PostgreSQL , 流复制 , stream replication , wal receiver , 唤醒时机 , 状态机
当PostgreSQL数据库的standby节点crash后再启动,发现standby节点的wal receiver进程很久才启动并开始从主节点接收WAL。
PostgreSQL在crash后,需要从最近的一个检查点开始恢复,因为在每次检查点(如果是standby可能称为restart CKPT)开始后,发生变更的块都会记录对应的FULL PAGE到WAL日志文件中,从检查点恢复,可以保证不会因为操作系统的partial write 导致数据块的不一致。
对于standby节点也是一样的,启动时,从最近的一次检查点开始恢复,它可以选择CKPT或者RESTART CKPT开始恢复,选最近的即可。
在standby上也可以创建检查点(称为restart ckpt),后面会讲到。
为什么wal receiver进程很久才启动并开始从主节点接收WAL?
* Codes indicating where we got a WAL file from during recovery, or where
* to attempt to get one.
typedef enum
XLOG_FROM_ANY = 0, /* request to read WAL from any source */
XLOG_FROM_ARCHIVE, /* restored using restore_command */
XLOG_FROM_PG_XLOG, /* existing file in pg_xlog */
XLOG_FROM_STREAM /* streamed from master */
} XLogSource;
[email protected] , $PGDATA/pg_xlog , 以及wal receiver 。
1. 首先会找pg_xlog目录有没有需要的日志(包括TLI),如果有,会从日志目录中直接读取pg_xlog进行恢复,直到PG_XLOG目录中没有需要的文件,则会将source置为下一个可用的source。
2. 当SOURCE=stream时,并且wal receiver进程没有启动时,发信号启动它。
3. 如果stream失败,会重新扫描tli,然后等待wal_retrieve_retry_interval这个时间间隔,
* Open the WAL segment containing WAL position 'RecPtr'.
* The segment can be fetched via restore_command, or via walreceiver having
* streamed the record, or it can already be present in pg_xlog. Checking
* pg_xlog is mainly for crash recovery, but it will be polled in standby mode
* too, in case someone copies a new segment directly to pg_xlog. That is not
* documented or recommended, though.
* If 'fetching_ckpt' is true, we're fetching a checkpoint record, and should
* prepare to read WAL starting from RedoStartLSN after this.
* 'RecPtr' might not point to the beginning of the record we're interested
* in, it might also point to the page or segment header. In that case,
* 'tliRecPtr' is the position of the WAL record we're interested in. It is
* used to decide which timeline to stream the requested WAL from.
* If the record is not immediately available, the function returns false
* if we're not in standby mode. In standby mode, waits for it to become
* available.
* When the requested record becomes available, the function opens the file
* containing it (if not open already), and returns true. When end of standby
* mode is triggered by the user, and there is no more WAL available, returns
* false.
static bool
WaitForWALToBecomeAvailable(XLogRecPtr RecPtr, bool randAccess,
bool fetching_ckpt, XLogRecPtr tliRecPtr)
static TimestampTz last_fail_time = 0;
TimestampTz now;
* Standby mode is implemented by a state machine:
* 1. Read from either archive or pg_xlog (XLOG_FROM_ARCHIVE), or just
* pg_xlog (XLOG_FROM_XLOG)
* 2. Check trigger file
* 3. Read from primary server via walreceiver (XLOG_FROM_STREAM)
* 4. Rescan timelines
* 5. Sleep wal_retrieve_retry_interval milliseconds, and loop back to 1.
* Failure to read from the current source advances the state machine to
* the next state.
* 'currentSource' indicates the current state. There are no currentSource
* values for "check trigger", "rescan timelines", and "sleep" states,
* those actions are taken when reading from the previous source fails, as
* part of advancing to the next state.
if (!InArchiveRecovery)
currentSource = XLOG_FROM_PG_XLOG;
else if (currentSource == 0)
currentSource = XLOG_FROM_ARCHIVE;
for (;;)
int oldSource = currentSource;
// 切换source
if (lastSourceFailed)
switch (currentSource)
* If primary_conninfo is set, launch walreceiver to try
* to stream the missing WAL.
* If fetching_ckpt is TRUE, RecPtr points to the initial
* checkpoint location. In that case, we use RedoStartLSN
* as the streaming start position instead of RecPtr, so
* that when we later jump backwards to start redo at
* RedoStartLSN, we will have the logs streamed already.
if (PrimaryConnInfo)
XLogRecPtr ptr;
TimeLineID tli;
if (fetching_ckpt)
ptr = RedoStartLSN;
tli = ControlFile->checkPointCopy.ThisTimeLineID;
ptr = tliRecPtr;
tli = tliOfPointInHistory(tliRecPtr, expectedTLEs);
if (curFileTLI > 0 && tli < curFileTLI)
elog(ERROR, "according to history file, WAL location %X/%X belongs to timeline %u, but previous recovered WAL file came from timeline %u",
(uint32) (ptr >> 32), (uint32) ptr,
tli, curFileTLI);
curFileTLI = tli;
// 请求 fork walreceiver 进程
RequestXLogStreaming(tli, ptr, PrimaryConnInfo,
receivedUpto = 0;
// 根据source执行
* We've now handled possible failure. Try to read from the chosen
* source.
lastSourceFailed = false;
switch (currentSource)
/* Close any old file we might have open. */
if (readFile >= 0)
readFile = -1;
/* Reset curFileTLI if random fetch. */
if (randAccess)
curFileTLI = 0;
* Try to restore the file from archive, or read an existing
* file from pg_xlog.
readFile = XLogFileReadAnyTLI(readSegNo, DEBUG2,
if (readFile >= 0) // 表示打开文件成功,继续在这个source里读下一个文件 ,直到失败
return true; /* success! */
* Nope, not found in archive or pg_xlog.
lastSourceFailed = true;
整理一下启动wal receiver的流程如下
* Reasons for signaling the postmaster. We can cope with simultaneous
* signals for different reasons. If the same reason is signaled multiple
* times in quick succession, however, the postmaster is likely to observe
* only one notification of it. This is okay for the present uses.
typedef enum
PMSIGNAL_RECOVERY_STARTED, /* recovery has started */
PMSIGNAL_BEGIN_HOT_STANDBY, /* begin Hot Standby */
PMSIGNAL_WAKEN_ARCHIVER, /* send a NOTIFY signal to xlog archiver */
PMSIGNAL_ROTATE_LOGFILE, /* send SIGUSR1 to syslogger to rotate logfile */
PMSIGNAL_START_AUTOVAC_LAUNCHER, /* start an autovacuum launcher */
PMSIGNAL_START_AUTOVAC_WORKER, /* start an autovacuum worker */
PMSIGNAL_BACKGROUND_WORKER_CHANGE, /* background worker state change */
PMSIGNAL_START_WALRECEIVER, /* start a walreceiver */
PMSIGNAL_ADVANCE_STATE_MACHINE, /* advance postmaster's state machine */
NUM_PMSIGNALS /* Must be last value of enum! */
} PMSignalReason;
#define StartupDataBase() StartChildProcess(StartupProcess)
#define StartBackgroundWriter() StartChildProcess(BgWriterProcess)
#define StartCheckpointer() StartChildProcess(CheckpointerProcess)
#define StartWalWriter() StartChildProcess(WalWriterProcess)
#define StartWalReceiver() StartChildProcess(WalReceiverProcess)
* sigusr1_handler - handle signal conditions from child processes
static void
if (CheckPostmasterSignal(PMSIGNAL_START_WALRECEIVER) &&
WalReceiverPID == 0 &&
(pmState == PM_STARTUP || pmState == PM_RECOVERY ||
pmState == PM_HOT_STANDBY || pmState == PM_WAIT_READONLY) &&
Shutdown == NoShutdown)
/* Startup Process wants us to start the walreceiver process. */
WalReceiverPID = StartWalReceiver();
* StartChildProcess -- start an auxiliary process for the postmaster
* "type" determines what kind of child will be started. All child types
* initially go to AuxiliaryProcessMain, which will handle common setup.
* Return value of StartChildProcess is subprocess' PID, or 0 if failed
* to start subprocess.
static pid_t
StartChildProcess(AuxProcType type)
pid = postmaster_forkexec(ac, av);
#else /* !EXEC_BACKEND */
pid = fork_process();
if (pid == 0) /* child */
/* Close the postmaster's sockets */
/* Release postmaster's working memory context */
PostmasterContext = NULL;
AuxiliaryProcessMain(ac, av);
* Request postmaster to start walreceiver.
* recptr indicates the position where streaming should begin, conninfo
* is a libpq connection string to use, and slotname is, optionally, the name
* of a replication slot to acquire.
RequestXLogStreaming(TimeLineID tli, XLogRecPtr recptr, const char *conninfo,
const char *slotname)
if (walrcv->walRcvState == WALRCV_STOPPED)
launch = true;
walrcv->walRcvState = WALRCV_STARTING;
walrcv->walRcvState = WALRCV_RESTARTING;
walrcv->startTime = now;
if (launch)
* Codes indicating where we got a WAL file from during recovery, or where
* to attempt to get one.
typedef enum
XLOG_FROM_ANY = 0, /* request to read WAL from any source */
XLOG_FROM_ARCHIVE, /* restored using restore_command */
XLOG_FROM_PG_XLOG, /* existing file in pg_xlog */
XLOG_FROM_STREAM /* streamed from master */
} XLogSource;
* Keeps track of which source we're currently reading from. This is
* different from readSource in that this is always set, even when we don't
* currently have a WAL file open. If lastSourceFailed is set, our last
* attempt to read from currentSource failed, and we should try another source
* next.
static XLogSource currentSource = 0; /* XLOG_FROM_* code */
* Open the WAL segment containing WAL position 'RecPtr'.
* The segment can be fetched via restore_command, or via walreceiver having
* streamed the record, or it can already be present in pg_xlog. Checking
* pg_xlog is mainly for crash recovery, but it will be polled in standby mode
* too, in case someone copies a new segment directly to pg_xlog. That is not
* documented or recommended, though.
* If 'fetching_ckpt' is true, we're fetching a checkpoint record, and should
* prepare to read WAL starting from RedoStartLSN after this.
* 'RecPtr' might not point to the beginning of the record we're interested
* in, it might also point to the page or segment header. In that case,
* 'tliRecPtr' is the position of the WAL record we're interested in. It is
* used to decide which timeline to stream the requested WAL from.
* If the record is not immediately available, the function returns false
* if we're not in standby mode. In standby mode, waits for it to become
* available.
* When the requested record becomes available, the function opens the file
* containing it (if not open already), and returns true. When end of standby
* mode is triggered by the user, and there is no more WAL available, returns
* false.
static bool
WaitForWALToBecomeAvailable(XLogRecPtr RecPtr, bool randAccess,
bool fetching_ckpt, XLogRecPtr tliRecPtr)
static TimestampTz last_fail_time = 0;
TimestampTz now;
* Standby mode is implemented by a state machine:
* 1. Read from either archive or pg_xlog (XLOG_FROM_ARCHIVE), or just
* pg_xlog (XLOG_FROM_XLOG)
* 2. Check trigger file
* 3. Read from primary server via walreceiver (XLOG_FROM_STREAM)
* 4. Rescan timelines
* 5. Sleep wal_retrieve_retry_interval milliseconds, and loop back to 1.
* Failure to read from the current source advances the state machine to
* the next state.
* 'currentSource' indicates the current state. There are no currentSource
* values for "check trigger", "rescan timelines", and "sleep" states,
* those actions are taken when reading from the previous source fails, as
* part of advancing to the next state.
if (!InArchiveRecovery)
currentSource = XLOG_FROM_PG_XLOG;
else if (currentSource == 0)
currentSource = XLOG_FROM_ARCHIVE;
for (;;)
int oldSource = currentSource;
// 切换source
if (lastSourceFailed)
switch (currentSource)
* If primary_conninfo is set, launch walreceiver to try
* to stream the missing WAL.
* If fetching_ckpt is TRUE, RecPtr points to the initial
* checkpoint location. In that case, we use RedoStartLSN
* as the streaming start position instead of RecPtr, so
* that when we later jump backwards to start redo at
* RedoStartLSN, we will have the logs streamed already.
if (PrimaryConnInfo)
XLogRecPtr ptr;
TimeLineID tli;
if (fetching_ckpt)
ptr = RedoStartLSN;
tli = ControlFile->checkPointCopy.ThisTimeLineID;
ptr = tliRecPtr;
tli = tliOfPointInHistory(tliRecPtr, expectedTLEs);
if (curFileTLI > 0 && tli < curFileTLI)
elog(ERROR, "according to history file, WAL location %X/%X belongs to timeline %u, but previous recovered WAL file came from timeline %u",
(uint32) (ptr >> 32), (uint32) ptr,
tli, curFileTLI);
curFileTLI = tli;
// 请求 fork walreceiver 进程
RequestXLogStreaming(tli, ptr, PrimaryConnInfo,
receivedUpto = 0;
// 根据source执行
* We've now handled possible failure. Try to read from the chosen
* source.
lastSourceFailed = false;
switch (currentSource)
/* Close any old file we might have open. */
if (readFile >= 0)
readFile = -1;
/* Reset curFileTLI if random fetch. */
if (randAccess)
curFileTLI = 0;
* Try to restore the file from archive, or read an existing
* file from pg_xlog.
readFile = XLogFileReadAnyTLI(readSegNo, DEBUG2,
if (readFile >= 0)
return true; /* success! */
* Nope, not found in archive or pg_xlog.
lastSourceFailed = true;
Standby创建的检查点称为restart ckpt, 目的是防止正常的停止STANDBY后,还要从正常的检查点位置开始恢复。
建立了restart CKPT后,standby重启时,从restart CKPT开始恢复即可。
bool do_restartpoint;
do_restartpoint = RecoveryInProgress();
if (!do_restartpoint)
ckpt_performed = true;
ckpt_performed = CreateRestartPoint(flags);
* This must be called ONCE during postmaster or standalone-backend shutdown
ShutdownXLOG(int code, Datum arg)
/* Don't be chatty in standalone mode */
ereport(IsPostmasterEnvironment ? LOG : NOTICE,
(errmsg("shutting down")));
if (RecoveryInProgress())
* If archiving is enabled, rotate the last XLOG file so that all the
* remaining records are archived (postmaster wakes up the archiver
* process one more time at the end of shutdown). The checkpoint
* record will go to the next XLOG file and won't be archived (yet).
if (XLogArchivingActive() && XLogArchiveCommandSet())
* Establish a restartpoint if possible.
* This is similar to CreateCheckPoint, but is used during WAL recovery
* to establish a point from which recovery can roll forward without
* replaying the entire recovery log.
* Returns true if a new restartpoint was established. We can only establish
* a restartpoint if we have replayed a safe checkpoint record since last
* restartpoint.
CreateRestartPoint(int flags)
1. 如果备库恢复速度较主慢,接收到的1024MB日志,只恢复到了512MB,然后wal receiver进程突然挂了。
此时,standby会将恢复source切到pg_xlog或resotre_command,由于pg_xlog里面还有512MB没有恢复,那么会等这512MB恢复完后,才会发生source的切换,再次唤醒wal receiver。
2. standby crash,没有产生shutdown restart CKPT.
crash后重启,需要从最近的restart ckpt或者ckpt进行恢复,如果这之间有许多PG_XLOG,那么也需要恢复一段时间,从而wal receiver的唤醒时间也会被拖长。
带来的问题就是:主库和备库的sender wal位点差异会受到一定的影响。如果正好此时主库挂了,缺失的日志可能会比较多。
1. 备库在接收xlog时,记录xlog接收到的位点信息,从而XLOG不需要等apply位点来获取状态。
2. 并行接收,不要等APPLY请求唤醒WAL RECEIVER,使用独立的进程receive。
3. 并行恢复,由于PostgreSQL是物理的备库,效率已经很高了,通常不需要并行恢复,首先要考虑的是备库的IOPS能力。
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