PostgreSQL , Linux , systemtap , stap , dtrace , probe
例子来自iotime.stp 脚本, 该脚本用以监控每个进程对文件的读写字节数以及耗费的时间. 注意syscall.read和syscall.write还提供了请求读写字节数的上下文变量($count), 脚本中没有, 我增加了请求读写字节数的输出.
修改后的脚本内容以及注解 :
[root@db-172-16-3-150 network]# cd /usr/share/systemtap/testsuite/systemtap.examples/io
[root@db-172-16-3-150 io]# cat iotime.stp
* Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Red Hat Inc.
* This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use,
* modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions
* of the GNU General Public License v.2.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* Print out the amount of time spent in the read and write systemcall
* when each file opened by the process is closed. Note that the systemtap
* script needs to be running before the open operations occur for
* the script to record data.
* This script could be used to to find out which files are slow to load
* on a machine. e.g.
* stap iotime.stp -c 'firefox'
* Output format is:
* timestamp pid (executabable) info_type path ...
* 200283135 2573 (cupsd) access /etc/printcap read: 0 write: 7063
* 200283143 2573 (cupsd) iotime /etc/printcap time: 69
global start // stap开始时的时间戳
global time_io // 记录单个进程对单个文件的读和写操作的时间开销 (gettimeofday_us() - @entry(gettimeofday_us())) "@entry()为return event独有."
function timestamp:long() { return gettimeofday_us() - start }
// 返回stap开始后的时间位移量, 在脚本中没有太大的实际意义
function proc:string() { return sprintf("%d (%s)", pid(), execname()) }
// 返回字符串, 包含进程id和进程的command name.
probe begin { start = gettimeofday_us() }
// 开始时, 记录当前的时间戳, 用以后面调用timestamp函数时输出位移量.
global filehandles, fileread, filewrite, afileread, afilewrite
// 定义几个全局变量, 存储数组
// filehandles数组, 索引为pid和fd(进程id和文件描述符), 存储的值为文件名.
// fileread, filewrite, afileread, afilewrite数组, 索引为pid和fd, 存储的值为读写的字节数, 请求读写的字节数.
probe syscall.open.return {
filename = user_string($filename)
if ($return != -1) { // 返回值为文件描述符id, -1表示打开文件失败.
filehandles[pid(), $return] = filename
} else {
printf("%d %s access %s fail\n", timestamp(), proc(), filename)
// syscall.open.return, 打开文件事件.
// 写filehandles数组, 索引为pid和fd(进程id和文件描述符), 存储的值为文件名.
probe syscall.read.return {
time = gettimeofday_us() - @entry(gettimeofday_us())
p = pid()
fd = $fd
bytes = $return
if (bytes > 0)
fileread[p, fd] += bytes
if ($count > 0)
afileread[p, fd] += $count
time_io[p, fd] <<< time
// syscall.read.return, 读文件事件.
// 写fileread, afileread 数组, 索引为pid和fd, 存储的值为读的字节数, 请求读的字节数.
// 同时写time_io数组, 索引为pid和fd, 存储的值为统计类型, read消耗的时间.
// time = gettimeofday_us() - @entry(gettimeofday_us()) 放在handler的第一个语句, 减少误差.
probe syscall.write.return {
time = gettimeofday_us() - @entry(gettimeofday_us())
p = pid()
fd = $fd
bytes = $return
if (bytes > 0)
filewrite[p, fd] += bytes
if ($count > 0)
afilewrite[p, fd] += $count
time_io[p, fd] <<< time
// syscall.write.return, 读文件事件.
// 写filewrite, afilewrite 数组, 索引为pid和fd, 存储的值为写的字节数, 请求写的字节数.
// 同时写time_io数组, 索引为pid和fd, 存储的值为统计类型, write消耗的时间.
// time = gettimeofday_us() - @entry(gettimeofday_us()) 放在handler的第一个语句, 减少误差.
probe syscall.close {
if ([pid(), $fd] in filehandles) {
printf("%d %s access %s attempts read: %d write: %d, actual read: %d write: %d\n",
timestamp(), proc(), filehandles[pid(), $fd],
afileread[pid(), $fd], afilewrite[pid(), $fd],
fileread[pid(), $fd], filewrite[pid(), $fd])
if (@count(time_io[pid(), $fd]))
printf("%d %s iotime %s time: %d\n", timestamp(), proc(),
filehandles[pid(), $fd], @sum(time_io[pid(), $fd]))
delete afileread[pid(), $fd]
delete afilewrite[pid(), $fd]
delete fileread[pid(), $fd]
delete filewrite[pid(), $fd]
delete filehandles[pid(), $fd]
delete time_io[pid(),$fd]
// 文件关闭后清除这些数组的数据, 以便下一次统计.
// 文件关闭事件, 文件关闭后输出进程对文件的读写操作的统计信息.
// 请求读写的字节数, 实际的读写字节数, 读写总共耗费的时间.
// if ([pid(), $fd] in filehandles) 判断stap脚本是否记录到了open动作,
// 没有记录到的话不输出fileread,filewrite,afileread,afilewrite数组的值,
// 因为没记录到打开文件的动作, 数据只包含进程对文件的部分读写操作的统计.
执行输出举例 :
[root@db-172-16-3-150 io]# stap iotime.stp
28518687 10992 (postgres) access pg_xlog/archive_status/000000010000001100000008.ready attempts read: 0 write: 0, actual read: 0 write: 0
28518723 10992 (postgres) access pg_xlog/000000010000001100000008 attempts read: 0 write: 22642688, actual read: 0 write: 22642688
28518731 10992 (postgres) iotime pg_xlog/000000010000001100000008 time: 30728
28518887 10994 (postgres) access pg_xlog/archive_status attempts read: 0 write: 0, actual read: 0 write: 0
28520418 4366 (sh) access /lib64/libtinfo.so.5 attempts read: 832 write: 0, actual read: 832 write: 0
28520426 4366 (sh) iotime /lib64/libtinfo.so.5 time: 3
28520525 4366 (sh) access /lib64/libdl.so.2 attempts read: 832 write: 0, actual read: 832 write: 0
28520529 4366 (sh) iotime /lib64/libdl.so.2 time: 3
28520622 4366 (sh) access /lib64/libc.so.6 attempts read: 832 write: 0, actual read: 832 write: 0
28520626 4366 (sh) iotime /lib64/libc.so.6 time: 2
28520929 4366 (sh) access /usr/lib/locale/locale-archive attempts read: 0 write: 0, actual read: 0 write: 0
28521157 4366 (sh) access /proc/meminfo attempts read: 1024 write: 0, actual read: 1024 write: 0
28521162 4366 (sh) iotime /proc/meminfo time: 54
28521341 4366 (sh) access /usr/lib64/gconv/gconv-modules.cache attempts read: 0 write: 0, actual read: 0 write: 0
28522690 4366 (date) access /lib64/librt.so.1 attempts read: 832 write: 0, actual read: 832 write: 0
28522697 4366 (date) iotime /lib64/librt.so.1 time: 3
28522788 4366 (date) access /lib64/libc.so.6 attempts read: 832 write: 0, actual read: 832 write: 0
28522792 4366 (date) iotime /lib64/libc.so.6 time: 2
28522888 4366 (date) access /lib64/libpthread.so.0 attempts read: 832 write: 0, actual read: 832 write: 0
28522892 4366 (date) iotime /lib64/libpthread.so.0 time: 3
28523146 4366 (date) access /usr/lib/locale/locale-archive attempts read: 0 write: 0, actual read: 0 write: 0
28523254 4366 (date) access /etc/localtime attempts read: 8192 write: 0, actual read: 645 write: 0
28523258 4366 (date) iotime /etc/localtime time: 10
28523571 10994 (postgres) access pg_xlog/archive_status attempts read: 0 write: 0, actual read: 0 write: 0
30506631 4361 (postgres) access pg_subtrans/0855 attempts read: 0 write: 8192, actual read: 0 write: 8192
30506642 4361 (postgres) iotime pg_subtrans/0855 time: 21
30720464 4361 (postgres) access pg_subtrans/0855 attempts read: 0 write: 8192, actual read: 0 write: 8192
30720475 4361 (postgres) iotime pg_subtrans/0855 time: 33
30935841 4361 (postgres) access pg_subtrans/0855 attempts read: 0 write: 8192, actual read: 0 write: 8192
30935852 4361 (postgres) iotime pg_subtrans/0855 time: 33
31147483 4361 (postgres) access pg_subtrans/0855 attempts read: 0 write: 8192, actual read: 0 write: 8192
31147494 4361 (postgres) iotime pg_subtrans/0855 time: 26
31281002 1581 (irqbalance) access /proc/interrupts attempts read: 8192 write: 0, actual read: 8192 write: 0
31281013 1581 (irqbalance) iotime /proc/interrupts time: 247
31281359 1581 (irqbalance) access /proc/stat attempts read: 3072 write: 0, actual read: 3072 write: 0
31281363 1581 (irqbalance) iotime /proc/stat time: 249
31281441 1581 (irqbalance) access /proc/irq/15/smp_affinity attempts read: 1024 write: 0, actual read: 9 write: 0
31281445 1581 (irqbalance) iotime /proc/irq/15/smp_affinity time: 8
// 读写单位字节, 时间单位微秒 (1μs (微秒) 1微秒=0.000001=10-6秒)
本文用到的几个probe alias原型(包含对应的call原型).
# open _______________________________________________________
# long sys_open(const char __user * filename, int flags, int mode)
# (obsolete) long sys32_open(const char * filename, int flags, int mode)
probe syscall.open = kernel.function("compat_sys_open").call ?,
kernel.function("sys32_open").call ?,
kernel.function("sys_open").call ?
name = "open"
filename = user_string($filename)
flags = $flags
mode = $mode
if (flags & 64)
argstr = sprintf("%s, %s, %#o", user_string_quoted($filename),
_sys_open_flag_str($flags), $mode)
argstr = sprintf("%s, %s", user_string_quoted($filename),
probe syscall.open.return = kernel.function("compat_sys_open").return ?,
kernel.function("sys32_open").return ?,
kernel.function("sys_open").return ?
name = "open"
retstr = return_str(1, $return)
# read _______________________________________________________
# ssize_t sys_read(unsigned int fd, char __user * buf, size_t count)
probe syscall.read = kernel.function("sys_read").call
name = "read"
fd = $fd
buf_uaddr = $buf
count = $count
argstr = sprintf("%d, %p, %d", $fd, $buf, $count)
probe syscall.read.return = kernel.function("sys_read").return
name = "read"
retstr = return_str(1, $return)
# write ______________________________________________________
# ssize_t sys_write(unsigned int fd,
# const char __user * buf,
# size_t count)
probe syscall.write = kernel.function("sys_write").call
name = "write"
fd = $fd
buf_uaddr = $buf
count = $count
argstr = sprintf("%d, %s, %d", $fd, text_strn(user_string($buf), syscall_string_trunc, 1), $count)
probe syscall.write.return = kernel.function("sys_write").return
name = "write"
retstr = return_str(1, $return)
# close ______________________________________________________
# long sys_close(unsigned int fd)
probe syscall.close = kernel.function("sys_close").call
name = "close"
fd = $fd
argstr = sprint(fd)
probe syscall.close.return = kernel.function("sys_close").return
name = "close"
retstr = return_str(1, $return)
这几个函数的源码位置信息: (源码这里就不贴出来了)
[root@db-172-16-3-150 io]# stap -L 'kernel.function("compat_sys_open").call'
kernel.function("compat_sys_open@fs/compat.c:1343").call $filename:char const* $flags:int $mode:int
[root@db-172-16-3-150 io]# stap -L 'kernel.function("sys32_open").call'
[root@db-172-16-3-150 io]# stap -L 'kernel.function("sys_open").call'
kernel.function("sys_open@fs/open.c:913").call $filename:char const* $flags:int $mode:int $ret:long int
[root@db-172-16-3-150 io]# stap -L 'kernel.function("sys_read").call'
kernel.function("sys_read@fs/read_write.c:389").call $fd:unsigned int $buf:char* $count:size_t $fput_needed:int
[root@db-172-16-3-150 io]# stap -L 'kernel.function("sys_write").call'
kernel.function("sys_write@fs/read_write.c:407").call $fd:unsigned int $buf:char const* $count:size_t $fput_needed:int
[root@db-172-16-3-150 io]# stap -L 'kernel.function("sys_close").call'
kernel.function("sys_close@fs/open.c:982").call $fd:unsigned int
[root@db-172-16-3-150 io]# stap -L 'kernel.function("compat_sys_open").return'
kernel.function("compat_sys_open@fs/compat.c:1343").return $return:long int $filename:char const* $flags:int $mode:int
[root@db-172-16-3-150 io]# stap -L 'kernel.function("sys32_open").return'
[root@db-172-16-3-150 io]# stap -L 'kernel.function("sys_open").return'
kernel.function("sys_open@fs/open.c:913").return $return:long int $filename:char const* $flags:int $mode:int $ret:long int
[root@db-172-16-3-150 io]# stap -L 'kernel.function("sys_read").return'
kernel.function("sys_read@fs/read_write.c:389").return $return:long int $fd:unsigned int $buf:char* $count:size_t $fput_needed:int
[root@db-172-16-3-150 io]# stap -L 'kernel.function("sys_write").return'
kernel.function("sys_write@fs/read_write.c:407").return $return:long int $fd:unsigned int $buf:char const* $count:size_t $fput_needed:int
[root@db-172-16-3-150 io]# stap -L 'kernel.function("sys_close").return'
kernel.function("sys_close@fs/open.c:982").return $return:long int $fd:unsigned int
1. https://sourceware.org/systemtap/SystemTap_Beginners_Guide/mainsect-disk.html
2. https://sourceware.org/systemtap/examples/
3. /usr/share/systemtap/testsuite/systemtap.examples
4. systemtap-testsuite
5. /usr/share/systemtap/testsuite/systemtap.examples/index.txt
6. /usr/share/systemtap/testsuite/systemtap.examples/keyword-index.txt
7. /usr/share/systemtap/tapset
8. https://sourceware.org/systemtap/tapsets/API-ctime.html
9. https://sourceware.org/systemtap/tapsets/API-gettimeofday-s.html
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