labels: publication
- "Mining for music
- Parameterizing coherent, complex, multipart animations
- Notebook Design
- workspace
- config.yaml: resume functionality
- shared_assets/: reuse of processed artifacts
- Storyboard
- hierarchical overrides
- human readable = human editable
- offloading state to disk to facilitate resuming
- reload and save with each cell/change
- Add complexity incrementally, layer by layer
- thinking in tables - registering signals for reuse
- isolated eval context for restricted DSL
- Scene Segmentation heuristics
- too short > too long
- ASR = simple auto-edit baseline
- outlier detection for long scenes
- Coherence tricks
- theme prompting
- prompt lag
- thematic structure analysis
- Audioreactivity Tooling
- A DSL for signal processing
- lessons from parsec: interactive UX >> sequential cells and scrolling
- Designing for keyframes
- lessons from Chigozie/Disco/Deforum
- Animation tricks
- variations animation
- TSP sorting
- specifying frames with ffmpeg
- upsampling to facilitate social sharing