- various fixes
- add net8 as target
- add net7 as target; remove net5; remove netcoreapp3.1
- add net6 as target
- Change all the apis to be fully-async - no Task.Run tricks :).
- with contributions from https://github.com/nesc58.
- thanks to https://github.com/wslyhbb for the initial trigger :).
- Breaking change Drop support for .NET Standard 1.3 due to lack of complete async support.
- Breaking change Remove utility helpers for persistent search & notifications.
- Breaking change Connecting using "host:port" and multiple hosts "host1 host2" syntax specified in the host string parameter is not supported anymore. Anyone who is really fond of these features can write them on top of the core api Connect(host, port)
- Implement SASL external authentication with client certificate
- Add LdapConnectionOptions to allow better configuration of how to connect including
- configure the SslProtocols
- configure a selector to filter the ip addresses used for connecting
- connect using SSL
- configure client certificates
- configure the certification callbacks
- Fix thread-safety issue - thanks to Marcin Krystianc - https://github.com/marcin-krystianc
- Fix utf encoding issue in filter - thanks to Andrey Chayka - https://github.com/ubik
- Move build to Azure DevOps
- the tests are running on both netcoreapp3.1/net6/net8
- the units tests are running on all three major platforms Windows, Linux Ubuntu, MacOS
- the functional and stress tests are running against OpenLdap on Ubuntu 20.04
- use Invoke-Build for the build script
- the tests are running on both netcoreapp3.1/net6/net8
- Various small improvements
- Add SimplePagedResultsControl & helper class for using it - thanks to Aleksandr Eliseev - https://github.com/metacube
- Add helper classes & extensions methods to ILdapConnection for using SimplePagedResultsControl & VLVC
- Add samples via tests of using SimplePagedResultsControl & VLVC for reading large results via paging
- Increase performance in filter parsing - thanks to https://github.com/isnogud
- net5 package
- Avoid unnecessary async calls - thanks to Steve Greatrex - https://github.com/stevegreatrex
- Simplify ILogger dependencies - thanks to Thomas Ibel - https://github.com/tibel
- Add strong name - thanks to Thomas Ibel - https://github.com/tibel
- Add ExtendedDnControl - thanks to Miroslav Adamec - https://github.com/mirecad
- Deprecate LibLog. Add back Microsoft.Logging with different versions for the three .net standard version: 1.3, 2.0, 2.1
- Fix GetAttribute documentation
- Build nuget package for .net standard 2.1 too. Tests are now running on net core 3.1.
- The build is running on Ubuntu Xenial
- Fix FetchSchema
- Fix not using timeout when connecting via SSL - thanks to Konrad Kruczyński - https://github.com/konrad-kruczynski
- change ILdapConnection interface to improve testability & mockability
- changes to the public api of the library to improve usability and make it more .net style
- IPv6 support
- SASL support - thanks to Michael Stum - https://github.com/mstum
- Support for ReferralFollowing - thanks to Joseph Petersen - https://github.com/casz
- Add LocalCertificateSelectionCallback - thanks to bmoore - https://github.com/barry-r-moore
- Fix issue in message timeout - thanks to martindrlik https://github.com/martindrlik
- Remove dependency of Microsoft.Extensions.Logging - use LibLog
- Prevents dns lookup if IP is passed to Connect - thanks to mjrist - https://github.com/mjrist
- Added connect timeout
- Disconnect method added to ILdapConnection
- The build matrix is running the stress tests in three ways: with no transport security, with SSL and with TLS.
- Improve TLS support - it used to throw exception in some rare conditions.
- Added new tests for connect with/without SSL/TLS
- Added new tests for search
- Some smaller cleanups
- Added stress tests which are running the functional tests on multiple threads - running in Travis CI using OpenLDAP in a build matrix with different number of threads
- Added functional tests which are running in CI using OpenLDAP as ldap server
- Fixed reader thread hanging when disposing ldap connection after an unsuccesful bind (not sure if was happening in the original library as I didnt check it but very likely it did)
- Code cleanup: delete useless/incorrect finalizers and some general cleanup
- Free the write semaphore in finally
- Fix crashing of reader thread when stopping the thread because of unhandled exception (the reader thread was expecting IOException but not ObjectDisposedException)
- Fix race condition causing null reference on dispose of LdapConnection
- Built against the lowest possible version of .NET Standard: 1.3
- ILdapConnection introduced
2.3.0 Initial version built against the release version of .NET Core 1.0. The main changes for porting were around:
- Thread usage: the library was extensively using Abort, Interrupt, ThreadInterruptedException, ... - which is not recommended and also not supported in .NET Core.
- Serialization support for a limited number of types was deleted; not supported on .net core
- Ssl support: the library was using Mono.Security for this. Now is implemented using SslStream from NetStandard
- Implement IDisposable for LdapConnection to allow usage of "using" construct
2009-07-14 Palaniappan N [email protected]
- The fix for the crash while disconnecting has been checked in. The fix is to implement iDisposambe interface and use 'Dispose' method to shut down the connection.
2009-07-07 Palaniappan N [email protected]
- New LDAP extension (specific to eDirectory) GetEffectivePrivilegesList has been added. eDirectory supports this from version 8.8 SP5. GetEffectivePrivilegesListRequest.cs processes the extended request. And GetEffectivePrivilegesListResponse.cs processes the extended response. GetEffectivePrivilegesList.cs is the sample that explains the extension.
2009-07-06 Palaniappan N [email protected]
- Changed version from 2.1.10 to 2.2.1 in Connection.cs
- Changed version from 2.1.10 to 2.2.1 in AssemblyInfo.cs
2008-03-14 Palaniappan N [email protected]
- Changed version from 2.1.9 to 2.1.10 in Connection.cs
- Changed version from 2.1.9 to 2.1.10 in AssemblyInfo.cs
2007-12-19 Palaniappan N [email protected]
- Fix for the issue of getting occasional -5875 error on the server when disconnecting the client.
2007-12-19 Palaniappan N [email protected]
- InteractiveSSL.cs has been made to check the certificate store, if the certificate is present and valid before adding the new certificate to the Trust store.
2007-12-19 Palaniappan N [email protected]
- In the searchResultEventArgs.ToString(), the function classification was hard coded earlier. This has been fixed.
2007-12-05 Palaniappan N [email protected]
- Exception messages have been thrown in case of connection failure
2007-10-18 Palaniappan N [email protected]
- Changed version from 2.1.8 to 2.1.9 in Connection.cs
- Changed version from 2.1.8 to 2.1.9 in AssemblyInfo.cs
2007-09-24 Palaniappan N [email protected]
- conn.Disconnect() has been added in the samples InteractiveSSL.cs and SecureBind.cs to disconnect the connections properly even in case of the exceptions. The same will be done in all the samples in the upcoming release.
2007-09-19 Palaniappan N [email protected]
- Added a try/finally section in the file connection.cs to release the semId semaphore in case the connection fails.
2007-09-10 Palaniappan N [email protected]
- Exception has been thrown in case of supply of negative sleep interval.Change done in the file LdapEventSource.cs
2007-08-28 Palaniappan N [email protected]
- Assembly loader to load Mono.Security has been modified to pick up the proper one. Change done in the Connection.cs file
2007-03-07 Palaniappan N [email protected]
- Changed version from 2.1.7 to 2.1.8 in Connection.cs
- Changed version from 2.1.7 to 2.1.8 in AssemblyInfo.cs
2006-12-11 Palaniappan N [email protected]
- A fix for the bug which deals about the exceptions caused while using events with lots of create/modify events
- A new property BinaryData has been implemented in the ValueEventData.cs class to enable applications retrieve the binary data as such from the ASN1OctetString with out converting it in to a String
2006-11-22 Palaniappan N [email protected]
- Done a fix in DN.cs by correcting the misplaced decrement operator which caused malfunctioning of isDescendantOf() method
2006-10-12 Palaniappan N [email protected]
- Added a new sample ListGroups.cs
- Added a new sample SetPassword.cs
- Added a new sample AsynchronousSortControl.cs in Controls
- Added a new sample SimplePassword.cs in Controls
2006-09-05 Palaniappan N [email protected]
- Added a new sample ModifyACL.cs
- Added a new catch block in Connection.cs to catch the socket exceptions.
- Checked the condition, whether the sockets created by BOTH SSL and cleartext connections are open / null in Connection.cs
- Changes made in LdapResponse.cs so to monitor the events which caused problems with eDirectory 8.8 SP1 release, because of the LdapResponse structure.
- Modification done in RfcFilter.cs to parse the special charectes too.
- The usage of the command line arguments have been corrected in the samples AddEntry.cs, Bind.cs, CompareAttrs.cs, DelEntry.cs, GetAttributeSchema.cs, InteractiveSSL.cs, ModifyEntry.cs, ModifyPass.cs, RenameEntry.cs, Search.cs, SecureBind.cs, StartTLS.cs, PSearchCallback.cs, SearchPersist.cs, SortSearch.cs, VLVControl.cs
- Changed version from 2.1.6 to 2.1.7 in Connection.cs
- Changed version from 2.1.6 to 2.1.7 in AssemblyInfo.cs
2006-06-21 Palaniappan N [email protected]
- Added support for Backup-Restore of LDAP Objects
- Added new sample GetLdapBackupRestore.cs in the extensions to support Backup-Restore Feature
- Added new sample ClientSideSort.cs to support client side sorting of the entries
- Added new sample CompareAttrs.cs to compare the attributes
- Added new sample DynamicGroup.cs to support Dynamic Grouping of entries
- Added new sample List.cs to get all the entries of a specific container
- Changed version from 2.1.5 to 2.1.6 in Connection.cs
- Changed version from 2.1.5 to 2.1.6 in AssemblyInfo.cs
2006-03-27 Palaniappan N [email protected]
- Removed the assembly reference to Mono.Security.dll which caused the mismatch and added the appropriate reference
2006-03-03 Palaniappan N [email protected]
- Added new sample EdirEventSample.cs in the extensions to support event handling
- Modified the sample SearchPersist.cs to monitor the changes properly and unwanted namespaces are removed
- Changed version from 2.1.4 to 2.1.5 in Connection.cs.
- Changed version from 2.1.4 to 2.1.5 in AssemblyInfo.cs
2005-11-09 Palaniappan N [email protected]
- Connection.cs is changed so as to load the Mono.Security.dll even from a non-default location (path)
2005-09-23 Palaniappan N [email protected]
- Changes done in the samples PartitionEntryCount.cs, VLVControl.cs, SearchPersist.cs and AddUserToGroup.cs to catch the uncaught exceptions as the fixes for the bugs #1291,#1292 and #1293 (from forge site)
2005-09-21 Palaniappan N [email protected]
- Changed version from 2.1.3 to 2.1.4 in Connection.cs
- Changed version from 2.1.3 to 2.1.4 in AssemblyInfo.cs
2005-09-14 Palaniappan N [email protected]
- The sample InteractiveSSL.cs is updated so as to give the client , the provision of seeing the server details to which it is trying to connect and to decide whether to proceed the SSL handshake or not. If it is to be proceeded, the server's certificate will be imported automatically to the client's Trust Store
2005-09-13 Palaniappan N [email protected]
- Fix for bugs #1174, #1175 (from forge site) made - Connection.cs class is modified by synchronizing the stream threads so as to avoid the memory consumption and handle consumption
2005-07-19 Anil Bhatia [email protected]
- Implementation and sample for Interactive SSL Support - provision for application to decide whether to proceed with SSL Handshake
2005-07-19 Anil Bhatia [email protected]
- fix for bug [#1022] from forge site. The fix seems to work for the time being
2005-07-11 Anil Bhatia [email protected]
- Support for Error Messages
- Removed hard coded dependency on Mono Security
- Fix for a race condition in Connection.cs
2005-01-19 Anil Bhatia [email protected]
- Added support for subordinate subtree scope. Classes changed for this are LdapConnection and LdapUrl. Ref: http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-sermersheim-ldap-subordinate-scope-01.txt
2005-01-14 Anil Bhatia [email protected]
- Changed version from 2.1.1 to 2.1.2 in Connection.cs.
- Changed version from 1.0.0. to 2.1.2 in AssemblyInfo.cs
2005-01-05 Anil Bhatia [email protected]
- Added support for error code 113 SSL_HANDSHAKE_FAILED
2004-09-16 Anil Bhatia [email protected]
- Added Support for LDAP and eDir events.
- Changes in Connection.cs regarding appropriate handling in method ServerCertificateValidation. This is required for proper execution of SecureBind sample
2004-04-14 Sunil Kumar [email protected]
- Added Support for SSL/TLS
2004-03-31 Sunil Kumar [email protected]
- Added support for LDAP Extension registrations
2003-14-12 Sunil Kumar [email protected]
- Added Support for XML documentation
2003-10-12 Sunil Kumar [email protected]
- Added Support for Schema Related Operations
2003-21-11 Sunil Kumar [email protected]
- Changed the linux build script to replace corlib.dll with mscorlib.dll
2003-16-11 Sunil Kumar [email protected]
- Added LDAP controls in Novell.Directory.Ldap.Controls
- Added Samples for LDAP controls
2003-15-11 Sunil Kumar [email protected]
- Changed the LdapConnection public Method name as per MS naming convention
- Added the Authors description
2003-14-11 Sunil Kumar [email protected]
- Changed the Directory structure and Class file names as per the Microsoft Standards
- Changed the build scripts accordingly