diff --git a/.gitattributes b/.gitattributes
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f1ca298ec5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitattributes
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# Treat all files in the Go repo as binary, with no git magic updating
+# line endings. This produces predictable results in different environments.
+# Windows users contributing to Go will need to use a modern version
+# of git and editors capable of LF line endings.
+# Windows .bat files are known to have multiple bugs when run with LF
+# endings, and so they are checked in with CRLF endings, with a test
+# in test/winbatch.go to catch problems. (See golang.org/issue/37791.)
+# We'll prevent accidental CRLF line endings from entering the repo
+# via the git-codereview gofmt checks and tests.
+# See golang.org/issue/9281.
+* -text
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.github/workflows/release.yml b/.github/workflows/release.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6586a84f1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/release.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+name: Release
+ workflow_dispatch:
+ inputs:
+ version:
+ description: 'Go version to build ("1.17")'
+ required: true
+ build:
+ strategy:
+ matrix:
+ include:
+ - builder: ubuntu-latest
+ goos: linux
+ goarch: amd64
+ - builder: macos-latest
+ goos: darwin
+ goarch: amd64
+ - builder: macos-latest
+ goos: darwin
+ goarch: arm64
+ - builder: windows-latest
+ goos: windows
+ goarch: amd64
+ runs-on: ${{ matrix.builder }}
+ steps:
+ - name: Check out repo
+ uses: actions/checkout@v2
+ - name: Set up Go
+ uses: actions/setup-go@v2
+ with:
+ go-version: 1.17
+ - name: 'Create patched runtime'
+ run: bash ./apply_patch.bash "${{ github.event.inputs.version }}"
+ env:
+ GO111MODULE: "on"
+ - name: Build
+ run: go run . -dst=dist -goos=${{ matrix.goos }} -goarch=${{ matrix.goarch }}
+ env:
+ GO111MODULE: "on"
+ - name: 'Tar artifacts'
+ run: tar -czvf encore-go-${{ github.event.inputs.version }}-${{ matrix.goos }}_${{ matrix.goarch }}.tar.gz -C dist/${{ matrix.goos }}_${{ matrix.goarch }} .
+ - name: Publish artifact
+ uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2
+ with:
+ name: encore-go-${{ github.event.inputs.version }}-${{ matrix.goos }}_${{ matrix.goarch }}
+ path: encore-go-${{ github.event.inputs.version }}-${{ matrix.goos }}_${{ matrix.goarch }}.tar.gz
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b2d0dba0c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+# This file includes artifacts of Go build that should not be checked in.
+# For files created by specific development environment (e.g. editor),
+# use alternative ways to exclude files from git.
+# For example, set up .git/info/exclude or use a global .gitignore.
diff --git a/.gitmodules b/.gitmodules
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ceab419305
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitmodules
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+[submodule "go"]
+ path = go
+ url = https://go.googlesource.com/go
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9439a51097
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# Encore Rolling Go Fork
+This is [Encore's](https://encore.dev) rolling fork of Go with added automatic instrumentation for local development.
+This branch contains the raw patches, which allow us to re-apply them ontop of new Go releases.
+This system produces [reproducible builds](https://reproducible-builds.org/) of the patched Go runtime. This means you can clone this repository, run the commands listed below and reproduce an identical go binary that we ship with our tooling.
+## How to Use
+1. Checkout this repository and then initial the Git submodule; `git submodule init && git submodule update`
+2. Create a fresh patched version of the Go runtime, passing in the Go version you want; `./apply_patch.bash 1.17`
+ (Note: instead of a Go version number, you can pass in `master` to build against the latest Go development commit)
+3. Run our build script using; `go run . --goos "darwin" --goarch "arm64"`
+ (replacing the OS and arch parameters to match your requirement)
+4. Verify your go was build; `./dist/darwin_arm64/encore-go/bin/go version`
+ The output you see should look like this, looking for the `encore-go` string;
+ `go version encore-go1.17.6 encore-go1.17-4d15582aff Thu Jan 6 19:06:43 2022 +0000 darwin/arm64`
+## Directory Structure
+This branch is broken up into three main folders;
+- `overlay`; this folder contains brand-new Encore specific files which should be copied into the `src` path of a fresh Go Release
+- `patches`; this folder contains patch files to modify the existing Go source code
+- `go`; a submodule checkout of https://go.googlesource.com/go which we apply the above two folders against
diff --git a/apply_patch.bash b/apply_patch.bash
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..e5ed0824a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apply_patch.bash
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# NOTE: This script creates a fresh version of a Encore patched Go runtime, however we are aiming to create
+# reproducible builds, as such all copies and file writes are given fixed timestamps (rather than the system time
+# when thie script was run). This allows the Git commit at the end of the process to have a deterministic hash,
+# thus when we build the Go binary it will produce an identical binary.
+die () {
+ echo >&2 "$@"
+ exit 1
+_(){ eval "$@" 2>&1 | sed "s/^/ /" ; return "${PIPESTATUS[0]}" ;}
+[ "$#" -eq 1 ] || die "Usage: $0 [go release]
+Patches the Go runtime with Encore tracing code.
+A Go release: $0 1.17
+Nightly release: $0 master"
+set -e
+# Parameters
+if [ "$GO_VERSION" != "master" ]; then
+ RELEASE_BRANCH="release-branch.go$GO_VERSION"
+# Start working in the Go submodule directory
+pushd "$(dirname -- "$0")/go" > /dev/null
+# Checkout an updated clean copy of the Go runtime from the $RELEASE_BRANCH
+echo "♻️ Checking out a clean copy of the Go runtime from $RELEASE_BRANCH..."
+ _ git fetch
+ _ git checkout -f "$RELEASE_BRANCH" # Checkout the branch to track it
+ _ git reset --hard origin/"$RELEASE_BRANCH" # Reset against the current head of that branch (ignoring any local commits)
+LAST_COMMIT_TIME=$(git log -1 --format=%cd)
+# Copy our overlay in and then apply the patches
+echo "🏗️ Applying Encore changes to the Go runtime..."
+ if [ -f ./VERSION ]; then
+ rm ./VERSION
+ fi
+ _ git apply --3way ../patches/*.diff
+ _ cp -p -P -v -R ../overlay/* ./
+echo "🤖 Committing runtime changes..."
+ _ git add .
+ # Note; we set all the details of the commit to git hash deterministic
+ GIT_COMMITTER_NAME='Encore Patcher' \
+ GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL='noreply@encore.dev' \
+ git commit --allow-empty --date="$LAST_COMMIT_TIME" \
+ --author='Encore Patcher ' \
+ -m 'Applied Encore.dev instrumentation changes to the Go runtime' 2>&1 | sed "s/^/ /"
+# Restore the working directory back
+popd > /dev/null
+echo "✅ Done"
diff --git a/builder/encore-build.go b/builder/encore-build.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f2a6ffe499
--- /dev/null
+++ b/builder/encore-build.go
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+package builder
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "os"
+ "os/exec"
+ "path/filepath"
+ "runtime"
+type Builder struct {
+ GOOS string
+ GOARCH string
+ goroot string
+ gorootFinal string
+ dst string
+ crossBuild bool
+func (b *Builder) PrepareWorkdir() error {
+ if err := os.RemoveAll(b.dst); err != nil {
+ return err
+ } else if err := os.MkdirAll(b.dst, 0755); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ return nil
+func (b *Builder) Build() error {
+ var cmd *exec.Cmd
+ switch b.GOOS {
+ case "windows":
+ cmd = exec.Command(".\\make.bat")
+ default:
+ cmd = exec.Command("bash", "./make.bash")
+ }
+ cmd.Dir = join(b.goroot, "src")
+ cmd.Stdout = os.Stdout
+ cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr
+ cmd.Env = append(os.Environ(),
+ "GOROOT_FINAL=/encore",
+ "GOOS="+b.GOOS)
+ return cmd.Run()
+func (b *Builder) CopyOutput() error {
+ key := b.GOOS + "_" + b.GOARCH
+ filesToCopy := []string{
+ join("pkg", "include"),
+ join("pkg", key),
+ "lib",
+ "src",
+ }
+ // Cross-compilation puts binaries under bin/goos_goarch instead.
+ if b.crossBuild {
+ // Copy go binary from bin/goos_goarch to bin/
+ src := join(b.goroot, "bin", key, "go")
+ dst := join(b.dst, "bin", "go")
+ if err := os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(dst), 0755); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ if out, err := exec.Command("cp", src, dst).CombinedOutput(); err != nil {
+ return fmt.Errorf("copy go: %s", out)
+ }
+ } else {
+ filesToCopy = append(filesToCopy, join("bin", "go"+exe))
+ }
+ filesToCopy = append(filesToCopy, all(join("pkg", "tool", key),
+ "addr2line"+exe, "asm"+exe, "buildid"+exe, "cgo"+exe, "compile"+exe,
+ "link"+exe, "pack"+exe, "test2json"+exe, "vet"+exe,
+ )...)
+ for _, c := range filesToCopy {
+ src := join(b.goroot, c)
+ dst := join(b.dst, c)
+ if _, err := os.Stat(src); err != nil {
+ return fmt.Errorf("copy %s: %v", c, err)
+ }
+ if err := os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(dst), 0755); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ if out, err := exec.Command("cp", "-r", src, dst).CombinedOutput(); err != nil {
+ return fmt.Errorf("copy %s: %s", c, out)
+ }
+ }
+ return nil
+func (b *Builder) CleanOutput() error {
+ key := b.GOOS + "_" + b.GOARCH
+ rm := []string{
+ join("pkg", key, "cmd"),
+ }
+ for _, r := range rm {
+ dst := join(b.dst, r)
+ if _, err := os.Stat(dst); err == nil {
+ if err := os.RemoveAll(dst); err != nil {
+ return fmt.Errorf("clean %s: %v", r, err)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return nil
+func join(strs ...string) string {
+ return filepath.Join(strs...)
+func all(src string, all ...string) []string {
+ var res []string
+ for _, a := range all {
+ res = append(res, join(src, a))
+ }
+ return res
+func BuildEncoreGo(goos, goarch, root, dst string) error {
+ if _, err := os.Stat(filepath.Join(root, "go", "src", "make.bash")); err != nil {
+ return fmt.Errorf("unexpected location for build script, expected in encore-go root")
+ }
+ if err := os.Chdir(root); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ dst, err := filepath.Abs(dst)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ if goos == "windows" {
+ exe = ".exe"
+ }
+ b := &Builder{
+ GOOS: goos,
+ GOARCH: goarch,
+ goroot: join(root, "go"),
+ dst: join(dst, goos+"_"+goarch, "encore-go"),
+ crossBuild: runtime.GOOS != goos || runtime.GOARCH != goarch,
+ }
+ for _, f := range []func() error{
+ b.PrepareWorkdir,
+ b.Build,
+ b.CopyOutput,
+ b.CleanOutput,
+ } {
+ if err := f(); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ }
+ return nil
+// exe suffix
+var exe string
diff --git a/go b/go
new file mode 160000
index 0000000000..a9c82eae9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/go
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Subproject commit a9c82eae9a0e6d4efc52d405b4fa4876602d92cb
diff --git a/go.mod b/go.mod
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3069904606
--- /dev/null
+++ b/go.mod
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+module go.encore.dev/go
+go 1.17
diff --git a/main.go b/main.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..af0ada1fd8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/main.go
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+package main
+import (
+ "flag"
+ "log"
+ "os"
+ "go.encore.dev/go/builder"
+func main() {
+ goos := flag.String("goos", "", "GOOS")
+ goarch := flag.String("goarch", "", "GOARCH")
+ dst := flag.String("dst", "dist", "build destination")
+ flag.Parse()
+ if *goos == "" || *goarch == "" || *dst == "" {
+ log.Fatalf("missing -dst %q, -goos %q, or -goarch %q", *dst, *goos, *goarch)
+ }
+ root, err := os.Getwd()
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Fatalln(err)
+ }
+ if err := builder.BuildEncoreGo(*goos, *goarch, root, *dst); err != nil {
+ log.Fatalln(err)
+ }
diff --git a/overlay/src/net/http/encore.s b/overlay/src/net/http/encore.s
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e69de29bb2
diff --git a/overlay/src/net/http/encore_app.go b/overlay/src/net/http/encore_app.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..84a87e39c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/overlay/src/net/http/encore_app.go
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+//go:build encore
+// +build encore
+package http
+import (
+ "context"
+ _ "unsafe"
+// encoreBeginRoundTrip is called by net/http when a RoundTrip begins.
+func encoreBeginRoundTrip(req *Request) (context.Context, error)
+// encoreFinishRoundTrip is called by net/http when a RoundTrip completes.
+func encoreFinishRoundTrip(req *Request, resp *Response, err error)
diff --git a/overlay/src/net/http/encore_noapp.go b/overlay/src/net/http/encore_noapp.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2046ab9007
--- /dev/null
+++ b/overlay/src/net/http/encore_noapp.go
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+//go:build !encore
+// +build !encore
+package http
+import (
+ "context"
+// encoreBeginRoundTrip is called by net/http when a RoundTrip begins.
+func encoreBeginRoundTrip(req *Request) (context.Context, error) { return req.Context(), nil }
+// encoreFinishRoundTrip is called by net/http when a RoundTrip completes.
+func encoreFinishRoundTrip(req *Request, resp *Response, err error) {}
diff --git a/overlay/src/runtime/encore.go b/overlay/src/runtime/encore.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..54d3d1af02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/overlay/src/runtime/encore.go
@@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
+package runtime
+// This file implements Encore's request tracking and runtime tracing.
+// Request Tracking
+// Encore tracks the current request being processed, in order for code
+// to seamlessly access the right infrastructure resources and do request logging.
+// The request tracking spans goroutines: when a goroutine starts it copies the
+// current request from its parent goroutine. The Encore runtime can then look up
+// the current request at will.
+// During processing, a request can call other APIs which yield child requests.
+// This group of requests is collectively called an operation. Operations
+// are ref-counted (number of active requests + 1). The +1 allows for multiple
+// root requests to be a part of a single operation; the creator of the operation
+// marks the operation as completed which decrements the refcount by one.
+// Note that a finished operation may continue being processed while child requests
+// are still running.
+// Tracing
+// Tracing extends the request tracking machinery to implement performant tracing.
+// Traces are associated with an operation at creation time. The runtime maintains
+// an in-memory buffer which is appended to to log events. When the operation
+// refcount reaches zero, the trace is marked completed and sent.
+import (
+ "sync/atomic"
+ "unsafe"
+// encoreG tracks per-goroutine Encore-specific data.
+type encoreG struct {
+ // op is the current operation the goroutine is a part of.
+ op *encoreOp
+ // req holds Encore-specific request data, or nil if the g
+ // is not processing a request.
+ req *encoreReq
+ // goid is the per-op goroutine id.
+ goid uint32
+// encoreOp represents an Encore operation.
+type encoreOp struct {
+ // start is the start time of the operation
+ start int64 // start time of trace from nanotime()
+ // trace is the trace log; it is nil if the op is not traced.
+ trace *encoreTraceLog
+ // refs is the op refcount. It is 1 + number of requests
+ // that reference this op (see doc comment above).
+ // It is accessed atomically.
+ refs int32
+ // goidCtr is a per-operation goroutine counter, for telling
+ // apart goroutines participating in the operation.
+ goidCtr uint32
+// encoreSpanID represents a span id in Encore's tracing framework.
+type encoreSpanID [8]byte
+// encoreReq represents an Encore API request.
+type encoreReq struct {
+ // spanID is the request span id.
+ spanID encoreSpanID
+ // data is request-specific data defined in the Encore runtime.
+ data unsafe.Pointer
+// encoreBeginOp begins a new Encore operation.
+// The trace parameter determines if the op is traced.
+// It tags the current goroutine with the op.
+// It panics if the goroutine is already part of an op.
+func encoreBeginOp(trace bool) *encoreOp {
+ op := encoreNewOp(trace)
+ g := getg().m.curg
+ encoreTagG(g, op, nil)
+ return op
+// encoreNewOp creates a new encoreOp.
+func encoreNewOp(trace bool) *encoreOp {
+ op := &encoreOp{
+ start: nanotime(),
+ refs: 1,
+ }
+ if trace {
+ op.trace = new(encoreTraceLog)
+ }
+ return op
+// encoreTagG tags the g as participating in op, and with req
+// as its request data.
+// It does not increment the ref count, which means req
+// must already be an active request.
+// g must not already be part of an op.
+func encoreTagG(g *g, op *encoreOp, req *encoreReq) (goid uint32) {
+ if g.encore != nil {
+ panic("encore.tagG: goroutine already part of another operation")
+ }
+ goid = atomic.AddUint32(&op.goidCtr, 1)
+ g.encore = &encoreG{
+ op: op,
+ req: req,
+ goid: goid,
+ }
+ return goid
+// encoreGetG gets the encore data for the current g, or nil.
+func encoreGetG() *encoreG {
+ return getg().m.curg.encore
+// encoreFinishOp marks an operation as finished
+// and unsets the operation tag on the g.
+// It must be part of an operation.
+func encoreFinishOp() {
+ g := getg().m.curg
+ e := g.encore
+ if e == nil {
+ panic("encore.completeReq: goroutine not in an operation")
+ }
+ e.op.decRef()
+ g.encore = nil
+// incRef increases the op's refcount by one.
+func (op *encoreOp) incRef() int32 {
+ return atomic.AddInt32(&op.refs, 1)
+// decRef decreases the op's refcount by one.
+// If it reaches zero and the op is traced, it sends off the trace.
+func (op *encoreOp) decRef() int32 {
+ n := atomic.AddInt32(&op.refs, -1)
+ if n == 0 && op.trace != nil {
+ op.trace.send()
+ }
+ return n
+// encoreTraceEvent adds the event to the trace.
+// The g must already be part of an operation.
+func encoreTraceEvent(event byte, data []byte) {
+ e := getg().m.curg.encore
+ if e == nil {
+ println("encore.traceEvent: goroutine not in an operation, skipping")
+ return
+ }
+ e.op.trace.log(event, data)
+// encoreBeginReq sets the request data for the current g,
+// and increases the ref count on the operation.
+// If the g is not part of an op, it creates a new op
+// that is bound to the request lifetime.
+func encoreBeginReq(spanID encoreSpanID, data unsafe.Pointer, trace bool) {
+ g := getg().m.curg
+ e := g.encore
+ req := &encoreReq{spanID: spanID, data: data}
+ if e == nil {
+ op := encoreNewOp(trace)
+ encoreTagG(g, op, req)
+ // Don't increment the op refcount since it starts at one,
+ // and this is not a standalone op.
+ } else {
+ if e.req != nil {
+ panic("encore.beginReq: request already running")
+ }
+ e.op.incRef()
+ e.req = req
+ }
+// encoreCompleteReq completes the request and decreases the
+// ref count on the operation.
+// The g must be processing a request.
+func encoreCompleteReq() {
+ e := getg().m.curg.encore
+ if e == nil {
+ panic("encore.completeReq: goroutine not in an operation")
+ } else if e.req == nil {
+ panic("encore.completeReq: no current request")
+ }
+ e.op.decRef()
+ e.req = nil
+// encoreCleareq clears request data from the running g
+// without decrementing the ref count.
+// The g must be processing a request.
+func encoreClearReq() {
+ e := getg().m.curg.encore
+ if e == nil {
+ panic("encore.replaceReq: goroutine not in an operation")
+ } else if e.req == nil {
+ panic("encore.replaceReq: no current request")
+ }
+ spanID := e.req.spanID
+ e.req = nil
+ if e.op.trace != nil {
+ e.op.trace.log(0x05, []byte{
+ spanID[0],
+ spanID[1],
+ spanID[2],
+ spanID[3],
+ spanID[4],
+ spanID[5],
+ spanID[6],
+ spanID[7],
+ byte(e.goid),
+ byte(e.goid >> 8),
+ byte(e.goid >> 16),
+ byte(e.goid >> 24),
+ })
+ }
+type encoreTraceLog struct {
+ mu mutex
+ data []byte
+func (tl *encoreTraceLog) send() {
+ lock(&tl.mu)
+ data := tl.data
+ tl.data = tl.data[len(tl.data):]
+ unlock(&tl.mu)
+ encoreSendTrace(data)
+// log logs a new event in the trace.
+// If tr is nil, it does nothing.
+func (tl *encoreTraceLog) log(event byte, data []byte) {
+ if tl == nil {
+ return
+ }
+ ln := len(data)
+ if ln > (1<<32 - 1) {
+ println("encore.traceEvent: event too large, dropping")
+ return
+ }
+ lock(&tl.mu)
+ defer unlock(&tl.mu)
+ // Do this in the critical section to ensure we don't get
+ // out-of-order timestamps.
+ t := nanotime()
+ var b [13]byte
+ b[0] = event
+ b[1] = byte(t)
+ b[2] = byte(t >> 8)
+ b[3] = byte(t >> 16)
+ b[4] = byte(t >> 24)
+ b[5] = byte(t >> 32)
+ b[6] = byte(t >> 40)
+ b[7] = byte(t >> 48)
+ b[8] = byte(t >> 56)
+ b[9] = byte(ln)
+ b[10] = byte(ln >> 8)
+ b[11] = byte(ln >> 16)
+ b[12] = byte(ln >> 24)
+ tl.data = append(tl.data, append(b[:], data...)...)
+// encoreCallers is like runtime.Callers but also returns the offset
+// of the text segment to make the PCs ASLR-independent.
+func encoreCallers(skip int, pc []uintptr) (n int, off uintptr) {
+ n = Callers(skip+1, pc)
+ return n, firstmoduledata.text
diff --git a/overlay/src/runtime/encore_app.go b/overlay/src/runtime/encore_app.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..92d0a2d475
--- /dev/null
+++ b/overlay/src/runtime/encore_app.go
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+//go:build encore
+// +build encore
+package runtime
+// encoreSendTrace is called by Encore's go runtime to send a trace.
+// It must be defined by the Encore runtime and linked using
+// go:linkname.
+func encoreSendTrace(log []byte)
diff --git a/overlay/src/runtime/encore_noapp.go b/overlay/src/runtime/encore_noapp.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c4286f0d84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/overlay/src/runtime/encore_noapp.go
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+//go:build !encore
+// +build !encore
+package runtime
+// encoreSendTrace is called by Encore's go runtime to send a trace.
+// It is defined here as a no-op for Encore binaries that were built
+// without linking in the Encore runtime to avoid strange build errors.
+func encoreSendTrace(log []byte) {}
diff --git a/patches/net_patch.diff b/patches/net_patch.diff
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..016618b54d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/patches/net_patch.diff
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+diff --git a/src/net/http/transport.go b/src/net/http/transport.go
+index 0aa48273dd..bf53cad76c 100644
+--- a/src/net/http/transport.go
++++ b/src/net/http/transport.go
+@@ -499,9 +499,17 @@ func (t *Transport) alternateRoundTripper(req *Request) RoundTripper {
+ }
+ // roundTrip implements a RoundTripper over HTTP.
+-func (t *Transport) roundTrip(req *Request) (*Response, error) {
++func (t *Transport) roundTrip(req *Request) (rr *Response, err error) {
+ t.nextProtoOnce.Do(t.onceSetNextProtoDefaults)
+- ctx := req.Context()
++ ctx, err := encoreBeginRoundTrip(req)
++ if err != nil {
++ req.closeBody()
++ return nil, err
++ }
++ req.ctx = ctx
++ defer func() {
++ encoreFinishRoundTrip(req, rr, err)
++ }()
+ trace := httptrace.ContextClientTrace(ctx)
+ if req.URL == nil {
+@@ -512,6 +520,7 @@ func (t *Transport) roundTrip(req *Request) (*Response, error) {
+ req.closeBody()
+ return nil, errors.New("http: nil Request.Header")
+ }
+ scheme := req.URL.Scheme
+ isHTTP := scheme == "http" || scheme == "https"
+ if isHTTP {
diff --git a/patches/runtime_patch.diff b/patches/runtime_patch.diff
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..853b70fe5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/patches/runtime_patch.diff
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+diff --git a/src/runtime/proc.go b/src/runtime/proc.go
+index 73a789c189..846b9d88fb 100644
+--- a/src/runtime/proc.go
++++ b/src/runtime/proc.go
+@@ -3376,6 +3376,27 @@ func goexit1() {
+ func goexit0(gp *g) {
+ _g_ := getg()
++ if e := gp.encore; e != nil {
++ gp.encore = nil
++ if e.req != nil && e.op.trace != nil {
++ spanID := e.req.spanID
++ e.op.trace.log(0x04, []byte{
++ spanID[0],
++ spanID[1],
++ spanID[2],
++ spanID[3],
++ spanID[4],
++ spanID[5],
++ spanID[6],
++ spanID[7],
++ byte(e.goid),
++ byte(e.goid >> 8),
++ byte(e.goid >> 16),
++ byte(e.goid >> 24),
++ })
++ }
++ }
+ casgstatus(gp, _Grunning, _Gdead)
+ if isSystemGoroutine(gp, false) {
+ atomic.Xadd(&sched.ngsys, -1)
+@@ -4067,6 +4088,30 @@ func newproc1(fn *funcval, argp unsafe.Pointer, narg int32, callergp *g, callerp
+ gostartcallfn(&newg.sched, fn)
+ newg.gopc = callerpc
+ newg.ancestors = saveAncestors(callergp)
++ if e := callergp.encore; e != nil {
++ goid := encoreTagG(newg, e.op, e.req)
++ // Log an event if we are tracing this
++ if e.req != nil && e.op.trace != nil {
++ spanID := e.req.spanID
++ e.op.trace.log(0x03, []byte{
++ spanID[0],
++ spanID[1],
++ spanID[2],
++ spanID[3],
++ spanID[4],
++ spanID[5],
++ spanID[6],
++ spanID[7],
++ byte(goid),
++ byte(goid >> 8),
++ byte(goid >> 16),
++ byte(goid >> 24),
++ })
++ }
++ }
+ newg.startpc = fn.fn
+ if _g_.m.curg != nil {
+ newg.labels = _g_.m.curg.labels
+diff --git a/src/runtime/runtime2.go b/src/runtime/runtime2.go
+index 109f0da131..d7e0158bfc 100644
+--- a/src/runtime/runtime2.go
++++ b/src/runtime/runtime2.go
+@@ -471,6 +471,8 @@ type g struct {
+ timer *timer // cached timer for time.Sleep
+ selectDone uint32 // are we participating in a select and did someone win the race?
++ encore *encoreG // encore-specific goroutine data
+ // Per-G GC state
+ // gcAssistBytes is this G's GC assist credit in terms of
diff --git a/patches/version_patch.diff b/patches/version_patch.diff
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..04729bd9ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/patches/version_patch.diff
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+diff --git a/src/cmd/dist/build.go b/src/cmd/dist/build.go
+index d37c3f83ef..ea7f17eaa8 100644
+--- a/src/cmd/dist/build.go
++++ b/src/cmd/dist/build.go
+@@ -341,6 +341,9 @@ func branchtag(branch string) (tag string, precise bool) {
+ }
+ break
+ }
++ tag = "encore-" + tag
+ return
+ }
+@@ -422,7 +425,7 @@ func findgoversion() string {
+ if m == nil {
+ fatalf("internal/goversion/goversion.go does not contain 'const Version = ...'")
+ }
+- tag += fmt.Sprintf(" go1.%s-", m[1])
++ tag += fmt.Sprintf(" encore-go1.%s-", m[1])
+ tag += chomp(run(goroot, CheckExit, "git", "log", "-n", "1", "--format=format:%h %cd", "HEAD"))
+ }