These are extremely barebones but it's what I'm able to throw together with the amount of free time I have available. Contributions and feedback welcome. You will need to modify paths in the commands I've given.
You have two options for indexing:
- Build the indexer with cargo.
- Build the indexer with Podman.
Option 1 is recommended, but if you have a weird configuration on your system or some of the dependencies are hard to find, you can use podman (or docker) for everything, which should be a little more foolproof.
Install capnp, clang, pkg-config, zstd's development packages and openssl's development packages.
Put data files into ./data
Create ./index with mkdir.
Get OSM file. BBBike and Geofabrik have extracts. Attempt the process with an extract before building the planet.
Download a WhosOnFirst Spatialite database for the country of your selected extract. Use the planet download if you're doing a planet build or your extract covers multiple countries.
Option 2 only: podman build -f -t airmail_builder
podman build -f airmail_indexer/Dockerfile.osmx -t airmail_osmx
podman build -f Dockerfile -t airmail_service
podman build -f spatial/Dockerfile -t spatial_custom
Substitute paths for your extract. podman run --rm -v ./data:/var/osm:Z airmail_osmx expand Seattle.osm.pbf Seattle.osmx
Option 1: cargo run --release --bin airmail_import_osm -- --wof-db $PWD/whosonfirst-data-admin-us-latest.spatial.db --index ./index --admin-cache ./admin-cache --osmx $PWD/data/Seattle.osmx --docker-socket /run/user/1000/podman/podman.sock
Option 2: chcon -t container_file_t ./data/whosonfirst-data-admin-us-latest.spatial.db; podman run --security-opt label=disable --net=host -v /run/user/1000/podman/podman.sock:/run/podman/podman.sock:z -v ./data:/var/airmail/data:Z -v ./index:/var/airmail/index:Z --rm airmail_build airmail_import_osm --wof-db $PWD/data/whosonfirst-data-admin-us-latest.spatial.db --index /var/airmail/index --admin-cache /var/airmail/data/admin-cache --osmx /var/airmail/data/Seattle.osmx --docker-socket /run/podman/podman.sock --recreate
podman run --rm --name airmail-service -p 3000:3000 -v $PWD/index:/var/airmail/index:Z airmail_service --index /var/airmail/index