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每年1月1号 是不是 这一年的第一周? 数据库 week






PostgreSQL , week , 1月1号是不是新年第一周


一周有7天, 一年有52或53周, 那么第一周是怎么算的? 我们可能理所当然觉得1月1号是第一周, 实际上是错的, 在数据库中, ISO 8601标准里面, 1月1号可能是第一周, 也可能是去年的最后一周, 甚至1月2号, 1月3号都有可能是去年的最后一周.


The number of the ISO 8601 week-numbering week of the year. By definition, ISO weeks start on Mondays and the first week of a year contains January 4 of that year. In other words, the first Thursday of a year is in week 1 of that year.

In the ISO week-numbering system, it is possible for early-January dates to be part of the 52nd or 53rd week of the previous year, and for late-December dates to be part of the first week of the next year.

For example,

  • 2005-01-01 is part of the 53rd week of year 2004,
  • and 2006-01-01 is part of the 52nd week of year 2005,
  • while 2012-12-31 is part of the first week of 2013.

It's recommended to use the isoyear field together with week to get consistent results.

SELECT EXTRACT(WEEK FROM TIMESTAMP '2001-02-16 20:38:40');  
Result: 7  

一年的第一周, 以第一个包含周4的这周开始.

所以最坏的情况1月1,2,3刚好是周五,六,日时, 那么这年的第一周是从1月4号开始的.

只有当1月1号是周一、二、三、四时, 1月1号才是这一年的第一周.

postgres=# SELECT EXTRACT(week FROM x) ,  EXTRACT(isodow FROM x)  from (values (DATE '2006-01-01')) t (x);  
 date_part | date_part   
        52 |         7  
(1 row)  
postgres=# SELECT EXTRACT(week FROM x) ,  EXTRACT(isodow FROM x)  from (values (DATE '2005-01-01')) t (x);  
 date_part | date_part   
        53 |         6  
(1 row)  
postgres=# SELECT EXTRACT(week FROM x) ,  EXTRACT(isodow FROM x)  from (values (DATE '2004-01-01')) t (x);  
 date_part | date_part   
         1 |         4  
(1 row)  

怎么让1月1号 是 新年第一周呢?

create or replace function myweek(date) returns int as $$  
  select case   
    when EXTRACT(isodow FROM date_trunc('year' , $1)) >= 5   
      and to_char($1,'mm') <> '01'   
    then EXTRACT(week FROM $1) + 1   
    when EXTRACT(isodow FROM date_trunc('year' , $1)) >= 5   
      and to_char($1,'mm') = '01'   
      and EXTRACT(week FROM $1) > 40   
    then 1  
    when EXTRACT(isodow FROM date_trunc('year' , $1)) >= 5   
      and to_char($1,'mm') = '01'   
      and EXTRACT(week FROM $1) < 40  
    then EXTRACT(week FROM $1) + 1   
      EXTRACT(week FROM $1)   
  end ;  
$$ language sql strict;  
postgres=# SELECT EXTRACT(week FROM x) ,  EXTRACT(isodow FROM x)  , myweek(x) from (values (DATE '2005-01-01')) t (x);  
 date_part | date_part | myweek   
        53 |         6 |      1  
(1 row)  
postgres=# SELECT EXTRACT(week FROM x) ,  EXTRACT(isodow FROM x)  , myweek(x) from (values (DATE '2005-01-02')) t (x);  
 date_part | date_part | myweek   
        53 |         7 |      1  
(1 row)  
postgres=# SELECT EXTRACT(week FROM x) ,  EXTRACT(isodow FROM x)  , myweek(x) from (values (DATE '2005-01-03')) t (x);  
 date_part | date_part | myweek   
         1 |         1 |      2  
(1 row)  
postgres=# SELECT EXTRACT(week FROM x) ,  EXTRACT(isodow FROM x)  , myweek(x) from (values (DATE '2005-12-31')) t (x);  
 date_part | date_part | myweek   
        52 |         6 |     53  
(1 row)  

怎么让1月1号 是 新年第一周, 并且与星期几无关, 1,7第一周,8,14 第二周, ...

create or replace function myweek1(date) returns int as $$  
  select ceil(EXTRACT(doy FROM $1)/7.0)::int;  
$$ language sql strict;  
postgres=# SELECT EXTRACT(week FROM x) ,  EXTRACT(isodow FROM x)  , myweek(x) , EXTRACT(doy FROM x) , myweek1(x) from (values (DATE '2005-01-07')) t (x);  
 date_part | date_part | myweek | date_part | myweek1   
         1 |         5 |      2 |         7 |       1  
(1 row)  
postgres=# SELECT EXTRACT(week FROM x) ,  EXTRACT(isodow FROM x)  , myweek(x) , EXTRACT(doy FROM x) , myweek1(x) from (values (DATE '2005-01-01')) t (x);  
 date_part | date_part | myweek | date_part | myweek1   
        53 |         6 |      1 |         1 |       1  
(1 row)  
postgres=# SELECT EXTRACT(week FROM x) ,  EXTRACT(isodow FROM x)  , myweek(x) , EXTRACT(doy FROM x) , myweek1(x) from (values (DATE '2005-01-08')) t (x);  
 date_part | date_part | myweek | date_part | myweek1   
         1 |         6 |      2 |         8 |       2  
(1 row)  

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