The compiler processes a WDL file in several phases:
- WOM: use the Cromwell WOM library to read a WDL file, parse it, type check it, and create a WOM data structure represention
- IR: generate Intermediate Code (IR) from the WOM representation
- Native: generate platform applets and workflows from the intermediate code
A WDL workflow is compiled into an equivalent DNAnexus workflow, enabling running it on the platform. The basic mapping is:
- A WDL task compiles to a DNAx applet (dx:applet).
- A WDL workflow compiles to a DNAx workflow (dx:workflow)
- A WDL call compiles to a dx workflow stage, and sometimes an auxiliary applet
- Scatters and conditional blocks are compiled into workflow stages, plus an auxiliary applet
There are multiple obstacles to overcome. We wish to avoid creating a controlling applet that would run and manage a WDL workflow. Such an applet might get killed due to temporary resource shortage, causing an expensive workflow to fail. Further, it is desirable to minimize the context that needs to be kept around for the WDL workflow, because it limits job manager scalability.
WDL supports complex and recursive data types, which do not have
native support. In order to maintain the usability of the UI, when possible,
we map WDL types to the dx equivalent. This works for primitive types
, Int
, String
, Float
, File
), and for single dimensional arrays
of primitives. However, difficulties arise with complex types. For
example, a ragged array of strings Array[Array[String]]
presents two issues:
- Type: Which dx type to use, so that it will be presented intuitively in the UI
- Size: ragged arrays may get very large. A naive approach is to serialize them as strings. However, this has resulted in strings in excess of 100KB for real world workflows. This is too large to present comfortably on the screen.
The type mapping for primitive types is:
WDL type | DNAx type |
Boolean | boolean |
Int | int |
Float | float |
String | string |
File | file |
Optional primitives are mapped as follows:
WDL type | DNAx type | optional |
Boolean? | boolean | true |
Int? | int | true |
Float? | float | true |
String? | string | true |
File? | file | true |
Single dimensional arrays of WDL primitives are mapped to DNAx optional arrays, because it allows them to be empty. The default DNAx array type is required to have at least one element.
WDL type | DNAX type | optional |
Array[Boolean] | array:boolean | true |
Array[Int] | array:int | true |
Array[Float] | array:float | true |
Array[String] | array:string | true |
Array[File] | array:file | true |
WDL types that fall outside these categories (e.g. ragged array of
files Array[Array[File]]
) are mapped to two fields: a flat array of
files, and a hash, which is a json serialized representation of the
WDL value. The flat file array informs the job manager about data
objects that need to be closed and cloned into the workspace.
A WDL file creates its own namespace. It may import other WDL files, each inhabiting its own namespace. Tasks and workflows from children can be called with their fully-qualified-names. We map the WDL namespace hierarchy to a flat space of dx:applets and dx:workflows in the target project and folder. To do this, we make sure that tasks and workflows are uniquely named.
In a complex namespace, a task/workflow can have several definitions. Such namespaces cannot be compiled by dxWDL.
A task is compiled into an applet that has an equivalent signature. For example, a task such as:
version 1.0
task count_bam {
input {
File bam
command <<<
samtools view -c ${bam}
runtime {
docker: ""
output {
Int count = read_int(stdout())
is compiled into an applet with the following dxapp.json
"name": "count_bam",
"dxapi": "1.0.0",
"version": "0.0.1",
"inputSpec": [
"name": "bam",
"class": "file"
"outputSpec": [
"name": "count",
"class": "int"
"runSpec": {
"interpreter": "bash",
"file": "",
"distribution": "Ubuntu",
"release": "16.04"
bash script runs the docker image
under which it runs the shell command samtools view -c ${bam}
Workflow linear
(below) takes integers x
and y
, and calculates
2*(x + y) + 1
Integers are used for simplicity; more complex types such as maps or arrays
could be substituted, keeping the compilation process exactly the
version 1.0
workflow linear {
input {
Int x
Int y
call add {input: a = x, b = y }
call mul {input: a = add.result, b = 2 }
call inc {input: a = mul.result }
output {
Int result = inc.result
# Add two integers
task add {
input {
Int a
Int b
command {}
output {
Int result = a + b
# Multiply two integers
task mul {
input {
Int a
Int b
command {}
output {
Int result = a * b
# Add one to an integer
task inc {
input {
Int a
command {}
output {
Int result = a + 1
has no expressions and no if/scatter blocks. This allows
direct compilation into a dx:workflow, which schematically looks like
phase | call | arguments |
Inputs | x, y | |
Stage 1 | applet add | x, y |
Stage 2 | applet mul | stage-1.result, 2 |
Stage 3 | applet inc | stage-2.result |
Outputs | sub.result |
In addition, there are three applets that can be called on their own:
, mul
, and inc
. The image below shows the workflow as an
ellipse, and the standalone applets as light blue hexagons.
The compiler can generate applets that are able to fully process
simple parts of a larger workflow. These are called fragments. A
fragment comprises a series of declarations followed by (1) a call, or
(2) a conditional block, or (3) a scatter block. Native workflows
do not support variable lookup, expressions, or evaluation. This means
that we need to launch a job even for a trivial expression. The
compiler tries to batch such evaluations together, to minimize the
number of jobs. For example, workflow linear2
is split into three stages, the last two of which are fragments.
workflow linear2 {
input {
Int x
Int y
call add { input: a=x, b=y }
Int z = add.result + 1
call mul { input: a=z, b=5 }
call inc { input: i= z + mul.result + 8}
output {
Int result = inc.result
Task add
can be called directly, no fragment is required. Fragment-1 evaluates expression add.result + 1
, and then calls mul
Int z = add.result + 1
call mul { input: a=z, b=5 }
Fragment-2 evaluates z + mul.result + 8
, and then calls inc
call inc { input: i= z + mul.result + 8}
Workflow linear2
is compiled into:
phase | call | arguments |
Inputs | x, y | |
Stage 1 | applet add | x, y |
Stage 2 | applet fragment-1 | stage-1.result |
Stage 3 | applet fragment-2 | stage-2.z, stage-2.mul.result |
Outputs | stage-3.result |
Workflow optionals
uses conditional blocks. It can be broken down into two fragments.
workflow optionals {
input {
Boolean flag
Int x
Int y
if (flag) {
call inc { input: a=x }
if (!flag) {
call add { input: a=x, b=y }
output {
Int? r1 = inc.result
Int? r2 = add.result
Fragment 1:
if (flag) {
call inc { input: a=x }
Fragment 2:
if (!flag) {
call add { input: a=x, b=y }
The fragments are linked together into a dx:workflow like this:
phase | call | arguments |
Inputs | flag, x, y | |
Stage 1 | applet fragment-1 | flag, x |
Stage 2 | applet fragment-2 | flag, x, y |
Outputs |, stage-2.add.result |
Workflow mul_loop
loops through the numbers 0, 1, .. n, and
multiplies them by two. The result is an array of integers.
workflow mul_loop {
input {
Int n
scatter (item in range(n)) {
call mul { input: a = item, b=2 }
output {
Array[Int] result = mul.result
It is compiled into:
phase | call | arguments |
Inputs | n | |
Stage 1 | applet fragment-1 | n |
Outputs | stage-1.mul.result |
The fragment is executed by an applet that calculates the WDL
expressions range(n)
, iterates on it, and launches a child job for
each value of item
. In order to massage the results into the proper
WDL types, we run a collect sub-job that waits for the child jobs to
complete, and returns an array of integers.
WDL allows blocks of scatters and conditionals to
be nested arbitrarily. Such complex workflows
are broken down into fragments, and tied together with
subworkflows. For example, in workflow two_levels
the scatter block
requires a subworkflow that will chain together the calls inc1
, and inc3
. Note that inc3
requires a fragment because it
needs to evaluate and export declaration b
workflow two_levels {
input {
scatter (i in [1,2,3]) {
call inc as inc1 { input: a = i}
call inc as inc2 { input: a = inc1.result }
Int b = inc2.result
call inc as inc3 { input: a = b }
if (true) {
call add { input: a = 3, b = 4 }
call mul {input: a=1, b=4}
output {
Array[Int] a = inc3.result
Int? b = add.result
Int c = mul.result
It will be broken down into five parts. A sub-workflow will tie the first three pieces together:
Part 1:
call inc as inc1 { input: a = i}
Part 2:
call inc as inc2 { input: a = inc1.result }
Part 3 (fragment A):
Int b = inc2.result
call inc as inc3 { input: a = b }
The top level workflow calls a scatter applet, which calls the sub-workflow. Later, it calls parts four and five.
Part 4 (fragment B):
if (true) {
call add { input: a = 3, b = 4 }
Part 5:
call mul {input: a=1, b=4}
The overall structure is