Project to revolutionize educational examinations. 📝 😄
Take a look: LIVE APP 🔗
Backend: C#, ASP.Net, CockRoachDB
Frontend: TypeScript, JavaScript, React.js, Tailwind
Infrastructure: Docker
Install the Editor Config plugin for VSCode/VS/whichever editor you are using. This will ensure line-endings and indentations are formatted correctly when saving.
issue/{issue #}-{short description}.
Example: issue/1-setup-backend
NOTE: Use dashes no spaces
{type of change}: {description}.
Example:feat: student can submit
Types of changes:
-> add a new featurerefactor
-> change something not visible for usersfix
-> fixed something that already existedinfra
-> Infrastructure setups
Closes #{issue #}
- {Bullet points of what was done}
Once data context has been modified, open a terminal on the root of the project and run the following:
> dotnet ef migrations add {descriptive short name for changes}
If the above succeed then run
> dotnet ef database update
- Visual Studio 2022
- .NET 6 / ASP.NET 6 Workload
- Yarn
- Node
Install prerequirements from the root of repository:
yarn run i
Run code locally:
yarn start-local --no-cache
Run the project solution in the Visual Studio
To describe the structure of API for Frontend (while local server in Visual Studio is turned off):
yarn run nswag run /runtime:Net60
Deploy frontend and backend separately.
Already has Dockerfile, therefore only thing to do is to deploy it on railway. Login into railway (for now only Alvaro's
railway login
Then deploy using
railway up
It's that simple. If it says it has no linked project then just run:
railway link
And then select shellhacks2023
First make sure the server url is the deployed server, it should be a link. Localhost is for development only not production.
CD into the client folder and run:
yarn run build-prod
This command will create a dist
folder (or update it). To deploy it login into netlify (for now Alvaro's account). Select deploys and drag and drop the dist
folder and it will deploy.