# Run a busybox container that prints the date every 3 seconds
k run --image=busybox bbox -- sh -c 'while true; do date; sleep 3; done '
# View logs of the busybox container
kubectl logs busybox
# Follow the logs of the busybox container
kubectl logs busybox -f
# View logs from 'webapp-1' container and filter for 'USER5'
kubectl logs webapp-1 | grep USER5
# to select the containers
kubectl logs webapp-2 -c
kubectl logs webapp-2 -c simple-webapp
kubectl logs alta3pod | sudo tee ~/opt/answers/mypod.log
# See the error of a pod
kubectl get events | grep -i error
# Get logs from 'log-x' container in 'dev-pod', filter for warnings, and save them to /opt/logs.txt
kubectl dev-pod -c log-x | grep WARN > /opt/logs.txt
# To keep watching the logs
kubectl logs bbox --follow
# Use describe
kubectl describe bbox
kubectl describe mydeploy
# See events for all resources in the cluster
kubectl get events
# Filter events for 'Schedule' keyword
kubectl get events | grep Schedule
# View logs of a pod created using kubectl run (e.g., 'bbox')
kubectl run --image=busybox bbox -- sh -c 'echo here; sleep 3600'
# Access the shell of a running pod ('bbox') interactively
kubectl exec -it bbox -- sh
# List all deployments across all namespaces
k get get deploy --all-namespaces
# List pods and services in the 'elastic-stack' namespace
kubectl -n elastic-stack get pod, svc
# Check more options for describing pods (e.g., volume mounts)
kubectl explain pods --recursive | less
# Monitor resource usage for nodes
kubectl top node
# Monitor resource usage for pods
kubectl top pod