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File metadata and controls

136 lines (97 loc) · 4.1 KB


This PoC is not quite same with normal shamir's secret sharing, it introduces using asymmetric cryptography to restore the secret.


  • command line tool for PoC
  • client-server structure
  • Provide this service as public API

Basic Usage / Demo

dodo would storage its data under ~/.dodo in json files, you could inspect them.

create a playground

mkdir try-dodo
cd try-dodo

prepare key pair for several members

for name in 'alice' 'bob' 'carol' 'dave' 'eve'; do
    ssh-keygen -m pem -N '' -C $name -f $name

install dodo

go install

Thanks to cobra, dodo provides completion for bash, zsh, fish and powershell, using completion would improve the experience, see:

  • dodo completion bash --help
  • dodo completion zsh --help
  • etc...

Create a committee

Committee is a group of participants who share the same secret.

dodo committee add --description "dodo's first committee" dodo

Add the members into committee

for name in 'alice' 'bob' 'carol' 'dave' 'eve'; do
    dodo committee-member add --committee-name dodo --public-key $ $name

ANYBODY (not only the committee members) could create a secret

Someone (like me), create a new record with message "STRRL is a lazy guy". And it requires at least 4 (by --threshold)approval from the committee to decrypt this message.

dodo record add --committee-name dodo --message "STRRL is a lazy guy" --threshold 4

ANYBODY (not only the committee members) could create a proposal to decrypt the secret

replace the ids when you execute the following commands

❯ dodo record list --committee-name dodo 
ID      Description     Committee       Threshold
af84039a-6d08-49d7-8428-076b91639082            dodo    4

❯ dodo decrypt-proposal create --record-id 22735228-f8fb-4691-b728-863bf5694210 --reason "I think this message is dangerous" 

❯ dodo decrypt-proposal list                                                                                                
ProposalID      RecordID        Reason
49eef4c6-c62e-43c2-9747-f3eb79e98c5f    af84039a-6d08-49d7-8428-076b91639082    I think this message is dangerous

❯ dodo decrypt-proposal inspect --proposal-id 49eef4c6-c62e-43c2-9747-f3eb79e98c5f 
Proposal ID: 49eef4c6-c62e-43c2-9747-f3eb79e98c5f
Proposal Reason: I think this message is dangerous
Record ID: af84039a-6d08-49d7-8428-076b91639082
Record Description: 
Committee: dodo
Approve Committee Members: 

❯ dodo record decrypt --record-id af84039a-6d08-49d7-8428-076b91639082 
No proposal has enough approvals, you should concat with other committee members for more approvals
Available proposals:
Proposal ID: 49eef4c6-c62e-43c2-9747-f3eb79e98c5f, Reason: I think this message is dangerous, threshould: 4, approved members: 

Only committee members could approve the proposal

It uses age to decrypt the content with the SSH private key. age is an alternative to gpg, and could work with SSH keys.

You could install age by:

go install
# notice that alice doesn't approve the proposal
export PROPOSAL_ID=49eef4c6-c62e-43c2-9747-f3eb79e98c5f
for name in 'bob' 'carol' 'dave' 'eve'; do
    dodo decrypt-proposal get-encrypted-slice --proposal-id $PROPOSAL_ID --member-name $name | age -d -i ./$name | dodo decrypt-proposal approve --proposal-id $PROPOSAL_ID

After arrive the threshold, the record can be decrypted

❯ dodo decrypt-proposal inspect --proposal-id 49eef4c6-c62e-43c2-9747-f3eb79e98c5f 
Proposal ID: 49eef4c6-c62e-43c2-9747-f3eb79e98c5f
Proposal Reason: I think this message is dangerous
Record ID: af84039a-6d08-49d7-8428-076b91639082
Record Description: 
Committee: dodo
Approve Committee Members: bob, carol, dave, eve

❯ dodo record decrypt --record-id af84039a-6d08-49d7-8428-076b91639082 
Decrypted record: STRRL is a lazy guy

purge the playground and dodo's storage

cd ../
rm -rf try-dodo
rm -rf ~/.dodo