diff --git a/src/architecture/pallets/market.md b/src/architecture/pallets/market.md index 504db7a..33997aa 100644 --- a/src/architecture/pallets/market.md +++ b/src/architecture/pallets/market.md @@ -211,7 +211,6 @@ The Market Pallet actions can fail with following errors: - `InsufficientFreeFunds` - Market participants do not have enough free funds. - `NoProposalsToBePublished` - `publish_storage_deals` was called with an empty list of `deals`. - `ProposalsPublishedByIncorrectStorageProvider` - Is returned when calling `publish_storage_deals` and the deals in a list are not published by the same storage provider. -- `AllProposalsInvalid` - `publish_storage_deals` call was supplied with a list of `deals` which are all invalid. - `DuplicateDeal` - There is more than one deal with this ID in the Sector. - `DealNotFound` - Tried to activate a deal that is not in the system. - `DealActivationError` - Tried to activate a deal, but data was malformed. @@ -222,6 +221,23 @@ The Market Pallet actions can fail with following errors: - Deal is not pending. - `DealsTooLargeToFitIntoSector` - Sum of all deals piece sizes for a sector exceeds sector size. The sector size is based on the registered proof type. We currently only support registered `StackedDRG2KiBV1P1` proofs, which have 2KiB sector sizes. - `TooManyDealsPerBlock` - Tried to activate too many deals at a given `start_block`. +- `StorageProviderNotRegistered` - An account tries to call `publish_storage_deals` but is not registered as a storage provider. +- `CommD` - An error occurred when trying to calculate CommD. +- `TooManyPendingDeals` - A storage provider tried to propose a deal, but there are too many pending deals. The pending deals should be activated or wait for expiry. +- `InvalidProvider` - A deal was tried to be activated by a provider which does not own it. +- `StartBlockElapsed` - A storage provider tries to activate a deal after the start block. +- `SectorExpiresBeforeDeal` - Sector containing the deal will expire before the deal is supposed to end. +- `InvalidDealState` - A deal was attempted to be activated twice. +- `DealNotPending` - A storage provider tried to activate a deal which is not in the pending proposals. +- `WrongClientSignatureOnProposal` - The client signature did not match the client's public key and data. +- `DealEndBeforeStart` - A deal was attempted to be published but the end block is before the start block and the deal is rejected. +- `DealStartExpired` - A deal was attempted to be published but the start block is in the past and the deal is rejected. +- `DealNotPublished` - A deal was attempted to be published but is not in the correct state. +- `DealDurationOutOfBounds` - A deal was attempted to be published but the duration is not between [MinDealDuration](#constants) and [MaxDealDuration](#constants). +- `InvalidPieceCid` - The deal trying to be published has an invalid piece Cid. +- `DealIsNotActive` - When a sector is being terminated but the deal state is not active. This is the result of a programmer bug. Please [report an issue](https://github.com/eigerco/polka-storage-book/issues/new) to the developers. +- `InvalidCaller` - A deal was found that does not belong to the storage provider. This is the result of a programmer bug. Please [report an issue](https://github.com/eigerco/polka-storage-book/issues/new) to the developers. +- `DealNotFound` - A deal was attempted to be fetched but could not be found. This is the result of a programmer bug. Please [report an issue](https://github.com/eigerco/polka-storage-book/issues/new) to the developers. - `UnexpectedValidationError` - `publish_storage_deals`'s core logic was invoked with a broken invariant that should be called by `validate_deals`. Please [report an issue](https://github.com/eigerco/polka-storage-book/issues/new) to the developers. - `DealPreconditionFailed` - Due to a programmer bug. Please [report an issue](https://github.com/eigerco/polka-storage-book/issues/new) to the developers. diff --git a/src/getting-started/demo-file-store.md b/src/getting-started/demo-file-store.md index 74871c6..47f4272 100644 --- a/src/getting-started/demo-file-store.md +++ b/src/getting-started/demo-file-store.md @@ -14,6 +14,12 @@ Alice is a [Storage User](../glossary.md#storage-user) and wants to store an ima Alice knows that she needs to prepare an image for storage and get its [CID](https://github.com/multiformats/cid). To do so, she first converts it into a [CARv2 archive](https://ipld.io/specs/transport/car/carv2/) and gets the piece cid. +