This package provides a simple way of including different types of migrations over multiple databases. A common use case would be that you are running a main database and separate databases for each customer.
It is a bit painful to run each migration independently for each database connection. You are also not able to differ which migration is responsible for which type of migration.
Custom Migrations to the Aid!
Laravel Version | Version |
4.x | 1.0.* |
5.0 | 1.1.* |
5.1 | 1.2.* |
5.2 | 1.3.* |
To install this package, simply put the following into your composer.json
For Laravel 5.x:
"require": {
"codengine/laravel-custom-migrations": "1.3.*"
The displayed version is for Laravel 5.2, use the Compatibility table above for your Laravel 5 version
For Laravel 4.x:
"require": {
"codengine/laravel-custom-migrations": "1.0.*"
After updating composer, replace the default Laravel Migration Service Provider
You should then update the laravel autoload files with
php artisan dump-autoload
In your database.php file, you have to specify the type of the database which will later be used to decide which migrations apply for them. Here is an example:
'my_customer' => array(
'driver' => 'mysql',
'host' => 'localhost',
'database' => 'customer',
'username' => 'customer',
'password' => '',
'charset' => 'utf8',
'collation' => 'utf8_unicode_ci',
'prefix' => '',
'migration_type' => 'customer'
The important part is "migration_type". It does not have to be unique.
Each migration file needs to be type-hinted as we need to differ between default migrations and custom ones.
You have to specify the type of the migration in your migration class like this:
class MyMigration {
public $type = "customer";
public function up(){
It has to be public and should be the same as in your database configuration. If a $type is not specified, the migration will only be used for the default database.
As this package only extends the Laravel commands, every command like "migrate", "rollback", "reset" and "refresh" works like it did before.
There is just one difference: Each command got a new option: --type=xyz. So, in order to run the "customer" migrations for each customer-related database you just have to execute the command like this:
php artisan migrate --type=customer
php artisan migrate:rollback --type=customer
php artisan migrate:refresh --type=customer
php artisan migrate:reset --type=customer
It will iterate over each customer database connection and run the applicable migrations.
You can also limit the migration to just one database using the --database option like this
php artisan migrate --type=customer --database=mySpecialCustomer
The Laravel Custom Migrations Package is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license