- Course webpage: https://github.com/emory-courses/cs329
- Class location: MSC E208 (https://emory.zoom.us/j/92296132899)
- Class hours: TuTh 1:00pm - 2:15pm
- Prerequisites: CS171 (CS and LING), QTM220 (QTM)
- Jinho Choi
: Associate Professor of Computer Science
: Office Hours → TuTh 4pm - 5:30pm, MSC W302F - Sichang Tu
: PhD student in Computer Science
: Office Hours → MW 4pm - 5:30pm - Sophy Huang
: BS in Applied Mathematics and Statistics
: Office Hours → TuF 10am - 11:30am - Contact: firstname.lastname@emory.edu
- Zoom link to all office hours: https://emory.zoom.us/j/91473219159
- Please use Issues for questions and comments that can be shared publicly and use emails for private matters only.
- 1 + 9 topical quizzes: 50%
- Project proposal: 20%
- Final project: 30%
- Your work is governed by the Emory Honor Code. Honor code violation (e.g., copies from any source including your colleagues and internet sites) will be referred to the Emory Honor Council.
- Excuses for exam absence/reschedule and other serious personal events (health, family, personal related, etc.) that affect course performance must be accompanied by a letter from the Office of Undergraduate Education.
- One quiz will be assigned for every topic to check if you keep up with the materials.
- Quizzes must be submitted individually. Discussions are allowed; however, your work must be original.
- Late submissions within a week will be accepted with the grading penalty of 15%, and will not be accepted once the solutions are discussed in class.
- You are expected to:
- Group a team of 3-4 members (sign up).
- Give a presentation to propose your idea about the final project.
- Write a proposal that illustrates details about your idea.
- See the project proposal page for more details.
- Everyone in each group will receive the same grade for the project proposal.
- You are expected to:
- Give a presentation about your final project.
- Write a research paper that illustrates details about your work.
- See the final projects page for more details.
- Everyone in each group will receive the same grade for the final project.