- b-parasite sensors are meant to keep your plants alive by monitoring their environment
- Has sensors to relay temperature, humidity, light intensity, soil moisture
- Uses Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) and has a limited range
- A CR2032 coin cell battery is used as power source for Flower Care
- Read real-time sensor values
- Temperature
- Humidity
- Light intensity
- Soil moisture
The device uses BLE advertisement (only) for communication, depending on the firmware used.
The name advertised by the device is unknown
b-parasite can broadcast advertisement data, depending on the firmware used.
Check out the BtHome protocol page to get more information on advertisement data for this device.
[1] https://github.com/rbaron/b-parasite
[2] https://github.com/rbaron/b-parasite/tree/main/code/nrf-connect/samples/ble