Android Capture App for DHIS 2 (v1.2.2) - Patch Version
This is a patch version of the DHIS2 Android App. It builds upon the last version including bug fixes that couldn't wait to the next version. It includes no functional improvements neither changes in the User Interface. It means that yours users can update without experiencing any change in the UI.
Patch/bug-fixing versions are not published in the announcements channel but on the mobile community. You can find in Jira more details on the bugs fixed in this version. Remember to check the documentation for detailed information of the functionalities included in the App and how to configure DHIS2 to use it. Please create a Jira Issue if you find a bug or you want to propose a new functionality. [Project: Android App for DHIS2 | Component: AndroidApp]. You can also download the App from Google Play! Find all details in our website |
Bug Fixing
ANDROAPP-2077 | Android Capture 1.2.1 Crashing when opening some program stages
ANDROAPP-2072 | Delete Data does not set to 0 the values for current Events and TEIs downloaded
ANDROAPP-2065 | android jira form not sending correct data
ANDROAPP-1993 | User dat entry orgunits not respected in tracker capture
ANDROAPP-1997 | User is allow to create new TEIs in Organisation Units which the program does not have access to
ANDROAPP-1996 | Error/crash after authentication: android.content.res.Resources$NotFoundException: Drawable com.dhis2:drawable/ic_cardiogram_e_outline with resource ID #0x7f0802a5
ANDROAPP-1990 | App duplicates option when there is more than one Option Group using that same option
ANDROAPP-1989 | App crashes for Event programs with over 230 data elements
ANDROAPP-1980 | Configuration sync errors
ANDROAPP-1965 | Generated Unique ID attribute not working when max number of ID's is reached in the server.
ANDROAPP-1954 | CatCombo with more than one Category should show each Category separately
ANDROAPP-1448 | User is able to edit event dates outside the opening and closing dates
Log in & Settings
ANDROAPP-1843 | TEI sync parameters not having an effect on data sync Capture App v1.1.1
ANDROAPP-1771 | Events stop syncing when max TEIs are reached?
Tracker Program: TEI List & Search
ANDROAPP-1994 | Missing tracked entities synchronisation icon
Tracker Program: TEI Dashbaord
ANDROAPP-2071 | Tei dashboard errors at rotation
ANDROAPP-1983 | Display date value type as result of Program Indicator
Tracker program: Enrollment & program stages logic
ANDROAPP-2057 | After saving enrollment, program stage 1 loading animation perpetually spinning
ANDROAPP-2001 | Enrolment Date Error
ANDROAPP-1986 | App is showing the wrong stage name (created event)
ANDROAPP-1985 | User is able to edit the event's OrgUnit after the event is created
ANDROAPP-1839 | Org Unit under Tracker's Event details does not persist and cannot be changed
ANDROAPP-1644 | Expired Period type+Expired days does not lock data-entry for previous event
ANDROAPP-1552 | If the event is auto-generated the "hide due date" feature does not work
Data Entry Form
ANDROAPP-2053 | Coordinates display for completed records when not supposed to show
ANDROAPP-2000 | Search bar for long optionsets not searching
ANDROAPP-1999 | Percentage icon shows more than 100% in default forms
ANDROAPP-1991 | Android v1.2.1 spins without loading sections
ANDROAPP-1987 | Unable to create events with a period type assigned
ANDROAPP-1822 | Mismatch in the order of of attributes and data elements of value type age
ANDROAPP-1770 | Save form value when rotating screen
Program Rules
ANDROAPP-2070 | Program Rules with a programStage target executing in a different one
ANDROAPP-2069 | Display warning messages in orange instead in red to differenciate from errors
ANDROAPP-1981 | Assign action not triggered from data entry
ANDROAPP-1766 | More complex program rules can take 7-15 seconds on higher (3GB) RAM and 15-20 seconds to register on lower (1GB) RAM or cause app to crash