Working with CGRects and points can be tedious. Hopefully this lib will make it a little better.
Eventually I'll put other geometry helper tools for iOS and macOS in here as well.
- Create a Cartfile in the root of your project with the following contents:
github "dylan/geo"
- Run the following:
$ carthage bootstrap
let rect2 = CGRect(x: 80, y: 80, width: 30, height: 30) // {x 80 y 80 w 30 h 30}
let rect1 = CGRect(x: 10, y: 10, width: 15, height: 15) // {x 10 y 10 w 15 h 15}
rect1.topLeft.cgPoint // {x 10 y 10}
rect1.bottomRight.cgPoint // {x 25 y 25}
rect1.align(rect1.topLeft, to: rect2.bottomRight) // {x 110 y 110 w 15 h 15}