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File metadata and controls

1857 lines (1524 loc) · 73.1 KB

The reader is assumed to understand the Workflow Description Language (WDL) and Common Workflow Language (CWL), and have some experience using the DNAnexus platform.

dxCompiler takes a pipeline written in WDL or CWL and statically compiles it to an equivalent workflow on the DNAnexus platform. This document will use WDL examples to explain additional compiler options and features. To implement them when working with CWL workflows, please refer to CWL v1.2.0 to WDL v1.0 mapping for type and syntax equivalence between WDL and CWL.

Getting started

Prerequisites: DNAnexus platform account, dx-toolkit, java 8+, python 2.7 or 3.5+.

Make sure you've installed the dx-toolkit CLI, and initialized it with dx login. Download the latest dxCompiler compiler jar file from the releases page.

Compiling Workflow

To compile a workflow:

$ java -jar dxCompiler-xxx.jar compile /path/to/foo.wdl -project project-xxxx -folder /my/workflows/

This compiles foo.wdl to platform workflow foo in specified dx's project and folder (defaults to currently selected project and '/'). The generated workflow can then be run as usual using dx run. For example, if the workflow takes string argument X, then: dx run foo -i0.X="hello world"

Compilation can be controled with several parameters.

Option Description
archive Archive older versions of applets.
compileMode [All, IR] Compilation mode - If not specified, the compilation mode is "All" and the compiler will translate WDL or CWL inputs into DNAnexus workflows and tasks. Use "IR" if you only want to parse CWL or WDL files and convert standard-formatted input files to DNAnexus JSON input format without performing full compilation.
defaults <string> JSON file with standard-formatted default values.
defaultInstanceType <string> The default instance type to use for "helper" applets that perform runtime evaluation of instance type requirements. This instance type is also used when the '-instanceTypeSelection dynamic' option is set. This value is overriden by any defaults set in the JSON file specified by '-extras'.
destination <string> Full platform path (project:/folder)
execTree [json,pretty] Print a JSON representation of the workflow.
extras <string> JSON file with extra options
inputs <string> JSON file with standard-formatted input values. May be specified multiple times. A DNAnexus JSON input file is generated for each standard input file.
instanceTypeSelection [static,dynamic] Whether to select instance types at compile time for tasks with runtime requirements that can all be statically evaluated (the default "static" option), or to defer instance type selection in such cases to runtime (the "dynamic" option). Using static instance type selection can save time, but it requires the same set of instances to be accessible during WDL/CWL compilation and during the runtime of the generated applets and workflows. Use the "dynamic" option if you plan on creating global DNAnexus workflows or cloning the generated workflows between DNAnexus organizations with different available instance types.
imports <string> Directory to search for imported WDL or CWL files. May be specified multiple times.
locked Create a locked workflow. When running a locked workflow, input values may only be specified for the top-level workflow.
leaveWorkflowsOpen Leave created workflows open (otherwise they are closed).
projectWideReuse Look for existing applets/workflows in the entire project before generating new ones. The default search scope is the target folder only.
reorg Reorganize workflow output files.
runtimeDebugLevel [0,1,2] How much debug information to write to the job log at runtime. Log the minimum (0), intermediate (1, the default), or all debug information (2, for internal debugging).
separateOutputs Store the output files of each call in a separate folder. The default behavior is to put all outputs in the same folder.
streamFiles [all,none,perfile] Whether to mount all files with dxfuse (do not use the download agent), to mount no files with dxfuse (only use download agent), or to respect the per-file settings in WDL parameter_meta sections (default).
useManifests Use manifests files for all workflow and applet inputs and outputs. Implies -locked.
waitOnUpload Whether to wait for each file upload to complete.

The following common options can also be specified when compiling a workflow.

Options Description
folder <string> Platform folder (defaults to '/').
project <string> Platform project (defaults to currently selected project).
language <string> [ver] Which language to use? May be WDL or CWL. You can optionally specify a version. Currently: i. WDL: draft-2, 1.0, and 1.1, and ii. CWL: 1.2 are supported and WDL development is partially supported. The default is to auto-detect the language from the source file.
quiet Do not print warnings or informational outputs.
verbose Print detailed logging.
verboseKey <module> Print verbose output only for a specific module. May be specified multiple times.
logFile <path> File to use for logging output; defaults to stderr.


The -inputs option allows specifying a Cromwell JSON format inputs file. An equivalent DNAnexus format inputs file is generated from it. For example, workflow files has input file

  "files.f": "dx://project-aaaa:file-wwww",
  "files.f1": "dx://project-aaaa:file-xxxx",
  "files.f2": "dx://project-aaaa:file-yyyy",
  "files.fruit_list": "dx://project-aaaa:file-zzzz"

Note that the project ID should always be specified in dx URIs. This will speed up execution time by preventing the need for a more expensive API call to resolve the file.

The command

java -jar dxCompiler-xxx.jar compile test/files.wdl -project project-xxxx -inputs test/files_input.json

generates a test/files_input.dx.json file that looks like this:

  "f": {
    "$dnanexus_link": {
      "id": "file-wwww",
      "project": "project-aaaa"
  "f1": {
    "$dnanexus_link": {
      "id": "file-xxxx",
      "project": "project-aaaa"
  "f2": {
    "$dnanexus_link": {
      "id": "file-yyyy",
      "project": "project-aaaa"
  "fruit_list": {
    "$dnanexus_link": {
      "id": "file-zzzz",
      "project": "project-aaaa"

The workflow can then be run with the command:

$ dx run files -f test/files_input.dx.json

CWL Files

In CWL, files have additional fields that necessitate all file inputs being passed using a specially formatted object, rather than a DNAnexus link (i.e. in the applets generated by dxCompiler for a CWL workflow, all CWL File inputs are represented using DNAnexus inputs of class Hash). The input value is represented in JSON as an object with a special key (___) and a value with the following fields:

  • type: Must be "File".
  • uri: The dx:// URI of the file.
  • basename: The name to use when localizing the file. Optional, defaults to the source file name.
  • contents: The contents of the file. Optional. If specified, uri is ignored and basename must be specified. A file is created on the worker having the given basename and contents.
  • checksum: The file checksum. Optional. If specified, the checkum of the localized file must match or the job will fail with an error.
  • secondaryFiles: An array of files/directories that must be localized along side the primary file. The is identical in format to a directory listing (see the next section). Secondary files must be listed explicitly (patterns are not allowed). format: An IRI for the file format. See the CWL specification. Optional.

Simple example:

  "myapp.myfile": "dx://project-xxx:/path/to/file"

is transformed into

  "myfile": {
    "___": {
      "type": "File",
      "uri": {
        "$dnanexus_link": {
          "id": "file-xxx",
          "project": "project-xxx"

More complex example:

  "myapp.myfile": {
    "class": "File",
    "basename": "foo.txt",
    "contents": "This goes into the file"

is transformed into:

  "myfile": {
    "___": {
      "type": "File",
      "basename": "foo.txt",
      "contents": "This goes into the file"

which, on the worker, results in a file foo.txt being created in the inputs directory with the given contents. This file can be used like any other input file.


Both CWL and the development version of WDL have a Directory data type. Although DNAnexus does not treat folders as first-class objects, dxCompiler does support Directory-typed inputs and outputs, with some caveats.

A folder within a DNAnexus project can be represented in a standard JSON/YAML input file as a URI of the following form: dx://project-xxx:/path/to/folder/ (note that the trailing / is required). When this file is passed to dxCompiler via the -inputs option, it is transformed into DNAnexus input format.

Directory inputs:

In WDL, directories are represented as strings. For example, if the following directory input in a standard JSON input file:

  "mytask.dir": "dx://project-xxx:/path/to/folder/"

is passed to dxCompiler using the -input option, it is transformed into the following DNAnexus JSON input file:

  "dir": "dx://project-xxx:/path/to/folder/"
  1. The WDL specification states that a Directory input is to be treated as a snapshot of the directory at the time the job is executed. To enforce this behavior, at the start of the job the full (recursive) listing of the directory is retrieved, and only those files/subfolders are localized to the worker. This means that if a file is added to or removed from the directory in the DNAnexus project while the job is running, that change is not reflected in the local copy on the worker. However, if the same directory is used in multiple jobs, there is (currently) no way to guarantee that the contents are the same between workers. We strongly recommend to enact policies and practices to prevent modification of folders that will be used as input to compiled WDL workflows.

  2. A second important caveat, which results from the fact that folders are not treated as first-class objects by DNAnexus, is that, if job reuse is enabled, a job that is run with the same folder input as a previous job (and all other inputs the same) will reuse the previous job outputs regardless of whether the contents of the folder have changed. There are two possible solutions:

    • Disable job reuse when running executables with Directory-type inputs.
    • Enact policies and practices to prevent modification of folders that will be used as input when job reuse is enabled.
  3. Derives from Caveat #2: when Stage-N has Directory outputs which are passed to the inputs (also Directory) of the Stage-N+1, the latter stage needs VIEW permissions to the project to scan the output from Stage-N. This is different from how the i/o of the File type is passed between the stages.

Directory outputs:

WDL 2.0 supports directory outputs. Specify directory outputs in your tasks/workflows by providing an output path as a string. DNAnexus platform does not support Directory as a first class objects, therefore Directory outputs are coerced to the Hash type. Example:

task task_with_dir_outs {
  input {}

  command <<<
    mkdir folderoutput
    echo hello > folderoutput/hello.txt
  output {
    Directory outdir = 'folderoutput/'

The folderoutput/ directory has to be specified without dx:// prefix or project ID. It has to exist on the worker (see command above). After the job is done, output files will be delocalized to project-xxx:/OUTPUT_DIRECTORY/folderoutput where OUTPUT_DIRECTORY is specified output directory in the dx run command.


Directories always have an input class of Hash. The value is represented in JSON using a special key (___) and a value with the following fields:

  • type: must be "Folder"
  • uri: the dx:// URI of the folder
  • basename: the name to use when localizing the directory (defaults to the folder name if not specified)
  • listing: an array of File and/or Folder objects representing the directory structure. The listing can be nested to any level.

For example, in a standard JSON input file:

  "mytask.dir": "dx://project-xxx:/path/to/folder/"

which, when passed to dxCompiler using the -input option, is transformed into the following DNAnexus JSON input file:

  "dir": {
    "___": {
      "type": "Folder",
      "uri": "dx://project-xxx:/path/to/folder/"

CWL provides a mechanism for ensuring reproducibility of jobs that take directory inputs, via the listing field. We strongly recommend that CWL users specify the folder listing for each directory input. A job will only be reused if both the folder and the listing are identical. The ordering of the listing is taken into consideration when making the comparison, so the listing must be generated deterministically. The default behavior of dxCompiler when using the -input option is to generate input files with full listings for all directories. An example of a folder with a listing is:

  "dir": {
    "___": {
      "type": "Folder",
      "uri": "dx://project-xxx:/path/to/folder/",
      "listing": [
          "$dnanexus_link": {
            "id": "file-xxx",
            "project": "project-xxx"
          "___": {
            "type": "Folder",
            "uri": "dx://project-xxx:/path/to/folder/subfolder/",
            "listing": ...

In CWL, there is an additional data type available, Listing. A listing is similar to a Folder, except that it does not have a uri and instead must have a basename and a listing. Importantly, the items in the listing do not need to be from the same source folder. At runtime, a directory of the specified structure is constructed on the worker. If a CWL-style input JSON/YAML file is passed to the -inputs option of dxCompiler, a Directory input is automatically converted to a Listing input if it specifies a basename and listing but not a locationor path.

For example:

  "mywf.mylisting": {
    "class": "Directory",
    "basename": "mydir",
    "listing": [
        "class": "File",
        "location": "dx://project-xxx:/path/to/dir1/file1"
        "class": "File",
        "basename": "file2",
        "contents": "This is my second file"
        "class": "Directory",
        "location": "dx://project-xxx:/path/to/folder1"
        "class": "Directory",
        "location": "dx://project-xxx:/path/to/folder2"

is converted into:

  "mylisting": {
    "___": {
      "type": "Listing",
      "basename": "mydir",
      "listing": [
          "type": "File",
          "uri": {
            "$dnanexus_link": {
              "id": "file-xxx",
              "project": "project-xxx"
          "type": "File",
          "basename": "file2",
          "contents": "This is my second file"
          "___": {
            "type": "Folder",
            "uri": "dx://project-xxx:/path/to/folder1",
            "listing": ...
          "___": {
            "type": "Folder",
            "uri": "dx://project-xxx:/path/to/folder2",
            "listing": ...

which results in the following directory structure being created on the worker:

| |_...


The -defaults option is similar to -inputs. It takes a JSON file with key-value pairs, and compiles them as defaults into the workflow. If the files.wdl worklow is compiled with -defaults instead of -inputs

$ java -jar dxCompiler-xxx.jar compile test/files.wdl -project project-xxxx -defaults test/files_input.json

It can be run without parameters, for an equivalent execution.

$ dx run files


The -extras command line option takes an additional JSON file to set or override metadata and runtime attributes of workflows and tasks during compilation. See Setting DNAnexus-specific attributes in extras.json for details on how to write the extras file.

If this is file extraOptions.json:

    "defaultRuntimeAttributes" : {
      "docker" : ""

Then adding it to the compilation command line will add the atac-seq docker image to all tasks by default.

$ java -jar dxCompiler-xxx.jar compile test/files.wdl -project project-xxxx -defaults test/files_input.json -extras extraOptions.json

Describe WDL workflow to obtain execution tree

You can describe a DNAnexus workflow that was compiled by dxCompiler to get an execution tree presentating the workflow. The execution tree will include information on the executables in the workflow (applets and subworkflows). By default, the execution tree is return as JSON. You can supply a -pretty flag to return a pretty print.

To obtain execution tree from a dxCompiler compiled workflow:

  1. JSON - example
java -jar dxCompiler-xxx.jar describe <workflow_id> 
  1. prettyPrint - example
java -jar dxCompiler-xxx.jar describe <workflow_id> -pretty 

Task and workflow inputs

WDL assumes that a task declaration can be overriden by the caller, if it is unassigned, or assigned to a constant.

task manipulate {
  Int x
  Int y = 6
  Int z = y + x

In the manipulate task x and y are compiled to applet inputs, where y has a default value (6). This allows the applet caller to override them. Declaration z is not considered an input, because it is assigned to an expression.

In a workflow, similarly to a task, a declaration is considered an input if it is unassigned or or assigned to a constant. For example, workflow foo has three inputs: ref_genome, min_coverage, and config. Variable max_coverage is not compiled into an input because it is assigned to an expression. Note that config is an input, even though it is located in the middle of the workflow.

workflow foo {
    File ref_genome
    Float min_coverage = 0.8
    Float max_coverage = min_coverage + 0.1

    call GetVersion
    scatter (i in [1,2,3]) {
        call RandCheck { input: ref=ref_genome, seed=i }

    String config = "test"

WDL allows leaving required call inputs unassigned, and specifying them from the input file. For example, workflow math calls task add, but does not specify argument b. It can then be specified from the input file as follows: { "math.add.b" : 3}.

task add {
    Int a
    Int b
    output {
        Int result = a + b

workflow math {
    call add { input: a = 3 }
    output {
       Int result = add.result

Currently, dxCompiler does not support this feature. However, there is a suggestion for limited support.

DNAnexus files as outputs

User can work with DNAnexus files inside non-dockerized WDL tasks using dx commands and create tasks or workflows that output DNAnexus files. This can be used to generate multiple outputs without storing them all on the local filesystem. DNAnexus output files need to be in a closed state.

Example 1: DNAnexus files as outputs

task find_fastq_in_folder {
  input {
    String fastq_folder
    fq=$(dx find data --name "*.fastq.gz" --path ${folder} --norecurse --brief)
    for file_id in $fq
        echo "dx://${file_id}"
  output {
    Array[File] fq = read_lines(stdout())

Example 2: Uploading local file to DNAnexus

task unzip_files {
    input {
        Array[File] zipped_files
    command <<<
        for f in ~{sep=' ' zipped_files}; do
            gunzip "${f}"
            file_id=$(dx upload "${f_unzipped}" --brief --tag unzipped --project ${DX_WORKSPACE_ID} --wait)
            # clean up the unzipped file to save local disk space
            rm "${f_unzipped}"
            echo "dx://${DX_WORKSPACE_ID}:${file_id}"
    output {
        Array[File] files_out = read_lines(stdout())

Task metadata and runtime

Task meta and parameter_meta

A WDL task has two sections where metadata can be specified:

  • meta: Provides overall metadata about the task
  • parameter_meta: Provides metadata for each of the input parameters

Both of these sections allow arbitrary keys and values; unrecognized keys must be ignored by the workflow engine. dxCompiler recognized specific keys in each section that are used when generating the native DNAnexus applets. The purpose of these keys is to provide the same information that can be specified in the dxapp.json file.

meta section

The following keys are recognized by dxCompiler (with slightly different representation than in dxapp.json):

  • title: A short title for the applet. If not specified, the task name is used as the title.
  • summary: A short description of the applet. If not specified, the first line of the description is used (up to 50 characters or the first period, whichever comes first).
  • description: A longer description of the applet.
  • developer_notes: Notes specifically for developers of the task.
  • types: An array of DNAnexus types.
  • tags: An array of strings that will be added as tags on the generated applet.
  • properties: A hash of key-value pairs that will be added as properties on the generated applet. Both keys and values must be strings.
  • details: An object with an arbitrary set of details about the applet. The following keys are specifically recognized and used by the platform:
    • advancedInputs
    • citations
    • contactEmail
    • contactOrg
    • contactUrl
    • exampleProject
    • repoUrl
    • upstreamLicenses
    • upstreamUrl
    • upstreamVersion
    • upstreamProjects: licenses of the dependency software and packages. The following keys are required to ensure compliance with open-source licenses: name, repoUrl, version, license, and licenseUrl, while author is optional but good to have.
    • whatsNew: The task's change log. There are two different formats that are accepted:
      • A (possibly Markdown-formatted) string
      • An array of versions, where each version is a hash with two keys: version, a version string, and changes, an array of change description strings. This object will be formatted into a Markdown string upon compilation.

The following keys are also recognized but currently unused, as they only apply to DNAnexus Apps (not Applets):

  • categories: A list of DNAnexus categories
  • open_source: Whether the generated app should be open-source
  • version: The app version

parameter_meta section

The WDL Spec defines a parameter_meta section that may contain key value pairs to assoicate metadata with input and output variables. Currently, the following keywords are supported:

  • stream, indicates whether or not an input file should be streamed. See here for more details
  • Direct mappings to inputSpec and outputSpec keywords in dxapp.json:
    • help - description is also accepted as an alias for help; if the parameter definition is a string rather than a hash, the string is used as help.
    • group - parameter grouping (used in the DNAnexus web UI).
    • label - human-readable label for the parameter (used in the DNAnexus web UI).
    • patterns - accepted filename patterns (applies to File-type parameters only).
    • choices - allowed parameter values; currently, this is limited to primitive (String, Int, Float, Boolean) and File types parameters (and Arrays of these types), i.e. it is not allowed for Map or Struct parameters.
    • suggestions - suggested parameter values; currently has the same limitations as choices.
    • dx_type - maps to the type field in dxapp.json; can be either a String value or a boolean "expression" (see example below). Applies to File-type parameters only.
    • default - a default value for the parameter. This is ignored if the parameter's default value is defined in the inputs section.

Although the WDL spec indicates that the parameter_meta section should apply to both input and output variables, currently the parameter_meta section is mapped only to the input parameters.


Normally, a file used in a task is downloaded to the instance, and then used locally (localized). If the file only needs to be examined once in sequential order, then this can be optimized by streaming instead. The Unix cat, wc, and head commands are of this nature. To specify that a file is to be streamed, mark it as such in the parameter_meta section. For example:

task head {
    File in_file
    Int num_lines

    parameter_meta {
        in_file : "stream"
    command {
        head -n ${num_lines} ${in_file}
    output {
        String result = read_string(stdout())

File streaming is an optimization, and there are limiting rules to its correct usage. The file must be accessed only once, in sequential order, from the beginning. It need not be read to the end. If the task does not keep this contract, it could fail in unexpected ways.

Some tasks have empty command sections. For example, the fileSize task (below) calculates the size of a file, but does not need to download it. In such cases, the input files are downloaded lazily, only if their data is accessed.

task fileSize {
    File in_file

    command {}
    output {
        Float num_bytes = size(in_file)

Task Runtime and Hints

A task declaration has a runtime section where native WDL runtime attributes can be specified. Besides, several DNAnexus-specific attributes can also be added to this section if you want customize its execution environment and runtime behavior on the DNAnexus platform.

Instance type

An instance type is chosen by the compiler to satisfy the execution requirments defined by the native runtime attributes. If you wish to choose an instance type from the DNAnexus native list, this can be done by specifying the dx_instance_type key instead. For example:

runtime {
   dx_instance_type: "mem1_ssd2_x4"

If you want an instance that has a GPU chipset, set the gpu attribute to true. For example:

runtime {
   memory: "4 GB"
   cpu : 4
   gpu : true

CWL provides a different set of runtime attributes used in the ResourceRequirement, and a DNAnexus instance type will be chosen accordingly. Recognized attributes and its mapping to WDL are listed here.

Additional DNAnexus-specific runtime settings

There are several parameters that also affect the runtime behavior of an applet and can be supplied upon its creation in its dxapp.json file:

  • runSpec.executionPolicy: Specifies when to try to automatically restart failed jobs, and how many times.
  • runSpec.timeoutPolicy: Specifies the maximum amount of time the job can run
  • access: Specifies additional permissions and resources the applet can access
  • ignoreReuse: Specifies whether to allow the outputs of the applet to be reused

Similarly, these attributes can be specified in the WDL workflow, but their representation there is slightly different than in dxapp.json, and all of them should be specified under the runtime section of the WDL task. Also note that the runtime section is different than the metadata section when it comes to attribute values - specifically, object values must be prefixed by the object keyword, and mapped values must have their keys in quotes.

  • dx_restart: Either an integer value indicating the number of times to automatically restart regardless of the failure reason, or an object value with the following keys:
    • max: Maximum number of restarts
    • default: Default number of restarts for any error type
    • errors: Mapping of error types to number of restarts
  • dx_timeout: Either a string value that specifies days, hours, and/or minutes in the format "1D6H30M" or an object with at least one of the keys days, hours, minutes.
  • dx_access: An object with any of the keys:
    • network: An array of domains to which the app has access, or "*" for all domains
    • project: The maximum level of access the applet has to the host project it was launched in - a string with any DNAnexus access level
    • allProjects: The maximum level of access the applet has to all projects the user has access to - a string with any DNAnexus access level
    • developer: Boolean - whether the applet is a developer, i.e. can create new applets
    • projectCreation: Boolean - whether the applet can create new projects
  • dx_ignore_reuse: Boolean - whether to allow the outputs of the applet to be reused

Native DNAnexus executable

You can also specify a native DNAnexus app(let) that will be called as a task at runtime by adding key dx_app in the runtime section. See Calling existing app(let)s for more details.

Example tasks with DNAnexus-specific metadata and runtime

Example 1: grep for pattern in file

version 1.0

task cgrep {
    input {
        String pattern
        File in_file
        Int? max_results
    Int actual_max_results = select_first([max_results, 3])

    meta {
        title: "Search in File"
        tags: ["search", "grep"]
        details: {
          whatsNew: [
            { version: "1.1", changes: ["Added max_results", "Switched to WDL v1.0"]},
            { version: "1.0", changes: ["Initial release"]}

    parameter_meta {
        in_file: {
          help: "The input file to be searched",
          group: "Basic",
          patterns: ["*.txt", "*.tsv"],
          dx_type: { and: [ "fastq", { or: ["Read1", "Read2"] } ] },
          stream: true
        pattern: {
          help: "The pattern to use to search in_file",
          group: "Advanced"
        max_results: {
          help: "Maximum number of results to return",
          choices: [1, 2, 3],
          default: 3

    command <<<
        grep -m~{actual_max_results} '~{pattern}' ~{in_file} | wc -l
        cp ~{in_file} out_file

    output {
        Int count = read_int(stdout())
        File out_file = "out_file"

    runtime {
      docker: "ubuntu:latest"
      dx_instance_type: "mem1_ssd1_v2_x8"
      dx_ignore_reuse: true
      dx_restart: object {
          default: 1,
          max: 5,
          errors: object {
              UnresponsiveWorker: 2,
              ExecutionError: 2,
      dx_timeout: "12H30M"
      dx_access: object {
          network: ["*"],
          developer: true

Example 2: alignment with BWA-MEM

version 1.0

task bwa_mem {
  input {
    String sample_name
    File fastq1_gz
    File fastq2_gz
    File genome_index_tgz
    Int min_seed_length = 19
    String? read_group
    String docker_image = "broadinstitute/genomes-in-the-cloud:2.3.1-1512499786"
    Int cpu = 4
    Int memory_gb = 8
    Int? disk_gb

  String genome_index_basename = basename(genome_index_tgz, ".tar.gz")
  String actual_read_group = select_first([
  Int actual_disk_gb = select_first([
    ceil(2 * (size(genome_index_tgz, "G") + size(fastq1_gz, "G") + size(fastq2_gz, "G")))

  command <<<
  set -euxo pipefail
  tar xzvf ~{genome_index_tgz}
  /usr/gitc/bwa mem \
    -M \
    -t ~{cpu} \
    -R "~{actual_read_group}" \
    -k ~{min_seed_length} \
    ~{genome_index_basename}.fa \
    ~{fastq1_gz} ~{fastq2_gz} | \
    samtools view -Sb > ~{sample_name}.bam

  output {
    File bam = "${sample_name}.bam"

  runtime {
    docker: docker_image
    cpu: "${cpu}"
    memory: "${memory_gb} GB"
    disks: "local-disk ${actual_disk_gb} SSD"
    dx_timeout: "1D"
    dx_restart: object {
      max: 3

  meta {
    title: "BWA-MEM"
    description: "Align paired-end reads using BWA MEM"
    details: {
      upstreamLicenses: "GPLv3"

  parameter_meta {
    sample_name: {
      label: "Sample Name",
      help: "Name of the sample; used to prefix output files"
    fastq1_gz: {
      label: "FASTQ 1 (gzipped)",
      description: "Gzipped fastq file of first paired-end reads",
      stream: true
    fastq2_gz: {
      label: "FASTQ 2 (gzipped)",
      description: "Gzipped fastq file of second paired-end reads",
      stream: true
    genome_index_tgz: {
      label: "Genome Index (.tgz)",
      description: "Tarball of the reference genome and BWA index",
      stream: true
    min_seed_length: {
      label: "Minimum Seed Length",
      help: "Matches shorter than INT will be missed.",
      group: "Advanced",
      default: 19
    read_group: {
      label: "Read Group",
      help: "(Optional) the read group to add to aligned reads",
      group: "Advanced" 
    docker_image: {
      label: "Docker Image",
      help: "Name of the docker image to use",
      group: "Resources",
      default: "broadinstitute/genomes-in-the-cloud:2.3.1-1512499786"
    cpu: {
      label: "CPUs",
      help: "Minimum number of CPUs to use",
      group: "Resources",
      default: 4
    memory_gb: {
      label: "Memory (GB)",
      help: "Minimum amount of memory required",
      group: "Resources",
      default: 8
    disk_gb: {
      label: "Disk Space (GB)",
      help: "Minimum amount of disk space required (in GB); by default this is calculated from the inputs",
      group: "Resources"

* Note the comma seperating the members of the objects within meta and paramter_meta

Calling existing app(let)s

The DNAnexus tools library provides apps for many existing bioinformatics tools, and you may have already developed app(let)s of your own. You may want to use these existing app(let)s rather than rewriting them in WDL. Calling a native app(let) from WDL can be done using a native task wrapper. The dxCompiler dxni subcommand is provided to generate native task wrappers automatically. It can generate a wrapper for a specific app(let), all apps, and/or all applets in a specific platform folder. For example, the command:

$ java -jar dxCompiler-xxx.jar dxni -project project-xxxx -folder /A/B/C -output dx_extern.wdl

will find native applets in the /A/B/C folder, generate tasks for them, and write to local file dx_extern.wdl. If an applet has the dxapp.json signature:

  "name": concat,
  "inputSpec": [
      "name": "a",
      "class": "string"
      "name": "b",
      "class": "string"
  "outputSpec": [
      "name": "result",
      "class": "string"

The WDL definition file will be:

version 1.0
task concat {
  input {
    String a
    String b
  command {}
  output {
    String c = ""
  runtime {
    dx_app: object {
      id: "applet-xxxx",
      type: "applet" 

The runtime section includes the ID of the app(let) that will be called at runtime.

A WDL workflow can call the concat task as follows:

import "dx_extern.wdl" as lib

workflow w {
  call lib.concat as concat {
    input: a="double", b="espresso"
  output {
    String result = concat.c

Applets which were built by compiling tasks with dxCompiler will be ignored by dxni.

Calling apps

To generate WDL calling apps instead of applets, use

$ java -jar dxCompiler.jar dxni -apps only -o my_apps.wdl

The compiler will search for all the apps you can call and create WDL tasks for them. The WDL task will look like:

version 1.0
task concat {
  runtime {
    dx_app: object {
      id: "app-xxxx",
      type: "app"

You can also use rather than to specify the app by name, e.g.

version 1.0
task concat {
  runtime {
    dx_app: object {
      name: "concat_native/1.0.0",
      type: "app"

Calling apps and applets using WDL development

In version development (aka 2.0), the runtime section no longer allows arbitrary keys. Instead, use the hints section:

version development
task concat {
  hints {
    dnanexus: {
      "app": {
        "name": "concat_native/1.0.0",
        "type": "app"

Overriding the native app and applet instance type

By default, when a native app(let) is called it is run using its default instance type. This can be overridden in a native task wrapper just as it can with a regular task:

version 1.0
task concat {
  runtime {
    dx_app: object {
      name: "concat_native/1.0.0",
      type: "app"
    dx_instance_type: "mem1_ssd1_v2_x4"

Unsupported overrides

Current version of dxCompiler does not support instance override for native app(let)s in the following cases:

  1. Specifications of system requirements (RAM/CPU/storage/etc.) is not supported. Use instance names instead e.g. mem1_ssd1_v2_x4 (see Global workflow recommendations for more information)
  2. Instance override by string interpolation: e.g. mem1_ssd1_~{REMAINING_PART_OF_INSTANCE_NAME} where REMAINING_PART_OF_INSTANCE_NAME = v2_x4 to construct mem1_ssd1_v2_x4 when the string is interpolated
  3. Dynamic calculation of required RAM/CPU - if the workflow is compiled with -instanceTypeSelection dynamic, instance types will not be overridden and default instances of the native executable will be used:
Int calc_mem = 30+15
runtime {
  memory: "~{calc_mem} GB"

Workflow metadata

Similar to tasks, workflows can also have meta AND parameter_meta sections that contain arbitrary workflow-level metadata. dxCompiler recognizes the following meta attributes which are usually specified in dxworkflow.json and uses them when generating the native DNAnexus workflow:

  • title: A short title for the workflow. If not specified, the task name is used as the title.
  • summary: A short description of the workflow. If not specified, the first line of the description is used (up to 50 characters or the first period, whichever comes first).
  • description: A longer description of the workflow.
  • types: An array of DNAnexus types.
  • tags: An array of strings that will be added as tags on the generated workflow.
  • properties: A hash of key-value pairs that will be added as properties on the generated workflow. Both keys and values must be strings.
  • details: A hash of workflow details. The only key that is specifically recogized is whatsNew, and the formatting is handled for workflows the same way as it is for tasks.

The workflow parameter_meta section supports the same attributes as the task parameter_meta section.

Setting DNAnexus-specific attributes in extras.json

When writing a DNAnexus applet the user can specify metadata and runtime options through the dxapp.json file. The dxCompiler equivalent is the extras file, specified with the -extras command line option.

The following first-level keys are accepted in the extras file:

  • defaultRuntimeAttributes: native WDL/CWL runtime attributes
  • defaultTaskDxAttributes metadata and runtime attributes defaults for tasks
  • perTaskDxAttributes: metadata and runtime attributes for specific tasks
  • defaultWorkflowDxAttributes: metadata and runtime attributes defaults for workflows
  • perWorkflowDxAttributes: metadata and runtime attributes for specific workflows
  • dockerRegistry: private registry configuration. See Private registries
  • customReorgAttributes: custom reorganization applet URI and its configuration. See Adding config file based reorg applet at compilation time
  • ignoreReuse: boolean value indicating whether to disable job reuse
  • Deprecated delayWorkspaceDestruction: boolean value. Ignored in extras.json but accepted for backwards compatibility. Use dx run <YOUR_WORKFLOW> --delay-workspace-destruction to preserve temporary workspace containers for 3 days.

If one attribute is specified multiple times, its final value will be retrieved from the following sources and the latter (if exists) will override the former:

  • defaultTaskDxAttributes/defaultWorkflowDxAttributes in the extras file
  • task/workflow metadata/runtime section
  • perTaskDxAttributes/perWorkflowDxAttributes in the extras file

* Note: the first-level keys in the extras file have been changed to camel case; however, all the old keys (v2.1.0 and earlier) are still recoginzed.

Default and per-task attributes

The extras file has a defaultTaskDxAttributes section where executionPolicy, timeoutPolicy, and access runSpec attributes can be set.

  "defaultTaskDxAttributes" : {
    "runSpec": {
        "executionPolicy": {
          "restartOn": {
            "*": 3
        "timeoutPolicy": {
          "*": {
            "hours": 12
        "access" : {
          "project": "CONTRIBUTE",
          "allProjects": "VIEW",
          "network": [
          "developer": true

In order to override the defaults for specific tasks, you can add the perTaskDxAttributes section. For example

  "defaultTaskDxAttributes" : {
    "runSpec": {
        "timeoutPolicy": {
          "*": {
            "hours": 12
  "perTaskDxAttributes" : {
    "Add": {
      "runSpec": {
        "timeoutPolicy": {
          "*": {
            "minutes": 30
    "Inc" : {
      "runSpec": {
        "timeoutPolicy": {
          "*": {
            "minutes": 30
        "access" : {
          "project": "UPLOAD"

The above specification will override the default task timeout and dx_timeout in the runtime section of tasks Add and Inc. It will also provide UPLOAD instead of VIEW project access to Inc.

You are also able to specify metadata for tasks in the defaultTaskDxAttributes and perTaskDxAttributes sections, including adding citation or license information. The full set of recognized attributes is listed in task meta with snake_case fields converted to camelCase to agree with dxapp.json syntax (e.g. developer_notes and open_source meta attributes are specified as developerNotes and openSource in extras.json).

For example:

  "defaultTaskDxAttributes": {
    "version": "1.0.0"
  "perTaskDxAttributes" : {
    "Add": {
      "runSpec": {
        "timeoutPolicy": {
          "*": {
             "minutes": 30
      "details": {
        "upstreamProjects": [
            "name": "GATK4",
            "repoUrl": "",
            "version": "GATK-",
            "license": "BSD-3-Clause",
            "licenseUrl": "",
            "author": "Broad Institute"
      "developerNotes": "This note is used to provide additional info to advanced users."

Note that details and developerNotes specified in perTaskDxAttributes override details and developer_notes that are set in the task's meta section.

Supported task attributes

Check the official DNAnexus documentation on App Metadata

  • runSpec:
    • access
    • executionPolicy
    • timeoutPolicy
    • headJobOnDemand

Default and per-workflow attributes

There are also metadata attributes that can be set at the workflow level. You can specify metadata as defaults as defaultWorkflowDxAttributes, or set them for each workflow in the perWorkflowDxAttributes section.

Note that workflows in WDL do not have a native runtime section; however, you can set the chunkSize limit for scatters in the workflow level as a DNAnexus-specific runtime attribute. DNAnexus executes large scatters in "chunks" of no more than 1000 jobs at a time (the default is 500). For some scatters, it may be necessary to increase or decrease the chunk size for efficient execution. You should not need to modify this attribute unless instructed to do so by the DNAnexus support team.

Consider the following workflow:

workflow wf1 {
  input {
    Array[Array[File]] samples
    Array[Int] numbers
  scatter (sample_files in samples) {
    scatter (file in sample_files) {
      call summarize { input: file = file }
  scatter (num in numbers) {
    call add { input: num = num }
  output {
    Array[String] summary = mytask.summary

task summarize { ... }
task add { ... }

If you want the default scatter chunk size for this workflow to be 100, but you want the scatter chunk size for nested scatter (scatter (file in sample_files) { ...}) to be 700, then you'd use the following configuration:

  "perWorkflowDxAttributes": {
    "wf1": {
      "scatterDefaults": {
        "chunkSize": 100
      "scatters": {
          "sample_files.file": {
          "chunkSize": 700

Job reuse

By default, job results are reused. This is an optimization whereby when a job is run a second time, the results from the previous execution are returned, skipping job execution entirely. Sometimes, it is desirable to disable this behavior. To do so, add this setting to the top-level of the extras file:

  "ignoreReuse" : true

This will be applied to the top-level workflow, sub-workflows, and applets during compilation, and used for all jobs/analyses during execution (which is equivalent to using --ignore-reuse flag with dx run).

Handling intermediate workflow outputs

A workflow may create a large number of files, taking up significant disk space, and incurring storage costs. Some of the files are workflow outputs, but many of them may be intermediate results that are not needed once the workflow completes. By default, all outputs are stored in one platform folder. With the -reorg flag, the intermediate results are moved into a subfolder named "intermediate". This is achieved by adding a stage to the workflow that reorganizes the output folder, it uses CONTRIBUTE access to reach into the parent project, create a subfolder, and move files into it. There is a 1000 file limit on the default reorg option. If the number of output files exceeds 1000, no files will be moved.

Use your own applet

You may want to use a different applet than the one provided with -reorg. To do that, write a native applet, and call it at the end your workflow.

Writing your own applet for reorganization purposes is tricky. If you are not careful, it may misplace or outright delete files. The applet:

  1. Requires CONTRIBUTE project access, so it can move files and folders around.
  2. Has to be idempotent, so that if the instance it runs on crashes, it can safely restart.
  3. Has to be careful about inputs that are also outputs. Normally, these should not be moved.
  4. Should use bulk object operations, so as not to overload the API server.

You must also be aware that the analysis information is updated in the platform's database asynchronously, so the result of calling dx describe on the analysis may not be up-to-date. The most reliable method for making sure you have an up-to-date analysis description is to call dx describe in a loop (waiting at least 3 seconds between iterations), and exit the loop when the dependsOn field returns an array that contains exactly one item - the ID of the reorg job itself. See the example.

Adding config file based reorg applet at compilation time

In addition to using -reorg flag to add the reorg stage, you may also add a custom reorganization applet that takes an optional input by declaring a "customReorgAttributes" object in the JSON file used as parameter with -extras

The customReorgAttributes object has two properties in extra.json:

  • appUri: reorg app or applet URI - either an ID (e.g. "app-bwa_mem" or "app-xxx" or "applet-yyy") or a URI of a platform file (e.g. "dx://file-xxx").
  • configFile: auxiliary configuration file.

The optional input file can be used as a configuration file for the reorganization process.

For example:

  "customReorgAttributes" : {
    "appUri" : "applet-12345678910",
    "configFile" : "dx://file-xxxxxxxx"

# if you do not wish to include an additional config file, 
# you can omit "configFile" or set it to `null`
  "customReorgAttributes" : {
    "appUri" : "applet-12345678910",
    "configFile" : null

The config-file based reorg applet needs to have the following input specs in the dxapp.json:

  "inputSpec": [
      "name": "reorg_conf___",
      "label": "Auxiliary config input used for reorganisation.",
      "help": "",
      "class": "file",
      "patterns": ["*"],
      "optional": true
      "name": "reorg_status___",
      "label": "A string from output stage that act as a signal to indicate the workflow has completed.",
      "help": "",
      "class": "string",
      "optional": true

When compiling a workflow with a custom-reorg applet declared with -extras JSON, a string variable reorg_status___ with the value of completed will be included in the output stage.

The reorg_status___ is used to act as a dependency to signal that the workflow has completed.

For an example use case of a configuration based custom reorg applet, please refer to

Top-level calls compiled as stages

If a workflow is compiled in unlocked mode, top level calls with no subexpressions are compiled directly to dx:workflow stages. For example, in workflow foo call add is compiled to a dx:stage. concat has a subexpression, and check is not a top level call; they will be compiled to dx:applets.

workflow foo {
    String username
    Boolean flag

    call add
    call concat {input: x="hello", y="_" + username }

    if (flag) {
        call check {input:  factor = 1 }

task add {
    Int a
    Int b
    command {}
    output { Int result = a + b }

task concat {
   String s1
   String s2
   command {}
   output { String result = s1 + s2 }

task check {
   Int factor = 3

When a call is compiled to a stage, missing arguments are transformed into stage inputs. The add stage will have compulsory integer inputs a and b.

For an in depth discussion, please see Missing Call Arguments.


In extreme cases, running compiled workflows can fail due to DNAnexus platform limits on the total size of the input and output JSON documents of a job. An example is a task with many inputs/outputs that is called in scatter over a large collection. In such a case, you can enable manifest support at compile time with the -useManifests option. This option causes each generated applet or workflow to accept inputs as an array of manifests, and to produce outputs as a single manifest.

A manifest is a JSON document that contains all the inputs/outputs that would otherwise be passed directly to/from the workflow stage. A manifest can be specified in one of two ways:

  1. A .json input file (see Manifest JSON) is the recommended way to provide inputs in the manifest format.
    java -jar dxCompiler.jar -inputs mymanifest.json will produce mymanifest.dx.json that can be passed to dx run -f mymanifest.dx.json.
  2. A platform file-xxx with content described in Intermediate manifest file inputs and outputs section can be used to pass manifest output from a stage of one workflow (including the output stage) as input to another workflow. A typical use case for this scenario is when a user wants to pass manifest output file from a stage (including output stage) directly to a new workflow. Also, this scenario might be useful when debugging individual stages of a failing workflow.

Manifest JSON

When manifest support is enabled, applet/workflow outputs which are passed from one stage to another (or to the final output stage) exist in the form of intermediate manifests. Here we describe the format of intermediate manifest for informational purposes only. There is no need to use them as your workflow inputs, as the JSON manifest above is the recommended format.
For example, given the following workflow:

version 1.1

task t1 {
  input {
    File f
  command <<<
    echo "t1: "  >>out
    cat "~{f}" >>out
  output {
     File t1_out = "out"

workflow test {
  input {
    String s
    File f
  call t1 {    input:      f = f  }
  output {
    File wf_out = t1.t1_out

You would write the following manifest:


  "test.input_manifest___": {
    "s": "hello",
    "f": "dx://project-aaa:file-xxx"

dxCompiler also supports input manifests in the format of raw inputs, typically used with Cromwell: alternative_manifest.json

  "test.s": "hello",
  "test.f": "dx://project-aaa:file-xxx"

Compile the workflow test from above with the -inputs mymanifest.json option. A new file mymanifest.dx.json will be created with the following content. NOTE mymanifest.dx.json is created by the compiler - the user does not need to create/change it manually.


  "input_manifest___": {
    "encoded": false,
    "types": {
      "f": "File",
      "s": "String"
    "values": {
      "s": "hello",
      "f": "dx://project-aaa:file-xxx"

The created mymanifest.dx.json should be used as an input file when running the workflow:

dx run workflow-yyy -f mymanifest.dx.json

Intermediate manifest file inputs and outputs

When manifest support is enabled, applet/workflow outputs which are passed from one stage to another (or to the final output stage) exist in the form of intermediate manifests. Here we describe the format of intermediate manifest for informational purposes only. There is no need to use them as your workflow inputs, as the JSON manifest above is the recommended format.

Given the above workflow, the manifest output from the common stage to the following stages (not shown) would be:

  "encoded": false,
  "id": "stage-common",
  "values": {
    "s": "hello",
    "f": "dx://project-aaa:file-xxx"

The id field represents the ID of the stage which created the manifest output. It is optional but will always be populated in the output manifests. The manifest may contain additional types and definitions fields that are only for internal use and can be ignored. The outputs of the workflow are referenced in the values field of the output manifest in the form of a map, where keys are the names of the workflow outputs from the WDL output workflow section.

Analysis outputs

Currently, when a workflow compiled with manifest support is run, the outputs of each job along with the generated manifest files are placed directly in the project, in a temporary folder /.d/<job id>.
An example command to extract outputs from the output manifests:

ANALYSIS_ID="analysis-yyy"    # your analysis ID here
dx cat $(dx describe --json ${ANALYSIS_ID} | jq -rc '.stages|.[]|select(.id == "stage-outputs")|.execution.output.output_manifest___["$dnanexus_link"]|.project+":"')


Setting a default docker image for all tasks

Sometimes, you want to use a default docker image for tasks. The -extras command line flag can help achieve this. It takes a JSON file as an argument. For example, if taskAttrs.json is this file:

  "defaultRuntimeAttributes" : {
    "docker" : ""

Then adding it to the compilation command line will add the atac-seq docker image to all tasks by default.

$ java -jar dxCompiler-xxx.jar compile files.wdl -project project-xxxx -defaults files_input.json -extras taskAttrs.json

Private registries

If your images are stored in a private registry, add its information to the extras file, so that tasks will be able to pull images from it. For example:

  "dockerRegistry" : {
      "registry" : "",
      "username" : "perkins",
      "credentials" : "dx://CornSequencing:/B/creds.txt"

will docker login to with the username of perkins and password set to the content of dx://CornSequencing:/B/creds.txt prior to fetching docker cointainers.

The credentials are stored in a platform file, so they can be replaced without recompiling. The credentials file must be referenced using a dx://<project>:<file> URI, where <project> can be a project name or ID, and <file> can be a file path or ID. All applets are given the allProjects: VIEW permission. This allows them to access the credentials file, even if it is stored on a different project. Care is taken so that the credentials never appear in the applet logs.

Note that you need to use the full path of the docker image in your WDL. For example, the myimage:latest image in the above private registry would be referred to as

AWS ECR registries

Logging into an AWS Elastic Container Registry (ECR) is a bit different than logging into a standard docker registry. Specifically, the AWS command line client is used to dynamically generate a password from an AWS user profile. To handle this use-case, dxCompiler downloads the required AWS credentials file, installs the AWS client, and generates the password. See the AWS documentation for more details and examples.

  "dockerRegistry": {
    "registry": "<aws_account_id>.dkr.ecr.<region>",
    "credentials": "dx://myproj:/aws_credentials",
    "awsRegion": "us-east-1"

dx://myproj:/aws_credentials has AWS credentials:

aws_access_key_id: AKI123ABCDEFT1234567
aws_secret_access_key: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789/ABC

Storing a docker image as a file

Normally, docker images are public, and stored in publicly available web sites. This enables reproducibility across different tools and environments. However, if you have a docker image that you wish to store on the platform, you can do docker save, followed by uploading the tar ball to platform file file-xxxx. Then, specify the docker attribute in the runtime section as dx://file-xxxx. Paths or file ids can be used, for example:

runtime {
   docker: "dx://GenomeSequenceProject:/A/B/myOrgTools"

runtime {
   docker: "dx://file-xxxx"

runtime {
   docker: "dx://project-xxxx:file-yyyy"

Proxy configurations

Some organizations place a proxy between internal machines and external hosts. This is done for security, auditing, and caching purposes. In this case, the compiler cannot contact the dnanexus API servers, unless is routes its requests through the proxy. Do achieve this, set the environment variable HTTP_PROXY (or HTTPS_PROXY) to point to the proxy. For example, if you perform the following on the command line shell:

$ export HTTP_PROXY =
$ java -jar dxCompiler.jar compile ...

the compiler will send all requests through the machine on port 8080.

If an a proxy with NTLM authentication is used, the following configuration is required:

$ export HTTP_PROXY_METHOD=ntlm
$ export HTTP_PROXY = https://john_smith:[email protected]:8080
$ java -jar dxCompiler.jar compile ...

Debugging an applet


dxCompiler forwards all of the output (stdout and stderr) from the WDL command to the job log. There is the possibility that excessive logging could cause an out-of-disk-space error. If this occurs, you will need to either use a larger instance type, or reduce the output. To completely ignore output from a command, you can redirect it to /dev/null:

mycommand > /dev/null 2> /dev/null

Getting applet sources

If you build an applet on the platform with dxCompiler, and want to inspect it, use: dx get --omit-resources <applet path>. This will refrain from downloading the large resource files that go into the applet.

Getting WDL sources

Compiled workflows and tasks include the original WDL source code in the details field. For example, examine workflow foo that was compiled from foo.wdl. The platform object foo includes a details field that contains the WDL source, in compressed, uuencoded form. To extract it you can do:

dx describe /builds/1.02/applets/hello --json --details | jq '.details | .wdlSourceCode' | sed 's/"//g' | base64 --decode | gunzip


Any significant WDL workflow is compiled into multiple DNAnexus applets and workflows. Naively, any modification to the WDL source would necessitate recompilation of all the constituent objects, which is expensive. To optimize this use case, all generated platform objects are checksumed. If a dx:object has not changed, it is not recompiled, and the existing version can be used. The checksum covers the WDL source code, the DNAnexus runtime specification, and any other attributes. There are two exceptions: the project name, and the folder. This allows moving WDL workflows in the folder hierarchy without recompilation.

Publishing global workflows

A global workflow is an executable that can be versioned and published to other users. Publishing global workflows may facilitate collaboration across multiple projects, compared with local, project-based workflows.

Publishing a dxCompiler WDL workflow as a global workflow is supported from dxCompiler >= v2.9.0 and dxpy >= v0.319.2. This is done in two steps. First, use dxCompiler to compile a workflow from WDL source to a local workflow in a project. Second, use dx-toolkit to publish the local workflow as a global workflow. Once the global workflow is published, you can add authorized users.

Example: compiling a WDL workflow for later use as a global workflow.

java -jar dxCompiler.jar compile <workflow name>.wdl -instanceTypeSelection dynamic

Example: publishing a global workflow from a local workflow. The global workflow's name will match the WDL workflow name. The global workflow's version must be set with --version, since a local workflow does not have a version property. If --bill-to is not specified, your default billing account will be assumed.

dx build --globalworkflow --from <project id>:<workflow id> --version <version> --bill-to <user-xxxx | org-yyyy>
dx publish globalworkflow-<workflow name>/<version>

Example: adding and removing authorized users

dx add users globalworkflow-<workflow name> <user-xxxx | org-yyyy>

dx remove users globalworkflow-<workflow name> <user-xxxx | org-yyyy>

Example: adding and removing tags

dx api globalworkflow-<workflow name> addTags '{"tags":["<tag 1>", "<tag 2>"]}'

dx api globalworkflow-<workflow name> removeTags '{"tags":["<tag 1>", "<tag 2>"]}'

Example: adding and removing categories

dx api globalworkflow-<workflow name> addCategories '{"categories":["<category 1>", "<category 2>"]}'

dx api globalworkflow-<workflow name> removeCategories '{"categories":["<category 1>", "<category 2>"]}'

Example: updating title, summary, and/or developer notes

dx api globalworkflow-<workflow name> update '{"title":"<new title>", "summary":"<new summary>", "developerNotes":"<new developer notes>"}'

See Limitations below for more details on which dependencies of the workflow will be automatically included in the global workflow.

Global workflow recommendations

Avoid storing credentials (passwords, keys, etc.) in the source code of the global workflow, as authorized users will have permission to download (via dx get) and view all dxCompiler-generated applets used in the global workflow.

Use simple data types in inputs and outputs of global workflows to make it more intuitive for platform users to provide workflow inputs and examine workflow outputs via CLI and UI.

For better execution stability and to reduce dependence on third-party infrastructure, use Docker images stored on the platform rather than in external registries.

For better portability across projects where the workflow will be run, hard-coding instance types using the key dx_instance_type should be avoided for global workflows. You should specify runtime resources using numeric requirements for memory / disk / CPU and compile WDL workflows with the flag -instanceTypeSelection dynamic. This option ensures that instance types for jobs will always be selected at runtime, based on the actual instance types available in the runtime project. While this option can result in longer runtimes, it is better for portability because it will never attempt to start a job on an instance type that is not supported.

For informational purposes, include a reference to a git repo commit containing the original workflow source code in the developerNotes metadata field (see example above on how to update developer notes).

Grant appropriate permissions to users authorized to run the global workflow the dependencies of the global workflow that are not bundled with the global workflow. These include credentials for external docker registries, DNAnexus apps called within the workflow, and other dependencies discussed in the Limitations section

Global workflow limitations

Publishing a dxCompiler-generated workflow as a global workflow is currently only supported for WDL.

The global workflow will currently only support a single region (matching the region in which the original workflow was compiled).

Some dependencies of the original workflow will be automatically included in the global workflow, i.e. they will be cloned into the global workflow's resource container and authorized users of the global workflow will not require additional permissions. These include

  • Applets and sub-workflows that were part of the original workflow
  • Native applets included in the workflow via dxni
  • Docker images that are stored as platform files

Some dependencies of the original workflow will not be automatically included in the global workflow, so the user may need additional permissions to access and run the workflow. These include

  • Publicly inaccessible DNAnexus apps included in the workflow via dxni. Users must have permission to run such apps, which should be granted with dx add users <app> <user or org> by apps' developers.
  • Platform files referenced in workflow parameters (e.g. default or suggested inputs) or in the workflow body (user needs access to the files)
  • Credentials file for a private Docker registry (user needs access to the file)
  • Docker images in external registries, or dynamically specified at runtime (these will be pulled at runtime)
  • Hard-coded dx_instance_type (runtime project needs to support the instance type; using numeric resource requirements, as mentioned under Recommendations, is preferred)

Authorized users will have permission to download (via dx get) and view any applets and their data referenced in the global workflow.

Any usage of the above in a workflow (including in its tasks and sub-workflows) will produce a warning in the workflow's description metadata field, which can be viewed using:

dx describe globalworkflow-<name>/<version> --json | jq -rc '.description | tostring'

This also works for a regular workflow:

dx describe <project-xxxx>:<workflow-yyyy> --json | jq -rc '.description | tostring'