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Tips and Tricks

These are some extra commands you might find useful. They are more specific, so I added them to this new sheet of tips and tricks. I hope they help make your work easier. Don’t forget to practice them to get better at using these tools!

Work In Progress 🚜 🛠️ 🚧

Note: I will keep updating this document with more tips and tricks.

📙️ Help

Use the power of help. Which provides help documentation and usage details (syntax, flags, and options available) for the specific command. Also Offers examples of usage.


Running kubectl run --help might give you information like:

Create and run a particular image in a pod on the cluster.

  # Start a single instance of nginx.
  kubectl run nginx --image=nginx

  --image: The container image to use.
  --port: The port to expose on the pod.

📗 Explain

Use the power of explain which provides schema information about a specific Kubernetes resource, including its fields and structure. It also helps you understand the API definition for the resource and how to configure it in YAML or JSON.


Running kubectl explain pod might give you information like:

KIND:     Pod

     Pod is a collection of containers that can run on a host. This resource is created by clients and scheduled onto hosts.

     apiVersion  <string>
       APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values.
     kind  <string>
       Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents.

When to use help or explain?

Use --help to understand how to execute a command. Use kubectl explain to understand how a Kubernetes resource is defined and structured.

kubectl get pods --all-namespaces | grep <pod-name>
kbuectl get ns | wc -l (answer: total - one)

Counting containers in a pod

kubectl get pod mypod -o jsonpath='{.spec.containers[*].name}' | wc -w

Print the name of the containers in the pod named 'mypod'

kubectl get pod mypod -o jsonpath='{.spec.containers[*].name}'


# Describe the role named 'kube-proxy' in the 'kube-system' namespace.
k describe role kube-proxy -n kube-system

# Create a role named 'developer' with the following permissions:
kubectl create role developer --verb=create --verb=get --verb=delete --resource=pods

# Create a rolebinding named 'dev-user-binding' that binds the role 'developer' to the user 'dev-user
kubectl create rolebinding dev-user-binding --role=developer --user=dev-user

# Checks if the kube-apiserver is running and whether it has admission plugins enabled
ps -ef | grep kube-apiserver | grep admission-plugins

Grep, awk and jsonpath

# Print all environment variables in the pod named 'james'
kubectl exec james -- printenv | grep FRONT_ROW

# Counts the number of pods in the dev environment
kubectl get pods --selectors env=dev --no-headers | wc -l
# Shows pod details and highlights the annotations: section with 10 lines before and after it.
kubectl describe pods | grep --context=10 annotations:

# Shows pod details and highlights the Events: section with 10 lines before and after it.
kubectl describe pods | grep --context=10 Events:

#  Total count of pods with the label env=dev, excluding the header.
kubectl get pods --show-labels | grep -c 'env=dev'

#  Total count of objects with the label env=prod, excluding the header.
k get all  --show-labels | grep '-c'  env=prod

#  Total count of objects with diferent labels
k get pod --show-labels | grep env=prod | grep bu=finance | grep tier=frontend

# lists all deployments in all namespaces (-A) in a detailed format (-o wide) and filters by image.
k get deployments.apps -A -o wide | grep kodekloud/webapp-color:v1

Using grep and awk to Extract Pod Information

# Lists all pods in the current namespace with additional details
$ k get pod -owide
mypod   1/1     Running   0          2m56s   node01   <none>           <none>
nginx   1/1     Running   0          5m23s   node01   <none>           <none>

# Extract the Pod Name and IP Address
$ k get pod -owide | awk '{ print $1, $6 }'

Extract Specific Values from Pod Descriptions

Filter Pods by Status

# To find all pods that are not in the "Running" status:
$ k get pod | grep -v "Running"
fail-pod   0/1     ErrImagePull   0          14s

# To find all pods that are in the "Running" status:
controlplane $ k get pod | grep "Running"
mypod      1/1     Running            0          9m48s
nginx      1/1     Running            0          12m

Extract Specific Values from Pod Descriptions

# Retrieves details of the pod named and filters to show the line containing the Node: information
k describe pod mypod | grep "Node:"
Node:             node01/

# Extracts the Node name from the output
$ k describe pod mypod | grep "Node:" | awk '{print $2}'
# Get the container image in a pod using jsonpath
k get pod nginx -ojsonpath='{.spec.containers[*].image}'

# Retrieves details of the nginx pod and filters by the line containing Image:
k describe pod nginx | grep "Image:"
    Image:          nginx

# Retrieves the image name used by the nginx pod. It filters the Image: line and uses awk to extract and print the second column
k describe pod nginx | grep "Image:" | awk '{print $2}'

Resource Requests and Limits

# -A 2: This option tells grep to print 2 lines after the matching line.
# For Limits
$ k describe  pod nginx | grep -A 2 "Limits" | awk '{print $1, $2}'
cpu: 500m
memory: 128Mi

# For Requests
$ k describe  pod nginx | grep -A 2 "Request" | awk '{print $1, $2}'
cpu: 250m
memory: 64Mi

Filtering Events for Troubleshooting

# Searches for lines containing "Warning" and displays the match along with the next 5 lines for each match.
$ kubectl describe pod mypod | grep -A 5 "Warning"

# Output to a file
kubectl logs nginx | sudo tee ~/opt/answers/nginx.logs

Service and Endpoint Information

Get the Cluster IP of a Service

# With jsonpath
$ k get svc nginx -o jsonpath='{.spec.clusterIP}'

# With Grep and AWK
$ kubectl describe svc mypod | grep "NodePort" | awk '{print $3}'

Count and List Pods by Labels

# Count Pods with a Specific Label

k get pods --show-labels
nginx   1/1     Running   0          27s   run=nginx
# wc -l is a Linux command that counts the number of lines in the output it receives.
k get pods -l run=nginx --no-headers | wc -l

# List Pod Names with a Specific Label
$ k get pods -l run=nginx  -o custom-columns=""

Extract and Format Timestamps of Pod Events

k get pod nginx -o jsonpath='{.status.startTime}'

Custom Column Outputs for Readability

k get pods -o custom-columns=",STATUS:status.phase"
nginx   Running
# For each line, it would print the first field (typically the username):
cat /etc/passwd | awk -F ":" '{print $1}'

Decode a Base64 string

To Encode:

echo -n "your_word" | base64

To Decode:

echo -n "your_base64_string" | base64 --decode

How to Test Things

When to Choose Which in Kubernetes?

  • Use curl for:

API interaction or testing HTTP responses (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE). Debugging advanced HTTP headers or response status. Validating DNS resolution with specific request formats.


# Test Connectivity to a Pod or Service. In this case validate if a service named my-service running on port 8080 is accessible.
kubectl run tmp --image=busybox --rm -i -- curl -m 5 http://my-service:8080

# Check the Headers or Debug Responses. Here validate the HTTP headers returned by a service to debug load balancer configurations or caching.
kubectl run tmp --image=busybox --rm -i -- curl -I http://my-service:8080

# Fetch Cluster DNS Resolution. Ensure DNS resolves a specific pod or service correctly within the cluster.
kubectl run tmp --image=busybox --rm -i -- curl -m 5
  • Use wget for:

Simple connectivity checks (e.g., "Is this service reachable?"). Downloading files (e.g., downloading a binary or a script for setup).


# Test Connectivity to a Pod or Service or Basic DNS and Service Testing. Similar to the curl example but focuses on retrieving content quickly.
kubectl run tmp --image=busybox --rm -i -- wget -O- -T 5 http://my-service:8080

# Download a File. Retrieve and save a file from an external URL for use in your container.
kubectl run tmp --image=busybox --rm -i -- wget -O myfile.txt

Test network polices

k -n space1 exec app1-0 -- curl -m 1 microservice1.space2.svc.cluster.local

k -n space1 exec app1-0 -- nslookup tester.default.svc.cluster.local

Test svc

k run test --image=nginx --rm -n ckad12-svcn -it -- sh
k run test --image=nginx --rm -it -- sh


helm install kubernetes-dashboard-server kubernetes-dashboard/kubernetes-dashboard -n cd-tool-apd