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Cloud Runner

Get up and running with Go and gRPC on Google Cloud Platform, with this lightweight, opinionated, batteries-included service SDK.


Run your application with cloudrunner.Run, and you get:

To help you build gRPC microservices, you also get:

Get up and running

Install the package:

$ go get

Try out a minimal example:

package main

import (


func main() {
	if err := cloudrunner.Run(func(ctx context.Context) error {
		cloudrunner.Logger(ctx).Info("hello world")
		grpcServer := cloudrunner.NewGRPCServer(ctx)
		healthServer := health.NewServer()
		grpc_health_v1.RegisterHealthServer(grpcServer, healthServer)
		return cloudrunner.ListenGRPC(ctx, grpcServer)
	}); err != nil {


The service is configured with environment variables.

When the service is running on GCE, all built-in integrations are turned on by default.

Service-specific config is supported out of the box.

Invoke your service with -help to show available configuration.

Usage of grpc-server:

  -config string
    	load environment from a YAML service specification
    	show help then exit
    	validate config then exit

Runtime configuration of grpc-server:

CONFIG         ENV                                      TYPE                         DEFAULT                ON GCE
cloudrunner    PORT                                     int                          8080                   
cloudrunner    K_SERVICE                                string                                              
cloudrunner    K_REVISION                               string                                              
cloudrunner    K_CONFIGURATION                          string                                              
cloudrunner    CLOUD_RUN_JOB                            string                                              
cloudrunner    CLOUD_RUN_EXECUTION                      string                                              
cloudrunner    CLOUD_RUN_TASK_INDEX                     int                                                 
cloudrunner    CLOUD_RUN_TASK_ATTEMPT                   int                                                 
cloudrunner    CLOUD_RUN_TASK_COUNT                     int                                                 
cloudrunner    GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT                     string                                              
cloudrunner    RUNTIME_SERVICEACCOUNT                   string                                              
cloudrunner    SERVICE_VERSION                          string                                              
cloudrunner    LOGGER_DEVELOPMENT                       bool                         true                   false
cloudrunner    LOGGER_LEVEL                             zapcore.Level                debug                  info
cloudrunner    LOGGER_REPORTERRORS                      bool                                                true
cloudrunner    PROFILER_ENABLED                         bool                                                true
cloudrunner    PROFILER_MUTEXPROFILING                  bool                                                
cloudrunner    PROFILER_ALLOCFORCEGC                    bool                         true                   
cloudrunner    TRACEEXPORTER_ENABLED                    bool                                                true
cloudrunner    TRACEEXPORTER_TIMEOUT                    time.Duration                10s                    
cloudrunner    TRACEEXPORTER_SAMPLEPROBABILITY          float64                      0.01                   
cloudrunner    METRICEXPORTER_ENABLED                   bool                                                false
cloudrunner    METRICEXPORTER_INTERVAL                  time.Duration                60s                    
cloudrunner    METRICEXPORTER_RUNTIMEINSTRUMENTATION    bool                                                true
cloudrunner    METRICEXPORTER_HOSTINSTRUMENTATION       bool                                                true
cloudrunner    METRICEXPORTER_OPENCENSUSPRODUCER        bool                         false                  
cloudrunner    SERVER_TIMEOUT                           time.Duration                290s                   
cloudrunner    CLIENT_TIMEOUT                           time.Duration                10s                    
cloudrunner    CLIENT_RETRY_ENABLED                     bool                         true                   
cloudrunner    CLIENT_RETRY_INITIALBACKOFF              time.Duration                200ms                  
cloudrunner    CLIENT_RETRY_MAXBACKOFF                  time.Duration                60s                    
cloudrunner    CLIENT_RETRY_MAXATTEMPTS                 int                          5                      
cloudrunner    CLIENT_RETRY_BACKOFFMULTIPLIER           float64                      2                      
cloudrunner    CLIENT_RETRY_RETRYABLESTATUSCODES        []codes.Code                 Unavailable,Unknown    
cloudrunner    REQUESTLOGGER_MESSAGESIZELIMIT           int                                                 1024
cloudrunner    REQUESTLOGGER_CODETOLEVEL                map[codes.Code]slog.Level                           
cloudrunner    REQUESTLOGGER_STATUSTOLEVEL              map[int]slog.Level                                  

Build-time configuration of grpc-server:

LDFLAG                                                     TYPE      VALUE    string