- We check and clean up extraneous notices, warnings, and errors:
- So that we can easily identify and debug new issues.
- We make small, logical commits:
- so that changes are clearly differentiated.
- One module per commit so that code can be contributed without losing git history or needing a sub-tree push.
- Don't make commits are so small they are broken (per below, we only commit working code), but also we shouldn't have a single huge commit for a whole ticket.
- We commit working code:
- So that we don't break other's sandboxes.
- We have the ability to view and share code changes:
- so that we can reference code and commits by URI.
- Ideally, this would be shareable, browser-based, linked to ticket tracker, e.g. Trac (w/ git plugin) or Redmine or...
- Per Zeke Weeks: (For further discussion: git web UI commonly used by team for reviewing & linking to changes and parts of codebase?)
- Per David Numan: The language of this one sounds more like a "how", but i think there is a what and why behind it.
- Per David Numan: btw if you have lighttpd installed (sudo apt-get install lighttpd) you can run your own with this:
git instaweb
and this was helpful for setting up gitolite+gitweb locally:http://blog.countableset.ch/2012/04/29/ubuntu-12-dot-04-installing-gitolite-and-gitweb/
- Per Steve Wirt: and we use these tools to do paired code review. The developer who wrote the code looks at it with another developer and walks through the approach and the code as part of review and testing.
- We share QA breadth with our clients in an easily digestible format.
- Per Eric Napier: What is the best format??? Behat HTTP Formatter??? Jenkins??? Is there any benefit to further connection of Jira and Behat? Is there a way to do it?
- We have best practices for creating BDD tests.
- Per Eric Napier: Behat or Codeception? Is there a use case for both? Are there best practices that pertain to both approaches?
- On our team projects, we practice awareness not just of our own tickets and code commits, but also those of our team members.
- We use Coder and code review (security, style, etc.) to verify our code is clean and meets industry standards
- Clean, well-organized code and comments that is executed according to industry-standard and /or Drupal standard (as is the case) helps ensure that our code is structured in a universally understandable, navigable and organized fashion that saves time and reduces error.
- Drupal code is code reviewed by tools that have been enhanced especially to analyze Drupal code
- JavaScript, SASS and CSS files should also be code reviewed by your tools
- Code review should be automated within your IDE or by using git hooks so that this step is not overlooked
- Per Kevin Walsh: we might want to add bits of http://web-dev.wirt.us/info/drupal-drupal-7-drush-linux/installing-drush, http://web-dev.wirt.us/info/git-drupal-drush/drupal-code-style-review and http://web-dev.wirt.us/info/git-drupal-7-drush/drupal-code-style-review-git-commit-hooks here.
- We write tests for code/pages that are complex, important or hard to test
- so that we can concretely test these areas (unit or functional, PHP or JavaScript) and ensure our site works
- Per Owen Barton: From Alex on JS testing card: "Being able to regression test your code is a plus. There are frameworks that can help with this, such as Buster JS, Jasmine."
- Per Bob Schmitt: This should include cross-browser testing
- Per David Numan: is it possible to write a test for cross browser testing?
- QA in sales: When inheriting a project, we assess the existing implementation and compare it against our assumptions based on if we had built from scratch.
- Cross browser (and mobile) testing strategy
- See "We avoid cross-browser conflicts" (NEED LINK to Front-end development)
- http://crossbrowsertesting.com
- http://saucelabs.com
- Development workflow follows best practices that support simultaneous development while safely integrating changes to testing and staging environments
- Always use version control
- Check live to see if code has been added but not committed before updating
- Dev - QA - Live
- Commit from sandbox, not live or QA if you can possibly help it. Possible exception: you can't replicate the live environment on sandbox.
- Use tags to reference specific commits, for stable QA testing and to avoid accidentally updating the live site.
- tag/push before fetching on Dev/QA/Live.
- git fetch -> git checkout versionX (rather than git pull)
- change major version number with each sprint
- Update/synchronize data on dev/staging/live at the beginning of each sprint
- It shouldn't hurt to update your sandbox db after you do a code push and prior to a next chunk of work
- Per Fen LaBalme: Standard practice for creating/updating sandbox that the dev team uses and directly maps to/from vhost staging/production sites
- We approach complex or new challenges as a group to form implementation strategies, and share how we completed such work with the group
- so we can review for quality, and to spread the knowledge we gained in the process
- We report bugs using steps to replicate the problem, stating expected results, and capture actual results.
- so that we don't want to waste time figuring out how to replicate a bug.
- We use screen captures to rapidly and clearly share the intended or unintended results.
- When reviewing security updates, we document reasons for not updating modules.
- Use a README or https://drupal.org/project/update_advanced
- We educate clients and testers how to qualify and report repeatable issues.
- Before a "bug" or other issue is reported it should be "qualified" by the reporting user.
- (See Issue Qualification or Issue Qualification and Defect Reporting) (https://civicactions.net/content/issue-qualification and https://trac.civicactions.net/internal/template/wiki/IssueQualification) (NEED TO MOVE THIS CONTENT OVER?)
- Our sites include site history and QI documentation: https://trello.com/b/MH1OIHzV/site-history-evaluation-project (NEED TO MOVE THIS CONTENT?)