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Chiara Marmo edited this page Dec 6, 2017 · 19 revisions

Interface Features

The left menu contains all available raster layers distributed by WMS servers selected in the configuration file. Cesium library support drag and drop displaying for GeoJSON files: in order to display planetary GeoJSON they must contain coordinate reference system information following the planetary standard described here.

The Tools Widget

The Tools Widget contains all available analysis tools: one-click on it will open the tools menu, one-click again will close it.

The coordinate tool

The coordinate tool allows to display longitude and latitude coordinates when mouse is over the planet: one-left-click on it will open the display, one-left-click again will close it.

The grid tool

The grid tool is the standard Cesium [ShowGrid]( widget. It allows to display a dynamical pixel grid on the planet. One-left-click on it will display the grid, one-left-click again will remove it.

The circle/point switch tool

GeoJSON does not define circular entities. 'Point' features can be displayed as circles if they are provided with the 'radius' property (in meters). The circle/point switch tool allows to switch from point to circle representation. Notice that first display is always as point.

The draw tool

Draw polylines

Draw circles

The Virtual Observatory Widget

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