- Migrate to use Guids over int-ids
- Recent
- Pending
- Ensure counter texts are translated on the frontend.
- Remove any language-things from the server.
- Link to recycle bin when possible.
- Show deletes? A problem is that we don't know the name of a deleted node..?
- LogTypes we used to show Publish,Save,Delete and Unpublish
RollBack A RollBack will always be followed by a "Publish"-event when the page is published.
Save saved but did not publish. V8: When the LogHeader is "Saved" but no scheduleAction is set.
SaveAndScheduled saved and scheduled for publish at V8: When the LogHeader is "Saved" and scheduleAction is 'Release'
Publish V8: LogHeader = Publish
RecyleBin V8: LogHeader= Delete + Trashed in comment
UnPublish V8: LogHeader = Unpublish
Rollback Rolledback but not published V8: LogHeader = Rollback
Recent activities
- Node Name
- Node Id
- User Id
- User Name
- DateStamp
- Type of action (Save, publish, unpublish etc)
Unpublished Content
Content/Document nodeObjectType = 'C66BA18E-EAF3-4CFF-8A22-41B16D66A972' Media nodeObjectType = 'B796F64C-1F99-4FFB-B886-4BF4BC011A9C'
Table [umbracoDocument] keeps a property "edited", that is 1 when the current published node is not live. Table [umbracoContentSchedule] keeps a record for each item to be published
SELECT un.[id]
FROM umbracoNode AS un
INNER JOIN umbracoDocument as ud on ud.nodeId = un.id
LEFT OUTER JOIN umbracoContentSchedule as ucs on ucs.nodeId = un.id
un.nodeObjectType = 'C66BA18E-EAF3-4CFF-8A22-41B16D66A972' AND
un.trashed = 0 AND ud.edited = 1 AND ud.published = 1 AND ucs.[action] is null
Keeps log entries for "things" that happens in the db.
SELECT * FROM [umbracoLog] WHERE entityType = 'Document' order by Datestamp desc
- id identifier for the log entry
- userId User who performed the action
- NodeId Effected node id (can be null but does never seemt to be)
- entityType Indicates the entity type ie "Media" or "Document".
- Datestamp Time stamp
- logHeader Indicates "type" of action. Known values: Copy, RollBack, Save, Sort, Move, Delete, Publish, Unpublish
- logComment some comments in english.
- parameters seems to always be null