
Goal: Validate the created bundles against the HAPI FHIR validator
The KBV created multiple profiles so it is possible to validate against them.
The FHIR Validation profiles can be found here:
Every bundle is validated against the profiles.
Goal: Get the whole E-Rezept workflow working with creating and deleting E-Prescriptions including configuring the telematik settings and receiving a patient print out
The fachdienst operated by Gematik and developed by IBM implements the E-Rezept workflow that is specified here:
A step-by-step tutorial can be found here:
The requirements for the patient print can be found here:
The telematik API services are here: