Releases: ekino/docker-buildbox
Releases · ekino/docker-buildbox
- Ansible : Build arm64 docker image
- Azure : build arm64 azure docker image
- Chrome : build arm64 docker image
- Cloudsploit : build arm64 docker image
- Golang : build arm64 docker image
- Golang : Remove testfixtures test. Binary does not exist for arch arm64
- Golang : Remove version 1.17. Image does not exist for arch arm64
- Golang : Updating Gitleaks to 8.11.2
- Golang : Updating Go-testfixtures to 3.8.0
- Golang : Updating Mockgen to 1.6
- Java : build arm64 docker image
- Node : build arm64 docker image
- Percy : build arm64 docker image
- AWS : Build arm64 docker image
- AWS : Fix tagging issue preventing the push of multiple architectures to docker hub
- Bitcoind : Build arm64 image
- Bitcoind : Updating to bitcoind to 23.0
- Golang: adding new 1.19 flavor
- Java: upgrade Java 11 to 11.0.16 and 17 to 17.0.4
- Platformsh: updating base image, and CLI to the latest 3.81.x
- PHP: updating tools
- Terraform: bump terraform to 1.2.5, along with associated tools
- Python SRC : Change python docker module from docker to python-on-whales
- Python SRC : Build amd64 images with docker buildx
- Python SRC Config : Add linux/amd64 and linux/arm64 as values for the new config property base_platforms
- CI : use docker/setup-qemu-action@v2 and docker/setup-buildx-action@v1 as gitflows step actions
- Images : Only OCI images for amd64 architecture are built
No specific change this month, just standard dependencies updates. Happy summer !
- Chrome: removing ci-helper binary
- Dind: removing ci-helper binary
- Dind: changing docker-compose installation method to apk.
- Dind: bumping Trivy's version
- Golang: removing ci-helper binary
- Golang: golang 1.16 is now EOL, removing this image's flavor
- Java: removing ci-helper binary
- Node: removing ci-helper binary
- Node: adding new 18.x flavor
- Php: removing ci-helper binary
- Ruby: removing ci-helper binary
- Sonar: removing ci-helper binary
- Sonar: updating to sonar-scanner-cli 4.7.x
- Kubectl: updating to 1.24, along with associated tools
- Kubectl: adding Trivy, which now supports scanning kubernetes resources
- Platformsh: updating to the latest 3.79.x CLI
- Terraform: bump terraform to 1.2.1, along with associated tools
- Terraform: adding Google Cloud CLI
- Tezosqa: Version 1.0 that use version 0.9.0 of smartpy
- expose docker variables in image building workflow
- Ansible: switch from AWScli v1 to v2
- Ansible: dropping support for 4.x.x
- AWS: switch from AWScli v1 to v2
- Dind: switch from AWScli v1 to v2
- Node: dropping support for NodeJs 12
- Node: switch from AWScli v1 to v2
- Golang: switch from AWScli v1 to v2
- Golang: adding new 1.18 flavor
- Cloudsploit: switch from AWScli v1 to v2
- Python: dropping support for 3.6, adding support for 3.10
- Python: switch from AWScli v1 to v2
- Kubectl: Bumping kubectl to 1.23.x. Updating Helm & misc tools. Removing kubectx & kubens
- Kubectl: switch from AWScli v1 to v2
- PyNode: switching from node 12.x to 14.x
- PyNode: switch from AWScli v1 to v2
- Terraform: switch from AWScli v1 to v2
- Java: switch from AWScli v1 to v2
- PHP: installing xsl extension
- PHP: workaround for installing sockets and zip extensions
- Ansible: dropping support for 2.x & 3.x, adding a new 5.x.X image
- Terraform: updating TF to 1.1.x, along with associated tools
- PHP: bump to PHP 7.4.28, PHP 8.0.16 and PHP 8.1.3 (security update)
- Java: upgrade Java 11 to 11.0.14 and 17 to 17.0.2
- Golang: add gocover-cobertura
- React-native: dropping support
- PHP: remove support for PHP 7.3, update 7.4 and 8.0, create 8.1