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File metadata and controls

73 lines (50 loc) · 3.94 KB



To use OrganisationUnitTreeRootError, you can import the component from the @dhis2/ui library

import { OrganisationUnitTreeRootError } from '@dhis2/ui'


Name Type Default Required Description
error string *
dataTest string 'dhis2-uiwidgets-orgunittree-error'



To use OrganisationUnitTreeRootLoading, you can import the component from the @dhis2/ui library

import { OrganisationUnitTreeRootLoading } from '@dhis2/ui'


Name Type Default Required Description
dataTest string 'dhis2-uiwidgets-orgunittree-loading'



To use OrganisationUnitTree, you can import the component from the @dhis2/ui library

import { OrganisationUnitTree } from '@dhis2/ui'


Name Type Default Required Description
roots string │ arrayOf(string) * Root org unit ID(s)
onChange function * Will be called with the following object:
{ id: string, displayName: string, path: string, checked: boolean, selected: string[] }
autoExpandLoadingError boolean When set, the error when loading children fails will be shown automatically
dataTest string 'dhis2-uiwidgets-orgunittree'
disableSelection boolean When set to true, no unit can be selected
expanded custom(function)
filter arrayOf(custom) [] All organisation units with a path that includes the provided paths will be shown.
All others will not be rendered. When not provided, all org units will be shown.
forceReload boolean When true, everything will be reloaded. In order to load it again after reloading, forceReload has to be set to false and then to true again
handleCollapse custom(function)
handleExpand custom(function)
highlighted arrayOf(custom) [] All units provided to "highlighted" as path will be visually
The d2-ui component used two props for this:
* searchResults
* highlightSearchResults
initiallyExpanded arrayOf(custom) [] An array of OU paths that will be expanded automatically
as soon as they are encountered.
The path of an OU is the UIDs of the OU
and all its parent OUs separated by slashes (/)
Note: This replaces "openFirstLevel" as that's redundant
isUserDataViewFallback boolean When provided, the 'isUserDataViewFallback' option will be sent when requesting the org units
renderNodeLabel function defaultRenderNodeLabel Renders the actual node component for each leaf, can be used to
customize the node. The default function just returns the node's

Shape of the object passed to the callback:
<br/>{<br/> label: string,<br/> node: {<br/> displayName: string,<br/> id: string,<br/> // Only provided once `loading` is false<br/> path?: string,<br/> // Only provided once `loading` is false<br/> children?: Array.<{<br/> id: string,<br/> path: string,<br/> displayName: string<br/> }><br/> },<br/> loading: boolean,<br/> error: string,<br/> open: boolean,<br/> selected: string[],<br/> singleSelection: boolean,<br/> disableSelection: boolean,<br/>}<br/>
selected arrayOf(custom) [] An array of paths of selected OUs. The path of an OU is the UIDs of the OU and all its parent OUs separated by slashes (/)
singleSelection boolean When set, no checkboxes will be displayed and only the first selected path in selected will be highlighted
suppressAlphabeticalSorting boolean Turns off alphabetical sorting of units
onChildrenLoaded function Called with the children's data that was loaded
onCollapse function Called with { path: string } with the path of the parent of the level closed
onExpand function Called with { path: string } with the path of the parent of the level opened