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File metadata and controls

136 lines (91 loc) · 3.9 KB

DMEditor, DMEditorView, dmeServerSideLoad

Component DMEditor

Component props

export interface DMEditorProps {
  projectStyle?: string;
  onSave?: (savedData: DMEData.SavedData) => void;
  onChange?: (savedData: DMEData.SavedData) => void;
  onCancel?: (callback: () => void) => void;


Pre-configured project styles' key. If not set, it uses default.


Invoked when a save button is clicked.


    data: Block[];
    page: Page;


    title: string;
    [index: string]: string | boolean | undefined;


Invoked when there is change when editing (eg. typing in rich text).


Invoked when cancel button is clicked.

Ref object

Ref object allows developers to operate DMEditor reference.

export interface DMEditorRefType {
  setData: (data: string | Array<DMEData.Block>) => void;
  setPageSettings: (settings: Array<DME.PageSetting>) => void;
  setPageData: (data: DMEData.Page) => void;


DMEData.Block is a node of block and used everywhere, from saving, view, to widget rendering. Basically a DM Editor document is a list of DMEData.Block tree.

Here is the structure:

 type: string;
 id?: string;
 style?: Record<string, string>;
 isEmbed?: boolean;
 serverData?: boolean; // Only set by server.
 allowedTypes?: Array<string>; // Used for list/grid/mixed-widget.
 data: unknown; //defined in entity
 children: Array<{id:string, data:unknow, children:<unknown>}> //children create a tree structure
 editControl?: number; // Edit control value.


Predefined style is set like this: {_:'submit'}, where _ is reserved key for predefined styles.

Categorized style is set like this: {color:'primary', size: 'large'}


data is defined by widget in widget entity.

children Children makes the block as a tree.

!!! note "Using children for parent-children strucutre so DM Editor can handles update"

Using `updateBlockPropsByPath` DM Editor is able to save block to storage based on the `children` path(eg. `0/1/1` is the block first on root level, 2nd on fisrt level, 2nd on second level).

See [updatePropsByPath](../hooks#updatepropsbypath).


DMEditorView is used for viewing DM Editor data. It's basically 'view mode' of DMEditor. It can be used in both client and server side.

import {DMEditorView} from 'dmeditor';

 <DMEditorView data={data} theme="blue" />


Below are properties:

Name Type Required Description Comment
data Array<DMEData.Block> true A json data from saved DM Editor data or converted by dmeServerSideLoad.
theme string false Theme of the page


dmeServerSideLoad asynchronically iterates all block data and invoke widgets' onServerSideLoad implementation and return udpated data.

Note: It's typical to invoke this function before page is loaded, eg. in getServerSideProps in nextjs.


Name Type Required Description Comment
data Array<DMEData.Block> true Data saved from DM Editor
context object true Context of the request, server info, content object, etc


Updated data on Array<DMEData.Block>.