Promisify wx async methods, which overrides success
, fail
and complete
functions in the object argument with signature:
success: function(){},
fail: function(){},
complete: function(){},
and return a Promise object when wrapped method called, for example:
// wx.getLocation is an async function
import weapp from 'weapp-next'
weapp.getLocation({type: 'wgs84'}).then(location => {
const {latitude:x, longitude:y, speed:s, accuracy:a} = location
console.log(`location info: %s, %s, %s, %s`, x, y, s, a)
Delegate method to global.wx object directly.
Callbck strategy works as following logic:
- If a callback function was passed to method, it just call it (likes Delegate).
- If there without a callback function call, it return a promise object.
import weapp from 'weapp-next'
// pass callbck function
weapp.onBluetoothDeviceFound((devices) => {
// without callback function
weapp.onBluetoothDeviceFound().then(devices => {
For more details, please read es6/weapp/definitions.js