diff --git a/src/app/loginComponents/onboarding/downloadcliclient/downloadcliclient.component.ts b/src/app/loginComponents/onboarding/downloadcliclient/downloadcliclient.component.ts index e0332cbda..ea94e786b 100644 --- a/src/app/loginComponents/onboarding/downloadcliclient/downloadcliclient.component.ts +++ b/src/app/loginComponents/onboarding/downloadcliclient/downloadcliclient.component.ts @@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ run scripts or interact programmatically against Dockstore APIs, and [run workfl #### Requirements 1. Linux/Ubuntu (Recommended - Tested on 22.04 LTS) or Mac OS X machine 2. Java 17 (Tested with OpenJDK 17 and Eclipse Temurin JDK 17; Oracle JDK may work but is untested) -3. Python3 and pip3 (Required if working with CWL, optional otherwise) +3. Python3 and pipx (Required if working with CWL, optional otherwise) `; this.textDataUbuntuLinux = ` @@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ At this point, you now have the Dockstore CLI set up for interacting with the Do #### Part 6 - Install cwltool (Optional) Dockstore relies on [cwltool](https://github.com/common-workflow-language/cwltool) - a reference implementation of CWL - for local execution of tools and workflows described with CWL. -You'll need to have Python 3 and [pip3](https://pip.pypa.io/en/latest/installing/) to be installed on your machine. +You'll need to have Python 3 and [pipx](https://pipx.pypa.io/latest/installation/) to be installed on your machine. **Note:** cwltool must be available on your PATH for the Dockstore CLI to find it. @@ -176,15 +176,20 @@ You can install the version of cwltool that we've tested for use with Dockstore 1. Install cwltool \`\`\` curl -o requirements.txt "${this.dsServerURI}/metadata/runner_dependencies?client_version=${this.dockstoreVersion}&python_version=3" -pip3 install -r requirements.txt +pipx install cwltool==${this.cwltoolVersion} +pipx runpip cwltool install -r requirements.txt # this ensures that your version of cwltool and its dependencies matches what we test with \`\`\` -2. Verify using \`pip3 list\` that the installed pip packages match the ones specified in the downloaded requirements.txt. Confirm cwltool installation by checking the version. + +**Note:** If you receive a warning saying \`'/YOUR_HOME_DIR/.local/bin' is not on your PATH environment variable.\`, use \`pipx ensurepath\` to add it to your shell's config. Then open a new shell or run \`source ~/.bashrc\`. + +2. Verify using that the installed python packages match the ones specified in the downloaded requirements.txt. Confirm cwltool installation by checking the version. \`\`\` +$ pipx runpip cwltool list $ cwltool --version /usr/local/bin/cwltool ${this.cwltoolVersion} \`\`\` -Although Dockstore has only been tested with the above cwltool version, if you have issues installing cwltool please try running \`pip3 install cwltool\`. This will install the latest released version from PyPi that is compatible with your Python version. +Although Dockstore has only been tested with the above cwltool version, if you have issues installing cwltool please try running \`pipx install cwltool\`. This will install the latest released version from PyPi that is compatible with your Python version. #### Part 7 - Install Nextflow (Optional) The Dockstore CLI does not run Nextflow workflows. Users can run them directly by using the Nextflow command line tool. For installation instructions, follow [Nextflow's documentation](https://github.com/nextflow-io/nextflow#download-the-package)