can set from predefined colors, image wash, to plugins like image editing.
This is related to image handling. It's practical use store image relative path and use image handling to get real image url with proper sizes when display.
See intergration about how to an image is choosen and path is saved.
general: {
imagePath: (path: string, size?: string) => {
const prefix = size==='thumbnail'? 'thumbnail/':'default/';
return ''+prefix+path;
!!! note "size"
size can be 'thumbnail' or others.
DM Editor uses device width setting to get device and output related css classes.
general: {
deviceWidth: {
mobile: 560,
tablet: 960,
pc: 8000,
!!! note "useDevice hook"
useDevice hook is useful to use JS instead of CSS @screen to render in mobile differently. Sometimes it's much more convenient to use this hook instead of pure css, eg. you have a picture in a grid, but want it on top in mobile regardless where it is in desktop, in this way just check if it's mobile and put to upper div.
useDevice uses deviceWidth's values here to judge which device it is.
Pre defined colors are colors shown directly in setting panel, without clicking color icon.
There are some color categories: text, border, background. Below is an example.
{editor: {
colors: {
text: [
{ color: "#326f4b", name: "Green" },
{ color: "#A61C00", name: "Dark red" },
{ color: "#FF0000", name: "Red" },
{ color: "#1155CC", name: "Blue" },
{ color: "#9900FF", name: "Dark purple" },
{ color: "#FF00FF", name: "Light purple" },
{ color: "#ffffff", name: "White" },
border: [
{ color: "#000000" },
{ color: "#333333" },
{ color: "#666666" },
{ color: "#999999" },
{ color: "#cccccc" },
{ color: "#ffffff" },
background: [
{ color: "#F3F3F3", name: "Light white" },
{ color: "#D9EAD3", name: "Light green" },
{ color: "#F4CCCC", name: "Light red" },
{ color: "#FFF2CC", name: "Light yellow" },
{ color: "#198754", name: "Green" },
{ color: "#A61C00", name: "Dark red" },
{ color: "#434343", name: "Dark gray" },
{editor: {
favouriteWidgets: [
ui: {
"bg-editarea": "#646c71",
{editor: {
characters: [