- OS : Arch Linux
- WM: Dwm, i3
- Terminal : St
- File Manager: Ranger
- Note Taking : Nvim | Vimwiki Plugin | Syncthing | Markor App
- Music Player: MPD + Ncmpcpp
- Email : Neomutt, mbsync, msmtp, notmuch
- Password Manager: pass
- Web Browser: Librewolf, W3m
- Video : mpv with ytfzf and yt-dlp for Youtube from terminal
- Social Media: Youtube, Reddit etc. feeds with Newsboat. Yes only Rss!
- System Watch: htop
- PDF Reader : Zathura
- Image Viewing / Simple Editing: Vimiv-Qt with imagemagick commands (extremely useful)
- Advanced Image Editing: Gimp
- Calendar and Organization: calcurse
- Dunst for occasional notifications I want to receive
- bc and rofi-calc for simple calculator
- Statusbar preference Xsetroot -name
- Dmenu, Rofi to call programs
- Picom to enable opacity
- mpc to make media keys work with mpd
- nmcli for network management
- Redshift for display color temperature management
- Caffeine-ng for caffeine
- Ncdu - disk usage scanner (ncurses)
- fd, rg, fzf, sed, various vim plugins, xss-lock and clipit