- Bump dependencies. Shiny things for the shiny age.
- Containerized to run in Docker-Compose. Keep things small and contained.
- Updated dependencies for the new age
- Removed XIV accuracy since it's no longer in the game
- Added XIV Secondaries and XIV BIS
- Added Vote function
- Added some author only commands
- Added Megumeme, lewd, and Ugoki reaction images
- Fixed animeirl not escaping &
- When I initially created animeirl, Reddit was having a hiccup and was being slow. It's actually pretty quick, so updated accordingly.
- No longer need to @Mention Mage to call Cleverbot in a DM
- Added animeirl command.
- Updated some dependencies
- Updated info command to get version number from package.json. Removed version from config as a result.
- Fixed autoGreen's handling of empty messages. Again.
- Mage moved to Node.js.
- Removed audio playback support for all except YouTube. Sorry :(
- Music prefix removed from music commands.
- Some commands have been renamed to accommodate
- Added math, userinfo and woof commands
- Removed kill command.
- Fixed a bug where some YouTube videos would not play
- Set to ignore one particular channel in the dev guild
- Added Zurvan Extreme accuracy cap
- Added trigger command
- Added kill, restart and meow commands
- Fixed autoGreen's handling of empty messages.
- Fixed info command and join message's null author name if author doesn't have nickname
- Initial release!