Set up a Kotlin Multiplatform app by running one command 🚀
lynx is a command line tool that helps you generate a Kotlin Multiplatform mobile projects.
It's open source and written in Swift.
The first thing that we need to do to get started is installing the tool. To do so, you can run the following commands in your terminal:
bash <(curl -Ls
lynx init ProjectName com.yourcomany
lynx init ProjectName com.yourcomany --use-swiftui # the ios project will be a SwiftUI project
This will create a new app project with the given name using the given bundle identifier/package name.
name - The name to give the project
bundleId - The company bundle prefix to use (i.e. com.doublesymmetry)
--use-swiftui [default: false] - Whether the generated iOS project should use SwiftUI
--use-compose (coming soon) [default: false] - Whether the generated Android project should use Jetpack Compose
--template [optional] - A third party template to use instead - options are: kampkit
Same as the install instructions, the binary will be overriden.