- add separators argument to parse_smart()
- add key_filter argument to parse_smart()
- add since() and until()
- Fix get_attribute_or_textop()
- DebugText class fixed
- Fixed bug when have empty string as piped input string
- add fileops and runops
- sed() and sedi() now accept list of patterns to search and list of replacement strings
- add tofile() and teefile()
- Remove version limitation over sphinx package in setup.py
- added textops.extend_type
- Fix autostrip in state_pattern() when no groupdict
- add __continue__ for goto _state in state_pattern()
- parsek* and keyval now can parse list of strings
- fix MySQLdb does not support UnicodeExt
- callable attribute starting with '_' will not be extended anymore
- Improve out data path in state_pattern() op
- Add sgrep*() ops
- Add dostrip() op
- Improve sed() op
- Add wcount*() ops
- cut and cutre now accept maxsplit parameter
- add aggregate() list operation
- Better repr display in ipython
- Add eformat
- Add context dict parameter for format and render operations
- Add less(), skess() list operations
- Add parse_smart() parser
- Add some operations
- perf tunning
- Tune many things
- All is now documented
- More docs and doctests
First working package