is used when developer wants a dialog to choose an image. It's used like Modal where you need a state to show/hide the dialog.
<ImageChooser visible={shown} ... />
type ImageChooserProps = {
visible: boolean;
value?: BrowseImageCallbackParams;
multiple?: boolean;
options?: { showInline?: boolean };
onConfirm?: (
value: BrowseImageCallbackParams,
options?: { inline?: boolean }
) => void;
onCancel?: () => void;
type BrowseImageCallbackParams = ImageInfo[];
interface ImageInfo {
src: string;
description?: string;
id?: string | number;
is a component with 'Choose' button and wrapping ImageChooser
pop up.
export const ImageSetting = (props: {
defaultVisible?: boolean;
value: DME.ImageInfo;
onChange: (value: DMEImageInfo) => void;
Simiar to ImageChooser
, LinkChooser
is a component with Choose button and wrapping ImageChooser
pop up. Specially useful in setting panel.
LinkChooser uses ref object to open.
<LinkChooser ref={linkRef} ... />
//trigger open
<button onClick={()=>linkRef.current?.open()}>Choose</button>
//Ref type
type LinkRef = {
open: () => void;
//Property type
interface LinkChooserProps {
defaultVisible: boolean; //mostly case it's false
value?: BrowseLinkCallbackParams;
onConfirm?: (value: BrowseLinkCallbackParams) => void;
showOpenNew?: boolean;
urlOnly?: boolean; //show only url or mail and other format(mail, telephone), useful in eg. iframe url
type BrowseLinkCallbackParams = { link: string; openNew?: boolean }
MiniRichText is rich text edit used in editing on blocks area. Use rich-text setting component if you want to edit on setting area.
Eg. it's used in table cell.
<MiniRichText ... />
interface MiniRichTextProps {
placeHolder?: string;
mode?: DME.WidgetRenderProps["mode"];
value?: Array<Descendant> | null;
onValueChange: (value: Descendant[]) => void;
Color picker component.
<PickColr ... />
interface PickColorProps {
color: string | undefined;
onChange?: (color?: string) => void;
It iterates all block list (can be saved data) from top to down.
iterateBlockList: (
blocklist: DMEData.BlockList,
callback: (blockItem: DMEData.Block) => boolean | void
If the callback returns false, it will stop iterate.
It iterates block's children from top to down.
iterateBlockList: (
block: DMEData.Block,
callback: (blockItem: DMEData.Block) => boolean | void
If the callback returns false, it will stop iterate.
convert rich text json to html, which might be useful for data export
richTextJsonToHTML: (value: Descendant[]) => string;