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A lot of my PhD work involved working with solitons of various types, such as Q-balls, oscillons, boson stars, axion miniclusters, etc. I think they are pretty cool and often don't get the attention they deserve. This repo will serve as a place for me to "collect" solitons of varying types. I think for each type, I will have like a little theory section that explains the math behind them, and then I will do some actual numerical computation of some kind to illustrate them. Depending on the kind of soliton, dimensionality, number of parameters, perhaps it will be an animation, snapshot, visualization of some parameter space?

Numerical calculations

Recent advances in scientific computing have led to a variety of easy-to-use tools for performing numerical computations. Within the python environment, numpy, scipy and numba can take advantage of JIT compilation, vectorization, multithreading/multiprocess speedups... even GPU acceleration with custom kernels! So I don't feel any need to use a language other than python for now.


In most places, I will be using natural units (unless specifically noted otherwise). This means that:

  • $c = \hbar = k_B = \varepsilon_0 = \mu_0 = 1$
  • energy, mass, temperature, all are measured in units of energy (eV, MeV, GeV, ...)
  • length, time, etc. are measured in units of inverse energy (1/eV, ...)
  • angular momentum, electric charge, etc. are dimensionless
  • Newton's gravitational constant can be rewritten as $G = 1/M_p^2$, where $M_p \approx 1.22\times 10^{19}$ GeV is the Planck mass

I prefer to use the "mostly minus" spacetime metric, so that $ds^2 = dt^2 - dx^2$, $ds < 0$ denotes a timelike interval, $ds > 0$ a spacelike interval, and $ds = 0$ a lightlike interval.

Simulation list:

Click the ✅ to go to the notebook for that scenario.

status field content kinetic term potential gravity # dim. time dep.
single scalar Schrodinger $\alpha (|\psi|^2-\bar{\psi}^2)^2$ no 1D no
single scalar Schrodinger $\alpha (|\psi|^2-\bar{\psi}^2)^2$ no 1D yes - binary collisions
single scalar Klein-Gordon $\alpha\cos(\phi/M)$ no 1D no
two scalars Schrodinger $\alpha(\chi^2 - \bar{\chi}^2)^2 + \beta \chi^2 |\psi|^2$ no 1D no
single scalar Schrodinger $\alpha (|\psi|^2-\bar{\psi}^2)^2$ no 3D no
single scalar Schrodinger $\alpha (|\psi|^2-\bar{\psi}^2)^2$ no 3D binary collisions
single scalar Schrodinger $\alpha (|\psi|^2-\bar{\psi}^2)^2$ Newtonian 3D no
single scalar Schrodinger $\alpha (|\psi|^2-\bar{\psi}^2)^2$ Newtonian 3D binary collisions
single scalar + $U(1)$ gauge field Schrodinger $\alpha (|\psi|^2-\bar{\psi}^2)^2$ no 3D no
single scalar Klein-Gordon $\alpha (|\phi|^2-\bar{\phi}^2)^2$ no 1D no
single scalar Klein-Gordon $\alpha (|\phi|^2-\bar{\phi}^2)^2$ no 1D binary collisions
single scalar Klein-Gordon $\alpha (|\phi|^2-\bar{\phi}^2)^2$ no 1D condensate fragmentation