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This library implements SWSIM v111 for Address cleanse & validation

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    dotnet add package EasyKeys.Shipping.Stamps.AddressValidation



    app.MapPost("/addressValidation", async (
        AddressValidationDto model,
        IStampsAddressValidationProvider addressProvider,
        CancellationToken cancellationToken) =>
        var address = new ValidateAddress(model.Id, model!.Address);
        var validatedAddress = await addressProvider.ValidateAddressAsync(address, cancellationToken);

        return Results.Json(validatedAddress, options);

    public class AddressValidationDto
        public string Id { get; set; } = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

        public Address? Address { get; set; }

How Address Validation Works

CleanseAddress as the name suggests provides address verification functionality.

Domestic Address Validation

SWS/IM requires you to verify the address for all domestic shipments. Once you have the destination address call CleanseAddress, this will verify the address is valid and also make formatting changes to meet USPS addressing standard. When the response is received from the request the AddressMatch and CityStateZipOk fields are checked.

AddressMatch : This is a Boolean value that is True if an exact match was found.

CityStateZipOk : If this is true that means the street address provided could not be verified but the city, state and the zip match each other. In this case, you can continue to print postage for this address but it is probably worth informing the user that the street address could not be verified.

Both fields are recorded in the ValidationBag of the ValidateAddress object.

International Address Validation

Addresses cannot be verified for international shipments but we do verify the destination country. Please ensure that you use a country name from the accepted list published here ‐

Additional Information

Please note that in order to recieve a successful response sender & recipient contact information must be provided.