Releases: dvklopfenstein/pmidcite
Fixed download issue for PMIDs w/no NIH citation data
v0.0.16 Fixed Created v0…
Simplify code by instantiating NIHiCiteDownloader directly
v0.0.15 Version v0.0.15: Simplify code by instantiating NIHiCiteDownloader di…
Improved speed when downloading NIH citation data for large numbers of PMID. More elegant NIH downloader interface.
v0.0.14 Improved speed when downloading NIH citation data for large numbers o…
Add new `icite` arguments, `-c` and `-r` for finer grain control when downloading NIH citation data
TBD: Switch to console_scripts in the future
v0.0.11 Switch to console_scripts TBD
Updated notebooks w/new grouping customizability
Creating new version for notebook updates
Improve configuration file documentation
v0.0.8 Version 0.0.8
icite line report's 1st citation count includes cited_by_clin
v0.0.5 The 1st citation count in icite line contains any clinical citations
Added paper links to README. Added researcher get functions.
1. Main README:
Added links to research paper references. Added to and improved documentation
2. Added notes regarding external pmid2cite Web Application
It is unclear who is running it and what they are doing with the data it collects
3. Added getter functions for sleeker library experience
Published: 10.1002/jrsm.1456 and 10.1002/jrsm.1457
Code and documentation updates post publication on Friday, October 9, 2020 of two papers:
Commentary to Gusenbauer and Haddaway 2020: Evaluating Retrieval Qualities of PubMed and Google Scholar
Klopfenstein DV and Dampier W
2020 | Research Synthesis Methods | PMID: 33031632 | DOI: 10.1002/jrsm.1456 -
The response to our commentary:
What every Researcher should know about Searching – Clarified Concepts, Search Advice, and an Agenda to improve Finding in Academia
Gusenbauer M and Haddaway N
2020 | Research Synthesis Methods | PMID: 33031639 | DOI: 10.1002/jrsm.1457