I'm ADHD and have more ideas than I know what to do with. Most of them are probably very bad or came from papers I forgot I read.
Everyone brainstorms ML projects when they're high, right? No? That's just me? Hmm...
Knock yourself out! Not stealing, I'm here giving them away.
All I ask is that if you publish, kindly recognize me (and my bench) in the acknowledgements or a footnote.
Probably! Hit me up and let's talk! https://twitter.com/DigThatData
Do you actually put up with the trouble of maintaining that table of contents on the top-level readme?
Hell no, I'm way too lazy for that. That's auto-generated via a build script triggered through github actions.
That's a rough metric I use to visually give me a quick estimate of how much I've developed any particular idea. Currently, this is just calculated as the number of characters in the document.
Yes, see the repo issues for the idea meta bench
I'm gonna make this into a template repo soon-ish. Until then, you could just clone the repo and delete all the *.md
files to start from scratch.
When you have an idea you want to add to the bench, just click on "add file" in the github view of the repo, writeup your idea, and save a new commit. The new TOC will build itself. If you want to add tags to your idea, just add custom badges.
One step at a time.