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97 lines (68 loc) · 5.99 KB

General information

@dnvgl/i18n is a set of functions to support multiple languages/cultures in a browser or Node.js. There is no dependency on other libraries (exception: TypeScript when using definitions). It's built on the ECMAScript native solutions like for example Intl API.

The purpose of this library is to provide all needed functionalities to support multiple languages/cultures in the web application. All functions have been designed to be simple and easy to use, that is why some native API are wrapped. This library was in use two years (commercial use by DNV company) before its open-source release (2021-04-13).

The biggest advantage about the library is that it supports any language, using the culture of the browser.

1. Supported environments


  • Chrome (+ mobile): last 2 versions
  • Firefox (+ mobile): last 2 versions
  • Safari (+ mobile): v14* or newer
  • Edge: last 2 versions

There is a build-in function to check it: isBrowserCompatible().

* - formatCountry() and formatCurrency() require Safari 14.1 (desktop) or 14.5 (mobile)


  • v14 or newer

2. Installation

Using npm:

npm install @dnvgl/i18n

Using yarn:

yarn add @dnvgl/i18n

3. Usage

Import functions or types from @dnvgl/i18n, example:

import { sort, formatNumber } from '@dnvgl/i18n';

const sortedItems = sort(["Z", "a", "A", "z", "ś"], "asc", "pl-PL"); // returns ["a", "A", "ś", "z", "Z"]
const numberFormattedInSpecificCulture = formatNumber(12486.4529, { maxPrecision: 2 }, "de-DE"); // returns "12.486,45"
const numberFormattedInLocalCulture = formatNumber(12486.4529); // returns "12 486,4529" using local browser culture (in this case 'pl-PL'); any culture can be supported out of the box

Module system

Library supports esm modules tree shaking by default.

Testing in Jest

Jest does not support esm modules, and @dnvgl/i18n uses them. In order to test your application with Jest you have to add the following to your package.json:

"jest": {
  "transformIgnorePatterns": [

When there is another package that requires ES6 only then the pattern is:
"/node_modules/(?!(PACKAGE_1|PACKAGE_2))", e.g. "/node_modules/(?!(@dnvgl/i18n|another-package))"


Library provides a built-in ts definition.

4. Contributing

See the file.

5. Documentation

See full details in the file.

Number formatting/parsing/utils

formatInteger(), formatNumber(), formatNumberToFixed(), parseNumber(), transformToInputNumericString(), roundUsingHalfAwayFromZero(), getDecimalSeparator(), getMinusSign(), getThousandsSeparator(), createNumberFormat()

Datetime formatting

formatDate(), formatDatePart(), formatDateToISO(), formatRelativeTime(), formatMonth(), formatTime(), getDateFnsFormat(), getDayJsFormat(), getMomentFormat()


compareBooleans(), compareDates(), compareNumbers(), compareNumbersAlike(), compareStrings(), compareStringsFactory(), sort(), sortBy(), sortByInplace(), sortInplace()

String formatting/utils

capitalizeFirstLetter(), formatString(), lowercaseFirstLetter(), normalizeForSearching(), plural()

Country utils

findIso3166Country(), formatCountry(), getIso3166Countries(), getStatesOfUsa(), isEuropeanUnionMember(), isValidIso3166Code()

Currency utils

findIso4217Currency(), findIso4217CurrencyForIso3166Country(), formatCurrency(), getIso4217Currencies(), getCurrencySymbol(), isValidIso4217Code()

Financial utils

formatMoney(), formatIban(), getCountryCodeFromBic(), getCountryCodeFromIban(), roundUsingBankersMethod()


getSystemLocaleName(), isBrowserCompatible()

6. Changelog

See the file.